Info 19 Viajes a Indias A-M

First Name
Last Name
1 First Name Cristoval Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2 First Name Martin Last Name Abad Alias Year 1583 Origin Residence Arequipa Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Went as Priest in Arequipa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3 First Name Maria Last Name Abarca Alias Year 1583 Origin Bilbao Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went with his single sisters Beatriz Abarcade Arquieta and Antonia Abarca de Arquieta from Blbao Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
4 First Name Antonia Last Name Abarca De Arquieta Alias Year 1583 Origin Bilbao Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
5 First Name Beatriz Last Name Abarca De Arquieta Alias Year 1583 Origin Bilbao Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
6 First Name The Last Name Accountant Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
7 First Name Pedro Last Name Acensio Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
8 First Name Baltasar Last Name Acuaga Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
9 First Name Martin Last Name Afresco Alias Year 1577 Origin Cadiz Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
10 First Name No first name given Last Name Agarin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
11 First Name Alonso Last Name Aguado Alias Year 1588 Origin Ciempozuelos Madrid Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Maria Hernandez from Madri Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
12 First Name Martin Last Name Aguado The Elder Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Marques En Tezcuco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
13 First Name Diego Last Name Aguayo Alias Year 1534 Origin Puente San Martin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with Hernando Pizarro Son of the Mayor of Puente San Martin Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
14 First Name Bartolome Last Name Agudo Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
15 First Name Catalina Last Name Agudo Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went with her brother Bartolome Agudo and their children to live with her Husband Resident of those provinces Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
16 First Name Martin Last Name Agueda Alias Year 1579 Origin Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed went to live with his son Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
17 First Name Ana Last Name Aguilar Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
18 First Name Andres Last Name Aguilar Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
19 First Name Bartolome Last Name Aguilar Alias Year 1583 Origin Peru Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Mulato as servant of Juan Barbaran Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
20 First Name Diego Last Name Aguilar Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
21 First Name Diego Last Name Aguilar Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Went with his brother Alonso de Aguilar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
22 First Name Francisca Last Name Aguilar Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Widow and children with Antonio Gonzalez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
23 First Name Luis Last Name Aguilar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
24 First Name Francisco Last Name Aguillar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Home of Villanueva Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
25 First Name No first name given Last Name Aguillar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
26 First Name Francisco Last Name Aguirre Alias Year 1552 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his Catalina alvarez his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
27 First Name Juan Last Name Aguirre Alias Year 1576 Origin Escoriaca Guipuzcoa Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Rui Diaz de Mendoza Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
28 First Name No first name given Last Name Aguirre Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
29 First Name Geronimo Last Name Alatraz Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
30 First Name Maria Last Name Alba Alias Year 1575 Origin Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with her Father Melchor de Alba Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
31 First Name Juanes Last Name Alboredo Alias Year 1588 Origin Puebla de Arganzon Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
32 First Name Juana Last Name Albornoz Alias Year 1579 Origin Ibague Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Went with her Father Francisco De Albornoz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
33 First Name Espinosa Last Name Alcaide Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
34 First Name Mencia Last Name Alcocer Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Juan de Mesa her neohew Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
35 First Name Joan Last Name Aldesuiros Alias Year 1569 Origin Calamea Residence Asuncion Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Does not yet have a crew has hos wife and nieces in Sanlucar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
36 First Name No first name given Last Name Aldoval Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Seargent Major Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
37 First Name Luis Last Name Alegre Alias Year 1566 Origin Flemish Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
38 First Name Luis Last Name Alegre Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
39 First Name Juan Last Name Aleman Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Occupation Friar Sentence Comments Franciscan friar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
40 First Name Juan Last Name Aleman Menendez Alias Year 1553 Origin Moguer Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Juana Tellez his wife and sigle male children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
41 First Name Martin Last Name Aliaga Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Doctor Sentence Comments Married took his wife Ana de Montenegro and their children He was part of the Royal audience Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
42 First Name Cristobal Last Name Almansa Alias Year 1548 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
43 First Name Juan Last Name Almansa Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
44 First Name Juan Last Name Almaraz Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
45 First Name Francisco Last Name Alona Alias Year 1549 Origin Usagre Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Tierra Firma Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
46 First Name Alvaro Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1551 Origin Ribera Del Fresno Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
47 First Name Andres Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Local woman of the land Dansele 30 Indios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
48 First Name Antonio Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Portugues Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
49 First Name Cosme Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1592 Origin Cienpozuelos Madrid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
50 First Name Cristoval Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1565 Origin Sevilla Residence Asuncion Occupation Seller of Laces Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francisco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Married in Sevilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
51 First Name Cristoval Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1569 Origin Sevilla Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
52 First Name Diego Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1576 Origin Bollullos Sevilla Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Virrey D Alonso De Comtreras y Guevara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
53 First Name Duarte Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
54 First Name Fernando Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1549 Origin Usagre Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nicaragua. He was single and was the servant of Juan Arazola Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
55 First Name Francisco Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1592 Origin Cienpozuelos Madrid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
56 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1552 Origin Moguer Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single, servant of Juan de Llanes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
57 First Name Hernan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador/Scribe Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
58 First Name Ines Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Cristobal Martin Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean Blood had genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
59 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Mason Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
60 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas Del Cultepeque,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
61 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1551 Origin Albuera Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
62 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1563 Origin Aracena en Huelva Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
63 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1576 Origin Villaescusa De Haro Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with his uncle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
64 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1588 Origin Bujaranca Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Leonor Nunes natural de Bujaranza Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
65 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Velez Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Tiene Indios en Velez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
66 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Velez Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has Indans in Velez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
67 First Name Juan Juan Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Montanches Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
68 First Name Leonor Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1565 Origin Moguer en Huelva Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single in the service of Isabel and D.teresa Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
69 First Name Martin Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1512 Origin Villoria Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Lopez and Marina Gomez from Villora Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
70 First Name Mencia Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1579 Origin Truxillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
71 First Name Pedro Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Harriero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
72 First Name Pedro Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Espadero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
73 First Name Pedro Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1553 Origin Trigueros Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single, Page of Andres Perez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
74 First Name Pedro Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
75 First Name Pedro Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1578 Origin Ecanolinilla Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
76 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
77 First Name Toribio Last Name Alonso Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Archbishop of that Province Sentence Comments Elect Bishop of the Kings Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
78 First Name Martin Last Name Alonso Benduso Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador Given 40 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
79 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Cabrio Alias Year 1584 Origin Villar Don Pardo Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
80 First Name Garcia Last Name Alonso Cansino Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Palos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Alonso Cansino and Juana Gonzalez la Pinzona Was a witness to Vicente Añez Pinzon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
81 First Name Pero Last Name Alonso Coronilla Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Utreca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Jimenez Gautel and Ana Garcia La Coronilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
82 First Name Fernando Last Name Alonso de Cordoba Alias Year 1584 Origin Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
83 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso De La Tabla Alias Year 1563 Origin Cordoba Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Canon Sentence Comments Servant of Francisco de Cardona Canon of A Church in Cordoba Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
84 First Name Cristobal Last Name Alonso de Lepez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
85 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso De Los Santos Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
86 First Name Martin Last Name Alonso de Velasco Alias Year 1554 Origin Jaen Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
87 First Name Pero Last Name Alonso Escudero Alias Year 1588 Origin Tendilla Guadalajara Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
88 First Name Juan Last Name Alonso Herrero Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Garrobillas De Alconeta Occupation Farmer Sentence Comments Son of Juan Alonso Herrero and Maria Lorenzo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
89 First Name Hernando Last Name Alonso Hidalgo Alias Year 1576 Origin Fregenal Badajoz Residence Popayan Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single went as servant of Lic Francisco Hidalgo he was 20 and son of Rodrigo Alonso Hidalgo and Ana de Paz Old chrsitains clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
90 First Name Francisco Last Name Altamirano Alias Year 1548 Origin Villaroya en Aragon Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with Royal Credentials Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
91 First Name Hernando Last Name Altamirano Alias Year 1553 Origin Arenas Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
92 First Name Lic No first name given Last Name Altamirano Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
93 First Name Licencado Last Name Altamirano Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Was the hearer of the Real Audience of Peru who was passing to his destination with his wife L. De Torres and wingle children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
94 First Name Miguel Last Name Altamirano Alias Year 1569 Origin Trujillo Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
95 First Name Juan Last Name Altamirano De Hinojosa Alias Year 1563 Origin Truxillo Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Diego Garcia De Paredes Givernor of the Proince .23 years old.Legitimate son of Diego de Hinojosa and Estebania De Torres all from Truxillo Hijosdalgos via direct paternal lineage Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
96 First Name Alonso Last Name Alvares Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
97 First Name Agueda Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1576 Origin Villaescusa Zamora Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed Went to live with her son resident in the Provinces Old Christian Clean Blood Has the cleansing information Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
98 First Name Alonso Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home of Dona Luisa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
99 First Name Antonio Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1535 Origin Toledo Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
100 First Name Beatriz Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
101 First Name Catalina Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1552 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with her husband Francisco de Aguirre Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
102 First Name Diego Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1549 Origin Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Nueva España Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
103 First Name Francisco Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1535 Origin Jerez De La Frontera Residence Veragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Veragua to pass the conquest of Veragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
104 First Name Francisco Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1535 Origin Campos Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
105 First Name Francisco Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
106 First Name Francisco Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1585 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
107 First Name Garcia Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1549 Origin Villanueva De Bariarota Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
108 First Name Hernand Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1511 Origin County of Feria Residence Oliva Occupation Sentence Comments Son of García Alvarez and Inés de Terrazas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
109 First Name Isabel Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Guadalajara Occupation Musician Sentence Comments Daughter of Antonio Gpnzalez and catalina Gonzalez and wife of Francisco Colon ,musician, and their maid Catalina De Guadacanal daughtyer of Juan de Santiago and Teresa la Chamaza Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
110 First Name Juliana Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Burgos Occupation Sentence Comments Daugther of Alonso Diaz de Padilla and Catalina de Cueva. Wife of Pero Matienzo-She didn't bring licence Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
111 First Name Mari Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
112 First Name Maria Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Honorable married Went to live with her husband Diego Martinez resident in New Spain and has his kids with him Sebastian 3 Maria 4,Juan 5,Cristobal 6 and Pablo 7 Old Christians Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
113 First Name Pedro Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
114 First Name Romualdo Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
115 First Name Romulado Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico At the home of Mendez Vazquez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
116 First Name Beatriz Last Name Alvarez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Portalegre, Kingdom of Portugal Occupation Sentence Comments Daugther of Alvar Pérez and Margarita Añez, married to Francisco Jiménez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
117 First Name Francisco Last Name Alvarez Chico Alias Year 1511 Origin County of Feria Residence Oliva Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Garcia Alvarez Chico and Inés de Terrazas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
118 First Name Diego Last Name Alvarez de Inestrosa Alias Year 1577 Origin Segura de Leon Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Hernan Lopez Guillen Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
119 First Name Pedro Last Name Alvarez de Toledo Alias Year 1579 Origin Huete Almeria Residence Tucuman Occupation Sentence Comments Single and went with the Bishop Old Christian clean blood and has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
120 First Name Francisco Last Name Alvarez Gaitan Alias Year 1569 Origin Puebla de Montalban Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
121 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Amado Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence R Granada Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
122 First Name Simon Last Name Amador Alias Year 1586 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme y Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
123 First Name Martin Last Name Ampuero Alias Year 1553 Origin Santo Doingo De la Calzada Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Page.Returning to Peru Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
124 First Name Bernardo Last Name Añasco Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single 14 years old and son of Pedro de Añasco and Maria de Ayala Old Chrsitians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
125 First Name Manuel Last Name Andrada Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
126 First Name Juan Last Name Andres Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Alconchel in Badajoz area Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Cano and Catalina andres Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
127 First Name Sebastian Last Name Andres Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
128 First Name Mari Last Name Anes Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Wife of Diego de Alcocer and daughter of Ruy Martinez and Mari anes his wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
129 First Name La Last Name Angulo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
130 First Name Juan Last Name Anton Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Potosi Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Went as Priest of the Church of Santiago Potosi Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
131 First Name Juan Last Name Antonio Alias Year 1568 Origin Cartagena De Indias Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Married and with license to return to Cartagena with his wife Ana Vazquez from Sevilla and Maria her daughter single from Sevlla as well angelina Vazquez the daughter in law and Juana Ramos servants single and fro Sevilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
132 First Name Maese Last Name Antonio Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Blacksmith Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Portuguese and married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
133 First Name Mase Last Name Antonio Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
134 First Name Maso Last Name Antonio Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugues Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
135 First Name Juan Last Name Anzures Alias Year 1584 Origin Brihuega Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Came with his brother Diego Anzures Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
136 First Name Juan Last Name Aparicio Alias Year 1578 Origin Peñafiel Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
137 First Name Pero Antonio Last Name Aquino Alias Year 1566 Origin Florencia Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Came on a ship with merchandise from Genoa and many stayed and many died was married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
138 First Name No first name given Last Name Arana Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
139 First Name Juan Last Name Arazola Alias Year 1549 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Had Royal credentials Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
140 First Name No first name given Last Name Arce Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
141 First Name Luis Last Name Ardo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
142 First Name Francisco Last Name Areco Alias Year 1566 Origin Genova Residence Asuncion Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
143 First Name Andres Last Name Areiza Alias Year 1550 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Has Royal Orders that allow him to have two donkeys Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
144 First Name Carlos Last Name Arellano Alias Year 1577 Origin Valladolid Yucatan Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
145 First Name No first name given Last Name Arevalo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Knitter of Silk Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
146 First Name No first name given Last Name Arguello Alias Year 1566 Origin Sevilla Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza thin man Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
147 First Name No first name given Last Name Arguello Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
148 First Name Bernabe Last Name Arias Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and went toliove with an uncle.Old Christian clean blood with genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
149 First Name Juan Last Name Arias Davila Alias Year 1550 Origin Segovia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and the servant of Antonio de Varela Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
150 First Name Pedro Last Name Arias Davila Alias Year 1561 Origin Segovia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
151 First Name Luis Last Name Arias Maldonado Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Married Came from R Granada and returned with his wife and children.was a Conquistador .They had among their relatives. Inquisitors Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
152 First Name Miguel Last Name Armora Alias Year 1572 Origin Irun Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of D Sebastian De Lartaun.Bishop of Cuzco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
153 First Name Juan Last Name Arroyo Alias Year 1512 Origin San Lucar De Barrameda Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Garcia Arroyo and Francisca Garcia fro Sanlucar de Barrameda with his wife Ines Hernandez and the servants Diego Son of Juan Sanchez and Beatriz Sanchez from Sanlucar and Beatriz daughter of Pedro Sanchez Vicioso and Leonor Rodriguez from Las Cabezas Beatriz Martinez wife of Diego de Ocaña daughter of Hernan Martinez and Leonor Martinez from Sevilla and her maid daughter of Hernan Gonzalez and Catalina Rodriguez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
154 First Name Martin Last Name Artacho Alias Year 1588 Origin Villagarcia Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Minister Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
155 First Name Hernando Last Name Asension Alias Year 1576 Origin Talavera Lerida Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Alonso Flores de Ovando.30 years old Son of Juan Garcua Casilas and Juana Guerrero his wife. Honorable family. Hijosdalgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
156 First Name No first name given Last Name Avalos Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
157 First Name Cristoval Last Name Avero Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
158 First Name No first name given Last Name Avila Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Makes Knives Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
159 First Name No first name given Last Name Avila Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
160 First Name Cristobal Last Name Aviles Sanchez Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de la Frontera in Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
161 First Name No first name given Last Name Ayllon Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Knitter of Silk Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
162 First Name Juan Last Name Ayora Alias Year 1567 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Travelled with Tomas Olivera as his servant from Madrid Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
163 First Name Cristobal Last Name Baena Alias Year 1577 Origin Villar del Pozo Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
164 First Name Antonio Last Name Baez Alias Year 1579 Origin Zamora Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Francisco Garisa Clergy Old Christian Clean Blood Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
165 First Name Miguel Last Name Balenciano Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Harriero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
166 First Name Francisco Last Name Ballestero Alias Year 1569 Origin Aguero Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
167 First Name Alonso Last Name Ballesteros Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
168 First Name Juan Last Name Ballesteros Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.Was in the house of Jouan de la Serna Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
169 First Name Paris Last Name Ballon Corzo Alias Year 1586 Origin Corcega Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Single Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
170 First Name Juan Last Name Baptista Vazquez Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
171 First Name Diego Last Name Barahona Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
172 First Name Francisco Last Name Barahona Alias Year 1554 Origin Villamarre Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled with his servant Francisco Gutierrez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
173 First Name No first name given Last Name Barba Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
174 First Name Juan Last Name Barbaran Alias Year 1583 Origin Peru Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Came from Peru with a black slave and a muato named Bartolome de Aguilarand returned to Peru Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
175 First Name Payo Last Name Barbas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Cuernava,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
176 First Name Pedro Last Name Barbero Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Fresnillo en tierra de Aranda Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin Barbero and Catalina his wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
177 First Name Nuñez Last Name Barbola Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Widow of Hernando de Rueda went to the Nuevo Reino de Granada in service of Captain Antonio de la Olalla and his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
178 First Name Juan Last Name Barbosso Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
179 First Name Cristobal Last Name Barraldo de Quiroga Alias Year 1584 Origin Madrigal Avila Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments 48 years old widow of Bernardina de Villafaña and was buried in the Churcj of Magdalena Son of Matias de Barrallo and Catalina Sanchez de Quiroga Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
180 First Name Alonso Last Name Barrantes Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
181 First Name Alonso Last Name Barrera Alias Year 1566 Origin Baeca Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
182 First Name Felipe Last Name Barrientos Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Guatemala Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Married and traveled with 2 servants.His wife Maria Rodriguez and his daughters Maria 3,Jeronima 4 He was the son of Iñigo de Monzon and Isabel Gutierrez from Xibaja.Gentemen Hijosdalgos Old Christians and clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
183 First Name Elvira Last Name Barriga Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
184 First Name Francisco Last Name Barriga Alias Year 1576 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and took his wife Maria Sanchez and two children Maria 3 and Alvira 4 Old Christians.Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
185 First Name Beltran Last Name Barrionuevo Alias Year 1579 Origin Alcazar de San Juan Ciudad Real Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Clean Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
186 First Name Andres Last Name Barroso Alias Year 1576 Origin España/Santiago de Guatemala Residence Guatemala Occupation Page Sentence Comments Single and returned to his countryas page of Juan Hurtado de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
187 First Name Pedro Last Name Basurto Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Barbadillo de Mansilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Hernandez de Mansilla and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
188 First Name Francisco Last Name Batidor Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
189 First Name Cristobal Last Name Bautista Alias Year 1579 Origin Ciudad de los Reyes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married. has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
190 First Name Joan Last Name Bautista Alias Year 1566 Origin Genova Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Came on a ship with merchandise from Genoa and many stayed and many died Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
191 First Name Juan Last Name Bautista Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
192 First Name Juana Last Name Bautista Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Clean Blood and travelled with her parents that were in Peru and they were Juan de Ocaña and Catalina Hernandez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
193 First Name Juan Last Name Bautista Crabalo Alias Year 1585 Origin Mexico Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
194 First Name Juan Last Name Bautista Roman Alias Year 1577 Origin Vitoria Residence Cuba Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
195 First Name Pascual Last Name Bazan Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
196 First Name Beatriz Last Name Bazquez Alias Year 1575 Origin Lima Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean Blood Mestuza and Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
197 First Name Juan Last Name Bazquez Alias Year 1575 Origin Jerez Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with his wife and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
198 First Name Juan Last Name Bazquez Alias Year 1575 Origin Jerez Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with his wife and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
199 First Name Pedro Last Name Becerra Alias Year 1563 Origin Burguillos Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
200 First Name Felipe Last Name Bejerano Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Brother of Diego Bejerano de Vivero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
201 First Name Diego Last Name Bejerano De Vivero Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his brother Felipe Bejeano single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
202 First Name Mase Last Name Belnal Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
203 First Name Thomas Last Name Bendicho Alias Year 1553 Origin Tamarit en Aragon Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
204 First Name Andres Last Name Benites Alias Year 1566 Origin Chiclana Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
205 First Name Andres Last Name Benitez Alias Year 1554 Origin Chiclana Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
206 First Name Andres Last Name Benitez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
207 First Name Juan Last Name Benitez De Leon Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
208 First Name Francisco Last Name Benito Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Almorox Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Gonzalez and Ines Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
209 First Name Pedro Last Name Benito de Cifuentes Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments single Old Christian clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
210 First Name Fr Diego Last Name Berdugo Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Order of Nuestra Senora de la Merced Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
211 First Name Antonio Last Name Bermudez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Had settlement named Ubate and Sata and Tausa and had 1000 Indians and bought more from the Chibachi tribe had 200 Indians more or less Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
212 First Name Juan Last Name Bermudo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Magan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco Bermudo and Catalina Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
213 First Name Juan Last Name Bernabe Alias Year 1563 Origin Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida brought his wife Leonor de Cerpa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
214 First Name Alonso Last Name Bernal Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bernal Diaz and Guiomar Diaz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
215 First Name Diego Last Name Bernal Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sanlúcar de Barrameda Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Garcia and Teresa Bernal Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
216 First Name Joan Last Name Bernal Alias Year 1553 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
217 First Name Juan Last Name Bernal Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Jerez de la Frontera Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Bernal and Ines Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
218 First Name Juan Last Name Bernal Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Alderman Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
219 First Name Martin Last Name Bernal Alias Year 1552 Origin Rota Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
220 First Name Martin Last Name Bernal Alias Year 1552 Origin Moguer Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Catalina Hernandez and Children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
221 First Name Heraclio Last Name Bernaldes de Herrera Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
222 First Name Francisco Last Name Bernaldez Alias Year 1555 Origin Medellin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Isabel Rodriguez hs wife with four children and with Francisco Luis as servant of the chidren. He was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
223 First Name Miser Last Name Bernardo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
224 First Name Gualdo Last Name Bervero Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
225 First Name Francisco Last Name Biojano Alias Year 1569 Origin Buendia Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled with his brother Juan Riojano Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
226 First Name Juan Last Name Bizcaino de Berlanga Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
227 First Name Pero Last Name Blanco Alias Year 1511 Origin Salamanca Residence Topas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Blanco and Maria de Topas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
228 First Name Pedro Last Name Blasco Alias Year 1555 Origin Villa De Zebreros Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single,founder Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
229 First Name Juana Last Name Blazquez Alias Year 1561 Origin Pedroso Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Cristobal Hurtado and his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
230 First Name Martin Last Name Blazquez Alias Year 1512 Origin Hornos Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Blazquez and Catalina Lopez from Hornos at the Encomienda de Segura de la Sierra Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
231 First Name Catalina De la Estrella Last Name Bocos Alias Year 1579 Origin La Plata Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
232 First Name Maria Last Name Bocos Alias Year 1579 Origin La Plata Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
233 First Name Rafael Last Name Bocos Alias Year 1579 Origin La Plata Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
234 First Name Antonio Last Name Bocos Bautista Alias Year 1579 Origin La Plata Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
235 First Name Pedro Last Name Bolanos Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
236 First Name Francisco Last Name Bonal Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Not residing in Los Angeles Occupation Part of the City Council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
237 First Name Ana Last Name Borraja Alias Year 1576 Origin Zamora Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widow and went with his daughter Antonia Borraja from Zamora Old Christians clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
238 First Name Antonia Last Name Borraja Alias Year 1576 Origin Zamora Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
239 First Name Jeronimo Last Name Borrero Alias Year 1579 Origin Lucena Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
240 First Name Juan Last Name Bosque Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Makes shoes out of silk or cloth Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
241 First Name Pero Last Name Bote Alias Year 1534 Origin Trujillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
242 First Name Alvaro Last Name Botello Alias Year 1561 Origin Villa De Cartama Residence Ncaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
243 First Name Juan Last Name Botello Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
244 First Name Alonso Last Name Bravo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
245 First Name Alvaro Last Name Bravo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Santo Domingo, Isla Española Occupation Esquire Sentence Comments Son of Gomez De Caceres and Marta Brava Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
246 First Name Cristoval Last Name Bravo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
247 First Name Francisco Last Name Bravo Alias Year 1584 Origin Nueva España Residence Manila Occupation Lic Oidor Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
248 First Name Juan Last Name Bravo Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Garcia Bravo and Maria Garcia from Belalcazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
249 First Name Diego Last Name Bravo De la Vega Alias Year 1553 Origin Medinaceli Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
250 First Name Juan Last Name Bravo De Montemayor Alias Year 1586 Origin Alcantara Caceres Residence Charcas Occupation Sentence Comments Went as Servant of Solaurren Receptor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
251 First Name Cristobal Last Name Bravo de Paredes Alias Year 1566 Origin Valladolid Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
252 First Name Juan Last Name Bravo de Paredes Alias Year 1576 Origin España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with a servant called Mateo and they came from Peru for business and returned to New Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
253 First Name Hernando Last Name Brecianos Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
254 First Name Juan Last Name Briceño Alias Year 1554 Origin Arevalo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Page of Juan Briceño Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
255 First Name Jacome Last Name Bruel Alias Year 1565 Origin Flanders Residence Asuncion Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
256 First Name Alonso Last Name Bueno Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
257 First Name Juan Last Name Bueno Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was given 35 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
258 First Name Luis Last Name Bueno Alias Year 1569 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Went as servant of Pedro De la Roca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
259 First Name Francisco Last Name Burcios Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Garguera, land of Placencia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Burcios and Maria Fernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
260 First Name No first name given Last Name Burgos Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
261 First Name Pedro Last Name Burgos Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
262 First Name Luisa Last Name Burguillos Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. With Cristobal Espinola and his wife Doña Francisca Cataño Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
263 First Name Antonio Last Name Burje Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
264 First Name No first name given Last Name Bustamante Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
265 First Name Juan Last Name Busto de Villegas Alias Year 1592 Origin Villa de Mora Toledo Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Maria De Cardenas deSevilla. Had a daughter of 17 named Isabel de Cardenas Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
266 First Name Doña Isabel Last Name Bustos Alias Year 1552 Origin Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with her husband Comendador D Garcia De Bustos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
267 First Name Francisco Last Name Caballero Alias Year 1553 Origin Santoyo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Maria De Morales Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
268 First Name Diego Last Name Cabello Alias Year 1575 Origin Ramblilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Fr Cristobal de Luna y los 21 religiosos Dominicos que este lleva Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
269 First Name Catalina Last Name Cabeza Alias Year 1576 Origin Valverde Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
270 First Name Pedro Last Name Cabeza Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
271 First Name Captain Last Name Cabeza de Vaca Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
272 First Name No first name given Last Name Cabeza de Vaca Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments This was the expedition of Don Pedro De Mendoza, Alvar Nuñez ,Cabeza de Vaca, Juan de Salazar De Espinosa and with the Bishop of Peru there were 12 ships and had taken 2000 men . Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
273 First Name No first name given Last Name Cabral Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
274 First Name Alonso Last Name Cabrera Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Ship Captain Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
275 First Name Francisco Last Name Cabrera Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
276 First Name Francisco Last Name Cabrera Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Took his son named Baltasar Cañabera who was 17 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
277 First Name No first name given Last Name Caceres Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
278 First Name Miguel Last Name Cadagua Alias Year 1553 Origin Palencia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
279 First Name No first name given Last Name Caderon Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the hoe of the Visitador Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
280 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Caixo Alias Year 1550 Origin Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
281 First Name Cristoval Last Name Calderero Alias Year 1554 Origin Sevilla Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion.Castillian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
282 First Name Jeronimo Last Name Calderon Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Fireme y Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
283 First Name Juan Last Name Calderon Alias Year 1579 Origin Tierra Firme Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Came with Andres a black man his slave Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
284 First Name Juan Last Name Calderon Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
285 First Name Paredes Last Name Calderon Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Capitan/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
286 First Name Pedro Last Name Calderon Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
287 First Name Sancho Last Name Calderon Alias Year 1576 Origin Santillana Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of D Antonio Delgadillo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
288 First Name No first name given Last Name Calero Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mechuacan Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Marques En Tezcuco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
289 First Name Francisco Last Name Calvillo Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Cuba Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
290 First Name Bartolome Last Name Calvo Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Sanchez Calvo and Leonor Alonso de Carerera De Belalcazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
291 First Name Juan Last Name Calvo Alias Year 1512 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Mateo Ballestero and Marina Martin from Serradilla Del Arroyo aldea de Ciudad Rodrigo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
292 First Name Juan Alonso Last Name Calvo Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
293 First Name Antonio Last Name Camacho Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando Garcia Corchuelo and Juana Gomez la Camacha Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
294 First Name Bartholome Last Name Camacho Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
295 First Name Cristobal Last Name Camacho Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Garcia Archuelo y Juana Gomez la Camacha from Belalcazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
296 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Camacho Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla in San Nicolas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Hernandez Camacho and Leonor Hernandez De Surita with their servant Pedro Haleon and Isabel Garcia De Clara from Cazalla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
297 First Name Esclamate Last Name Camara Alias Year 1566 Origin Italian Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
298 First Name Alonso Last Name Cambero Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Las Garrovillas Occupation Sentence Comments Anton Cambero and Juana Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
299 First Name Anton Last Name Cambero Alias Year 1579 Origin Talavera de la Reina Toledo Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Maria de Espinosa from the Puente del arzobispo Old Christians Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
300 First Name Manuel Last Name Camelo Alias Year 1566 Origin Portugues Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
301 First Name Manuel Last Name Camelo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
302 First Name Pero Last Name Campano Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Molina de Herrera ,Astorga Obispado Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Campano and Ines Campano Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
303 First Name Francisco Last Name Campos Alias Year 1579 Origin Don Llorente Residence Cartagena Occupation Servant of Bishop Montalvo Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean Blood had genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
304 First Name Fr Agustin Last Name Campuzano Alias Year 1559 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Dominican clergy Sentence Comments Was Prior of the Convent in Puerto Rico.Took 10 Nuns to the Monastery that was being funded Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
305 First Name Baltasar Last Name Cañabera Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
306 First Name Bartolome Last Name Cañamero Alias Year 1579 Origin Villar del Pedroso Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
307 First Name No first name given Last Name Canelas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home of Turcios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
308 First Name Alonso Last Name Cano Alias Year 1579 Origin Verzocana Residence Yaguarzongo y Pacamoros Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took his wife Isabel Gonzalez and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
309 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Cano Alias Year 1576 Origin Arzuaga Residence Popayan Occupation Encomendero Sentence Comments Widow Royal ID Went with his sons Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
310 First Name Joan Last Name Cano Alias Year 1565 Origin Moguer Residence Asuncion Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Married in Spain and his wife is in Asuncion Married with another, 19 years old and an excellent ariner Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
311 First Name Juan Last Name Cano Alias Year 1569 Origin Mogel Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
312 First Name Juan Last Name Cano Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
313 First Name Pedro Last Name Cano Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Knitter of Silk Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
314 First Name Juan Last Name Cantero Alias Year 1512 Origin Jerez Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Garcia Buenamiel and Juana Hernandez del Puerto from Jerez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
315 First Name Fr Juan Last Name Canvino Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his nephew Fr Juan Canvimo of the Order of San Francisco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
316 First Name Francisco Last Name Carbajo Alias Year 1563 Origin Barrios de Salas Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Lic Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
317 First Name Nuño Last Name Carbajo Alias Year 1563 Origin Villanueva de Valderra Residence Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and servant of Lic Castro Son of Nuno Carbajo and Violante Lopez Grandson from Paternal side of Nuno Carbajo and Ines Alonso and maternal from Lope de Pero Juanes and Maria Alonso from San Esteban de Valduera Old Christians.Clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
318 First Name Pedro Last Name Carballo Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
319 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Cardenas Alias Year 1579 Origin Nueva España Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Came with Bartolome de Foronda and Francisco Moran Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
320 First Name Captain Antonio Last Name Cardoso Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
321 First Name Diego Last Name Carillo Alias Year 1535 Origin Monedero Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
322 First Name Antonio Last Name Carillo de Albornoz Alias Year 1588 Origin Antequera Malaga Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
323 First Name Pedro Last Name Carillo y Guzman Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista.Brought a servant with him Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
324 First Name Mateo Last Name Caron Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
325 First Name Jeronimo Last Name Carpate Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
326 First Name Juan Last Name Carrasco Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Puebla de Los Angeles Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
327 First Name Pedro Last Name Carrasco Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Isabel Galindo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
328 First Name Francisco Last Name Carreño Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Carreño and Beatriz Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
329 First Name Francisco Last Name Carreño Alias Year 1566 Origin Gallego Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
330 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Carreño Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Cuba Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
331 First Name Herando Last Name Carrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Was in the house of Bocanegra Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
332 First Name Francisco Last Name Carretero Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Aviles en Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Benito Garcia and Catalina his wife from Aviles in Salamanca Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
333 First Name Bachiller Last Name Carriazo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
334 First Name Juan Last Name Carrillo Alias Year 1577 Origin Valladolid Yucatan Residence Yucatan Occupation Servant of D Carlos de Arellano Sentence Comments Was natural to Yucatan Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
335 First Name Melchor Last Name Carrillo de Avila Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
336 First Name Francisco Last Name Carrion Alias Year 1584 Origin Baeza Jaen Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Noble Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
337 First Name Juan Last Name Carro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Eupanuco Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
338 First Name No first name given Last Name Carvajal Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
339 First Name No first name given Last Name Carvajal de Trujillo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
340 First Name Luis Last Name Carvajal Osorio Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
341 First Name Francisco Last Name Casado Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
342 First Name Franco Last Name Casado Alias Year 1579 Origin Santiestevan Malaga Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Came from Nicaragua as servant of Cristobal de Velayos Old Chrsitian Clean blood has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
343 First Name Juan Last Name Casado Alias Year 1577 Origin Azuaga Badajoz Residence Chiapa Occupation Sentence Comments Single in the service of of Father Domingo Alba and ther religious of that order Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
344 First Name Pedro Last Name Casaleas Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
345 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Casas Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
346 First Name Victor Last Name Cascajo Alias Year 1585 Origin Valladolid Residence Guatemala Occupation Servant of Lic Abaunza Sentence Comments Single has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
347 First Name Diego Last Name Casillas Herrera Alias Year 1553 Origin Garcia Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
348 First Name D.Guillen Last Name Cassaos Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Yucatan Occupation Governor of Yucatan Sentence Comments 34 years old Royal ID Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
349 First Name Luis Last Name Castaño De Cazana Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
350 First Name Pedro Last Name Castañon Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Clean has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
351 First Name No first name given Last Name Castellanos Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
352 First Name Francisco Last Name Castellvi Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
353 First Name No first name given Last Name Castilblanco Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Velez Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
354 First Name No first name given Last Name Castilblanco Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Velez Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
355 First Name Francisco Last Name Castro Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
356 First Name Anton Last Name Catalan Alias Year 1549 Origin Benavente Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
357 First Name Andres Last Name Cauallero Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
358 First Name Lazaro Last Name Cavezas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Candelo Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
359 First Name Tomas Last Name Caxeo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Makes shoes out of silk or cloth Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
360 First Name Diego Last Name Cazo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
361 First Name Juan Last Name Ceciliano Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
362 First Name Felipe Last Name Centurion Alias Year 1563 Origin Ronda Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with his wife Luisa De Padilla and their children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
363 First Name Francisco Last Name Cerecinos Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 20 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
364 First Name Sebastian Last Name Cerezo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
365 First Name Cristobal Last Name Ceron De Ariza Alias Year 1570 Origin Ubeda de Jaen Residence Antioquia Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As a soldier of D Andres De Valdivia Governor and Capitain General of the Province Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
366 First Name Cristobal Last Name Cerratto Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
367 First Name Menudo Last Name Cervantes de Tovas Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
368 First Name No first name given Last Name Cespedes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home ofJorge Aron Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
369 First Name No first name given Last Name Cetina Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
370 First Name Martin Last Name Cevericha De Goycuria Alias Year 1579 Origin Bilbao Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Juan de la Fuente Old Chrsitian Has Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
371 First Name Fr Francisco Last Name Chacon Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Order of Santo Domingo Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
372 First Name Luis Last Name Chacoyo Alias Year 1576 Origin Sepulveda en Soria Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Was the servant of the Present of the Royal Audience Dr D Diego Gregorio Gonzalez de Cuenca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
373 First Name Fr Gregorio Last Name Chamizo Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments From the Order of Santiago Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
374 First Name Alonso Last Name Chamorro Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Esparragosa De Lares Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin Chamorro and Juana Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
375 First Name Miguel Last Name Chamorro Alias Year 1557 Origin Uceda Residence Lima Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Came from Lima with his wife Maria De Torres who was from Lima and returned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
376 First Name Juan Last Name Chaves De Yepes Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
377 First Name Alonso Last Name Chavez Alias Year 1566 Origin Loja Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
378 First Name Francisco Last Name Chavez Medina Alias Year 1577 Origin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Brother of Martin Romero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
379 First Name Francisco Last Name Chumacero Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Valencia de Alcántara Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Chumacero and Juana Serrana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
380 First Name Pedro Last Name Cid Alias Year 1512 Origin Santo Domingo de la Calzada Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Cid and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
381 First Name Pero Last Name Cid Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Santo Domingo de la Calzada Occupation Trader merchant Sentence Comments Son of Pero Cid and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
382 First Name Pedro Last Name Cidiel Alias Year 1576 Origin Valencia de Don Juan Leon Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went wih his wife Maria de Nieves and a niece Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
383 First Name Juan Last Name Clavijo Alias Year 1550 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
384 First Name Juan Last Name Clemente Alias Year 1579 Origin Almoguera Guadalajara Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Francisco De Almoguer Clergy Sentence Comments Single Peru Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
385 First Name Francisco Last Name Cobo Alias Year 1553 Origin Plasencia Residence Peru Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Travelled with his wfe Isabel Hernandez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
386 First Name Francisco Last Name Cocinero Alias Year 1551 Origin Mucientes Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
387 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Çoço Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Vitoria Occupation Esquire, servant Sentence Comments Servant for the Queen of Portugal; son of Juan Lopez De Vitoria and Elvira Baz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
388 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Colado Alias Year 1584 Origin Baeza Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
389 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Colado Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
390 First Name No first name given Last Name Collantes Alias Year 1569 Origin Valladolid Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
391 First Name Alonso Last Name Comontes Alias Year 1534 Origin Llerena en Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
392 First Name Luis Last Name Conde Alias Year 1575 Origin Ecija Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Servant of Fr Antonio de Sayas Bishop of that Diocese and 30 Religious Franciscans that were in his company Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
393 First Name Martin Last Name Conde Alias Year 1585 Origin Vilvestre Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
394 First Name Diego Last Name Conejo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Villalon Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Tristan Conejo and Juana de Villalon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
395 First Name Nicolas Last Name Conte Grillo Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de la Frontera in Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Servant of Cristobal Sanchez Aviles Old Christias cleanblood have their genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
396 First Name Juan Esteban Last Name Corchuelo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
397 First Name Antonio Last Name Corco Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
398 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Cordero Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
399 First Name Rafael Last Name Corejuela Alias Year 1553 Origin Ecija Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled as the servant of D,Rodrigo de Hinestrosa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
400 First Name Fr Geronimo Last Name Corella Alias Year 1557 Origin Residence Honduras Occupation Bishop Sentence Comments Travelled with Juan de Campo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
401 First Name Luis Last Name Cornejo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Segovia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Cornejo and María de Sandoval Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
402 First Name Miguel Last Name Cornejo Alias Year 1588 Origin Salamanca Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
403 First Name Pedro Last Name Cornejo Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
404 First Name Rus Last Name Cornejo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Calafate Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
405 First Name Sebastian Last Name Cornejo Alias Year 1566 Origin Toledo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Bonetero Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
406 First Name No first name given Last Name Corona Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
407 First Name Francisca Last Name Coronado Alias Year 1579 Origin Chile Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
408 First Name Ambrosio Last Name Coronel Alias Year 1576 Origin palencia Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
409 First Name Pedro Last Name Corral Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
410 First Name Manuel Last Name Corras Alias Year 1586 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Passengers who embarked in the Flotilla to New Spain in the charge if General Francisco de Noboa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
411 First Name Alonso Last Name Correa Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
412 First Name Benito Last Name Correa Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida. Traveled with his brother Francisco de Silva Correa single from Badajoz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
413 First Name Nicolas Last Name Correa Alias Year 1569 Origin Sanabria Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
414 First Name No first name given Last Name Correa Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
415 First Name Diego Last Name Cortes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Panuco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
416 First Name Joan Last Name Cortes Alias Year 1553 Origin Medellin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
417 First Name Matheo Last Name Cortes Alias Year 1588 Origin Zamora Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife named Catalina De Espinosa also from zAMORA Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
418 First Name Diego Last Name Costillas Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Zamora Occupation Esquire Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Ormaza and Beatriz De Mella Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
419 First Name Fr Juan Last Name Crisostomo Alias Year 1586 Origin Residence Filipinas Occupation Dominican Clergy Sentence Comments Passengers who embarked in the Flotilla to New Spain in the charge if General Francisco de Noboa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
420 First Name Anton Last Name Cubero Alias Year 1535 Origin Jerez De La Frontera Residence Veragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Veragua to pass the conquest of Veragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
421 First Name Pedro Last Name Cuello Alias Year 1553 Origin Alba De Tormes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
422 First Name Pedro Last Name Cuello Alias Year 1578 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
423 First Name Bartolome Last Name Cuenca Alias Year 1553 Origin Malaga Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married to Francisca Diaz his wife his wife and one daughter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
424 First Name Vicente Last Name Cumplido Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador Given 30 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
425 First Name Segismundo Last Name Cuon Alias Year 1577 Origin Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Son of German Parents Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
426 First Name Peralvarez Last Name Daca Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
427 First Name Hernan Last Name Darias de Mansanilla Alias Year 1565 Origin Granada Residence Asuncion Occupation Mayor Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
428 First Name Hernan Last Name Darias de Yebra Alias Year 1555 Origin Xeres de la Frontera Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
429 First Name Diego Last Name Dauila Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
430 First Name Alonso Last Name Davila Alias Year 1512 Origin Salamanca Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bartolome Davila Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
431 First Name Antoniio Last Name Davila Alias Year 1512 Origin Zamora Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Davila and Ines Costillas.Also Miguel de Malilos Clerigo son of Alonso de Rivera and Leonor Hernandez from Zamora Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
432 First Name Bartolome Last Name Davila Alias Year 1572 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Residence Honduras Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single. Son of Garcia Davila and Leonor Melgarejo noble and clean generation went with Diego de Herrera as servant who was Governor of Honduras where Avila went Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
433 First Name Francisco Last Name Davila Alias Year 1512 Origin San Martin de Valde Iglesias Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando Davila and Maria his wife and Juan Rodrigies and Pedro Rodriguez from Salamanca Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
434 First Name Alonso Last Name Daza Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
435 First Name Francisco Last Name Daza Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors and was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
436 First Name Juan Last Name Daza Alias Year 1576 Origin Segovia Residence Popayan Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Singe Servant of Sancho Garcia del Espinar .He was 25 years old and served his majesty as adventurer and the witnesses say they say him in Ganada dyring the war on a horse with a sword Son of Diego Aguado Daza and Petronila de Frias Went to be mayor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
437 First Name Diego Last Name Daza y Aranda Alias Year 1563 Origin Villa Peñaaranda Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Very honorable. Single 17 years old. Son of Aloso de aranda of New Spain and Catalina Daza Grandson paternal line Juan Aranda and Ana de Aranda and maternal from Iñigo Daza and Ana Lopez .Very honorable people all from Villa Penaranda .Old Chrstians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
438 First Name Fr.Hernando Last Name De Almansa Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments De la Orden de Santo Domingo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
439 First Name Fr. Francisco Last Name De Villalon Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments From la orden de San Agustin Royal ID Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
440 First Name Juan Last Name De Aberasturi y San Juan Alias Year 1559 Origin Averasturi ,Victoria Residence La Plata Occupation Porter Sentence Comments Single. Travelled to reestablish his career as a porter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
441 First Name Pedro Last Name De Acebedo y Aguilar Alias Year 1588 Origin Mexico Residence Mexico Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Racionero de la Catedral Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
442 First Name Alonso Last Name De Acevedo Alias Year 1569 Origin Salamanca Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
443 First Name Antonio Last Name De Achega Alias Year 1555 Origin San Sebastian,Guipuzcoa Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
444 First Name Francisco Last Name De Acosta Alias Year 1586 Origin Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Passengers who embarked in the Flotilla to New Spain in the charge if General Francisco de Noboa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
445 First Name Gregorio Last Name De Acosta Alias Year 1565 Origin Lisbon Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Portuguese and married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
446 First Name Juana Last Name De Acosta Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Mestiza Single Came from New Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
447 First Name Martin Last Name De Acuña Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Burgos Occupation Sentence Comments Fray and comisary of the Saint Crusade of Indias, son of Juan de Valencia and doña Beatriz de Acuña Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
448 First Name Juan Last Name De Adame Alias Year 1592 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Single and Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
449 First Name Jorge Last Name De Admada Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
450 First Name Pedro Last Name De Agovineta Alias Year 1511 Origin Tolosa Residence Guipuzcoa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Miguel de Ovineta and Catalina de Verastegui Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
451 First Name Alonso Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
452 First Name Andres Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Has Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
453 First Name Bernardo Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1579 Origin Carmona Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
454 First Name Garcia Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Segovia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope De Aguilar and Ines de Aguilar, His wife Florentina Muliarte and Juan de Vargas son of Bartolome Garcia and Catalina Rodrigiezl Cristobal Ramos son of Juan Benitez and Olalla Gonzalez from Damiel and Catalina Suarez their servants Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
455 First Name Garcia Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Mayor Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
456 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
457 First Name Hernando Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
458 First Name Maria Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Da Leonor de Monardes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
459 First Name Pedro Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
460 First Name Pedro Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1568 Origin Osuna Residence Indias Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single. He was the legitimate child of Cristobal de Aguilar y Juana de Robles from Osuna paternal grandparents Cristobal de Aguilar y Beatriz De Poza frojm Villas de Villadiego and Aguilar Del Campo maternal Alonso Garcia and Catalina Rodriguez from Cuellar Todos hijosdalgo known Clean Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
461 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Aguilar Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Married and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Wife of Pedro Del Pramo..His wife went with him Catalina de Almonte Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
462 First Name Diego Last Name De Aguilar y Contreras Alias Year 1569 Origin Sevilla Residence Chile Occupation Porter Sentence Comments Single. Empolyed and was a porter for the Audience Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
463 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Aguilera y Arriaga Alias Year 1586 Origin Almodovar Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Ana Naranjo and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
464 First Name Juan Last Name De Aguillar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas De Sulpango,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
465 First Name Domingo Last Name De Aguirre Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Repartimiento de Valle de Sogamoso Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
466 First Name Fr Martin Last Name de Aguirre Alias Year 1585 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy order of San Francisco Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
467 First Name Juan Last Name De Aguirre Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
468 First Name Juan Last Name De Aguirre Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
469 First Name Maria Last Name De Aguirre Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Wife of Diego Villareal A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
470 First Name Pedro Last Name De Aguirre Alias Year 1566 Origin Vizcaya Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
471 First Name Alonso Last Name De Alarcon Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Knitter of Clothes in House of Leon Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
472 First Name Alonso Last Name De Alarcon Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
473 First Name Francisco Last Name De Alarcon Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
474 First Name Juan Last Name De Alarcon Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
475 First Name Francisco Last Name De Albaida Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
476 First Name Juan Last Name De Albedaño Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Treasurer Sentence Comments Took his servant Pedro de Gogenola Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
477 First Name Fr Geronimo Last Name De Albornoz Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Franciscan Sentence Comments Royal credentials to return to New Spain and to bring Fr Miguel Hernandez his companion and 6 more religious whose names were not given Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
478 First Name Francisco Last Name De Albornoz Alias Year 1579 Origin Ibague Residence R.Granada Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single. Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
479 First Name Juan Last Name De Albornoz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Madrid Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro de Tarancon and Ana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
480 First Name Francisco Last Name De Alcala Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Garcia de Alcala and Maria Diaz from Toledo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
481 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Alcala Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Went as servant of the Treasurer Hernando de Laguna Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
482 First Name Juan Last Name De Alcantara Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Alcantara Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Alcantara and Juana Perez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
483 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Alcaraz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco de Alcaraz and Juana de Gaona Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
484 First Name Ines Last Name De Alcocer Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
485 First Name Leonor Last Name De Alcocer Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
486 First Name Diego Last Name De Aldana Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Coleto and Maria Alvarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
487 First Name Ana Last Name De Alfaro Alias Year 1564 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Traveled with her two single daughters Maria and Marina Sanchez from Cumbres Mayores Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
488 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Allamilla Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
489 First Name Alonso Last Name De Allende Alias Year 1563 Origin Montijo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
490 First Name Jorge Last Name De Almadana Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Tonelero Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
491 First Name Francisco Last Name De Almansa Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
492 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Almansa Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was given 25 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
493 First Name Juan Last Name De Almaraz Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
494 First Name Juan Last Name De Almendras Alias Year 1579 Origin La Plata Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Returned to La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
495 First Name Juan Last Name De Almijo Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
496 First Name Sancho Last Name De Alminzon Alias Year 1553 Origin Medellin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Carpintero de Blanco Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
497 First Name Antonio Last Name De Almocron Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Clergy Order Of San Francisco Sentence Comments Went with Bishop Nicolas Ramos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
498 First Name Diego Last Name De Almodovar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
499 First Name Francisco Last Name De Almoguer Alias Year 1579 Origin Almoguera Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
500 First Name Franco Last Name De Almoguer Alias Year 1578 Origin Corral De Almaguer Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
501 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Alonso Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
502 First Name Juan Last Name De Alor Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
503 First Name Juan Last Name De Alvarado Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Badajoz Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gomez Alvarado and Leonor De Contreras Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
504 First Name Martin Last Name De Alvarado Alias Year 1555 Origin Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
505 First Name Pedro Last Name De Alvarado Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Royal credentials to take one servant He took Juan Muñoz From Jerez De la Frontera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
506 First Name Pedro Last Name De Alvarado Y De la Cueva Alias Year 1570 Origin Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Had Juan Muñoz single as servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
507 First Name Diego Last Name De Alvarez Alias Year 1548 Origin Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with license.He was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
508 First Name Juan Last Name De Alviz Alias Year 1555 Origin Saliñas Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
509 First Name Domingo Last Name De Alzaga Alias Year 1511 Origin Hernani Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
510 First Name Juan Last Name De Ame Sala Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
511 First Name Pedro Last Name De Amenduz Alias Year 1555 Origin Pamplona Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
512 First Name Martin Last Name De Amores Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Aleaudete Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin De Amores and Leonor Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
513 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Anasco Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
514 First Name Miguel Last Name De Anasco Alias Year 1579 Origin Peru Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Mestizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
515 First Name Juan Last Name De Añasco Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
516 First Name Ortiz Last Name De Anda Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujillo,Caceres Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
517 First Name Beltran Last Name De Andia Alias Year 1579 Origin Navalcan Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
518 First Name Betran Last Name De Andia Alias Year 1579 Origin Oropresa Castellon Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
519 First Name Diego Last Name De Andino Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Mariana de Andino Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
520 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Andion Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Buyer Sentence Comments Single Went as buyer of the Real Audience Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
521 First Name Antonio Last Name De Andrada Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with his wife Ines de Alcocer. Children Francisca 3 and Juan de la Pena 4 Lyus de la Pena 5 Leonor de alcocer 6 his mother in law Cataina .Aldoza Alcocer 7 and neuces 8 .Came from New Spain to where they ereliving Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
522 First Name Antonio Last Name De Andrada Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
523 First Name Antonio Last Name De Andrada Alias Year 1576 Origin Sanlucar la Mayor Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
524 First Name Antonio Last Name De Andrada Alias Year 1576 Origin Carmona Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
525 First Name Fr Gaspar Last Name De Andrada Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Honduras Occupation BishopOrder of San Francisco Sentence Comments Took 4 Religious with him Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
526 First Name Fray Tomas Last Name De Andrada Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Nuevo Reyno de Granada Occupation Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio From the Order of Santo Domingo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
527 First Name Francisco Last Name De Andueza Alias Year 1576 Origin Victoria Pontevedra Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with his wofe Juana de Castaneda from Malaga and they went to live with her mother Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
528 First Name Juana Last Name De Angeles Alias Year 1552 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single,daughter of a Black and a Spaniard Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
529 First Name Juana Last Name De Angeles Alias Year 1585 Origin Calzadilla de la Sierra Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
530 First Name Magdalena Last Name De Angeles Alias Year 1577 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
531 First Name Magdalena Last Name De Angeles Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
532 First Name Alonso Last Name De Angulo Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
533 First Name Alonso Last Name De Angulo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
534 First Name Anton Last Name De Angulo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Martinez Angulo and Catalina Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
535 First Name Hernando Last Name De Angulo Alias Year 1575 Origin Malaga Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Antonio Vera Canon Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
536 First Name Juan Last Name De Angulo Alias Year 1511 Origin San Llorente de Losa Residence Isla de San Juan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope Alonso de Angulo and Maria Saiz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
537 First Name Francisca Last Name De Anrada Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
538 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Antibo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tratante Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
539 First Name San Juan Last Name De Antona Alias Year 1588 Origin Castro de Urdiales Santander Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
540 First Name Juan Last Name De Antonio Corzo Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
541 First Name Francisca Last Name De Aracena Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
542 First Name Juan Last Name De Aragon Alias Year 1512 Origin Hinojosa Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Aragon and Catalina Garcia from Hinojosa Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
543 First Name Juan Last Name De Aragon Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
544 First Name Miguel Last Name De Aragon Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Gran Canary Islands/Tarazona en el Reino de Aragon Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Jimenez De Cornago and Catalina De Osma Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
545 First Name Pedro Last Name De Aragon Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
546 First Name Pascual Last Name De Aramayo Alias Year 1511 Origin Province of Gipúzcoa Residence Oñate Occupation Cordonero Sentence Comments Son of Juan Ruiz ) and Andere de Armendi Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
547 First Name Juan Last Name De Arana Alias Year 1569 Origin Burgos Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
548 First Name Joan Last Name De Arana Montañes Alias Year 1565 Origin Medina Pomar Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
549 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Aranda Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Bookeeper Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
550 First Name Pedro Last Name De Aranda Valdivia Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Came with his ervant Martin India Mestizo and single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
551 First Name Gonzalez Last Name De Aravio Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
552 First Name Antonio Last Name De Arbear Alias Year 1569 Origin Santander Residence La Plata Occupation Sargento Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
553 First Name Dr.D.Francisco Last Name De Arbizo Alias Year 1555 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments President of the Real Audience of the N.R. of Granada Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
554 First Name Antonio Last Name De Arbizu Alias Year 1555 Origin Villa de Agreda Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Servant of D.Francisco De Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
555 First Name Diego Last Name De Arce Alias Year 1576 Origin Pibierda Asturias Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went as servant of Bachiller Francisco Galavis Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
556 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Arce Alias Year 1584 Origin Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and took one servant Old Christian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
557 First Name Juan Last Name De Arce Alias Year 1555 Origin Casillas/Castilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
558 First Name Juan Last Name De Arce Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
559 First Name Andres Last Name De Arce Mendia Vizcaino Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Gran Lengua de La Tierra Sentence Comments Were on a ship with Sebastian Gauto had gone to Brazil but returned to Rio de la Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
560 First Name Fr Diego Last Name De Arcitaga Alias Year 1586 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Franciscan Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
561 First Name Juan Last Name De Arcos Alias Year 1576 Origin Villalba de Alcor Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of Blas Fernandez and Lorenzo Niebla brothers Old Christian clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
562 First Name Juan Last Name De Arcos Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with his wife Marian de la Torre and Children Old Cristians Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
563 First Name Esteban Last Name De Arcuda Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
564 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Arduña Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
565 First Name Antonio Last Name De Arellano Alias Year 1576 Origin Peñaranda de Duero Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
566 First Name Alonso Last Name De Arenas Alias Year 1584 Origin Montilla Cordoba Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Genealoggy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
567 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Arevalo Alias Year 1565 Origin Arevalo Residence Asuncion Occupation Soldier Mayor with a lombard Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
568 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Arevalo Alias Year 1569 Origin Cueva Natural Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
569 First Name Pedro Last Name De Arevalo Alias Year 1566 Origin Jerez Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
570 First Name Pedro Last Name De Arevalo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
571 First Name Alonso Last Name De Argamasa Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Luis de Argamasa and of Ines Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
572 First Name Hernando Last Name De Argüello Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence La Torre de Mormojon, Bishopric of Palencia Occupation Esquire, servant Sentence Comments Hidalgo; servant of the Condestable of Castilla; son of Pedro De Argüello and Ana De las Cuevas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
573 First Name Hernan Last Name De Arias Alias Year 1534 Origin Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
574 First Name Pedro Last Name De Arias Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
575 First Name Luis Last Name De Arias Maldonado Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
576 First Name Alonso Last Name De Arjona Alias Year 1511 Origin Arjona Residence Isla Española Occupation Painter Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Gijon and Catalina de Lacariza Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
577 First Name Juan Last Name De Arjona Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Arjonilla, land and bishopric of Jaén Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo Barranco and Isabel Ruiz de Villalba Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
578 First Name Francisco Last Name De Armenta Alias Year 1576 Origin Miranda Del Castañeda Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Labradores Sentence Comments Maried His wife Isabel Moreno from Mexico was with him. Old C Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
579 First Name Hernando Last Name De Armigo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Pregonero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
580 First Name Anton Last Name De Armirño Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
581 First Name Pedro Last Name De Arnedo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Bilbao/Talavera Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Ruiz and his wife Maria Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
582 First Name Martin Last Name De Arratia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
583 First Name Francisco Last Name De Arrazabal Alias Year 1511 Origin Arrazabal Residence Bilbao Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Barrazabal and Doña Juana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
584 First Name Martin Last Name De Arreata Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
585 First Name Pedro Last Name De Arriano Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Arriano, Alava Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Arriano and Juana Sanchez De Andagoya Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
586 First Name Martin Last Name De Arrieta Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
587 First Name Juan Last Name De Arroyo Alias Year 1553 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
588 First Name Juan Last Name De Arsa Mendia Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
589 First Name Alonso Last Name De Arteaga Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Nicaragua Occupation Factor and Vendor Sentence Comments With SM in Nicaragua with 3 servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
590 First Name Luis Last Name De Arteaga Alias Year 1575 Origin Talavera de la Reina Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Fr Francisci De Munguia Order of Santo Domingo came with 3o religious Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
591 First Name Martin Last Name De Arteaga Alias Year 1512 Origin Arteaga Condado of Vizcaya Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Martin de Arteaga son of Juan de Arteaga and Maria de Arteaga Condado of Vizcaya Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
592 First Name Pedro Last Name De Arteaga Alias Year 1512 Origin Arteaga Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Arteaga and Maria De Chavarria from Arteaga Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
593 First Name Urtuno Last Name De Arteaga Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
594 First Name Juan Last Name De Artolarraga Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
595 First Name Juan Last Name De Artolarraga Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
596 First Name Francisco Last Name De Arzenal Alias Year 1566 Origin Valladolid Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
597 First Name Francisco Last Name De Arzeo Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Has Wife and children and his wife owns Indians A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
598 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Astorga Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
599 First Name Juan Last Name De Atago Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
600 First Name Adriano Last Name De Atienza Alias Year 1561 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Clery Sentence Comments Clergy of the Diocese of Sevilla and College Graduate Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
601 First Name Francisco Last Name De Atienza Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
602 First Name Pedro Last Name De Auñon Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Auñon Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Nuñez and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
603 First Name Geronimo Last Name De Avalos Alias Year 1588 Origin Toledo Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Travelled with his wife Juana De Avalos from Toledo and a son named Juan de Avalos who was 8 years old and a daughter amed Maria On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
604 First Name Francisco Last Name De Avalos Montañes Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
605 First Name Alonso Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1577 Origin Mechoacan Residence San Juan de Puerto Rico Occupation Canon Sentence Comments Canon of the Cathedral of Puerto Rico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
606 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went as servant of Antonio Velazquez Has genealogy.Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
607 First Name Antonio Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1585 Origin Residence Honduras and Guatemala Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
608 First Name Diego Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1577 Origin Malagon Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Juan and Pedro Gutierrez Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
609 First Name Diego Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Page Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
610 First Name Fracisco Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1559 Origin Segovia Residence Peru Occupation Accountant Sentence Comments Married. Travelled with his wife Isabel de Palenca and 1 daughter to practice his career Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
611 First Name Francisco Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1534 Origin Avila Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
612 First Name Francisco Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Travelled as servant of Lic de Muñoz who went with the Virrey Marques de Cañete Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
613 First Name Fray Jeronimo Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1577 Origin Aroche Huelva Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
614 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1576 Origin Zacatecas Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Was from Zacatecas and returned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
615 First Name Juan Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Returned to NewSpain where he had come from Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
616 First Name Luis Last Name De Avila Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mechuacan Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Marques En Tezcuco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
617 First Name Francisca Last Name De Avilla Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
618 First Name Beatriz Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1576 Origin Cardeñosa de Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Alonso Flores de Ovando Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
619 First Name Diego Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1510 Origin Ayala Residence Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Servant for Don Cristobal De Sotomayor; son of Pedro Hernandez De Heguiluz and Elvira De Murga Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
620 First Name Diego Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1553 Origin Madrid Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
621 First Name Diego Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
622 First Name Fr Tomas Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments From the Order of Santiago Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
623 First Name Francisco Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1592 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
624 First Name Francisco Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1592 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
625 First Name Juan Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
626 First Name Juana Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant f Ana Gonzalez Old christian lean blood Has genealogy made Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
627 First Name Pedro Last Name De Ayala Alias Year 1512 Origin Olmedo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin Sanchez de Arezquite and Maria Ochoa Alonso Sanguino, Vecino de Madrigal so of Alonso Sanguino and Isabel Gonzalez Francisco Lopez from Olmedo son of Juan de Pollina and Maria Garcia,Garcia Muñoz de Olmedo son of Cristobal Muñoz and Maria de Las Cuevas all servats of the Lcdo Velazquez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
628 First Name Francisco Last Name De Ayalla Alias Year 1535 Origin Tailor Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
629 First Name Pedro Last Name De Ayllon Alias Year 1512 Origin Ayllon Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Ayllon and his wife Isabel from Ayllon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
630 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Ayora Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Pedro Hiladgo Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
631 First Name Joan Last Name De Azuaga Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Asserador Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
632 First Name Hernando Last Name De Badajoz Alias Year 1577 Origin Jaen Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
633 First Name Andres Last Name De Baena Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
634 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Baena Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo de Cea and Ines Hernandez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
635 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Baeza Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
636 First Name Diego Last Name De Baeza Alias Year 1535 Origin Jerez Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
637 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Baeza Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
638 First Name Juan Last Name De Baeza Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
639 First Name Juan Last Name De Baeza Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
640 First Name Anton Last Name De Balaguera Alias Year 1563 Origin Villaluenga Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
641 First Name Pedro Last Name De Balbas Alias Year 1555 Origin Palenzuela Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Servant of D.Francisco De Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
642 First Name Diego Last Name De Balbuena Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 15 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
643 First Name Lucas Last Name De Balbuena Alias Year 1576 Origin Leon Residence Los Reyes Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single Was the servant of the Treasurer Bernardo Ramirez and brother of Andres Balbuena 20 years old Son of Cristobal de Balbuena and Leonor Bautista de Campo Old Christians Clean Bood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
644 First Name Martin Last Name De Baldivieso Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
645 First Name Andres Last Name De Ballido Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
646 First Name Diego Last Name De Balmaseda Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
647 First Name Maria Last Name De Baños Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz Residence Guatemala Occupation As maid of Catalina de Vasas Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
648 First Name Juan Last Name De Bañuelos Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
649 First Name Lope Last Name De Bardeci Alias Year 1511 Origin Becerril de Campos Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin de Bardeci and Mayor Pimienta Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
650 First Name Diego Last Name De Barjon Alias Year 1576 Origin Medina Del Campo Valladolid Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Came with Baltasar de Castillo y Ahedo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
651 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Barrera Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador Was given 20 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
652 First Name Martin Last Name De Barrientos Alias Year 1563 Origin Ponferrada Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Licdo Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
653 First Name Garcia Last Name De Barrionuevo Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de Alcardete Toledo Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
654 First Name Pedro Last Name De Barruelo Alias Year 1512 Origin Palencia Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Barruelo and Maria his wife fr0m Palencia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
655 First Name Juan Last Name De Basabe Alias Year 1584 Origin Chandiano Vizcaya Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
656 First Name Ochoa Last Name De Basarte Alias Year 1576 Origin Peru Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single came from Peru and went back to Peru with two of his chidren Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
657 First Name Francisco Last Name De Bastidas Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla en San Vicente Occupation Carpenter Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
658 First Name Joan Last Name De Basualdo Montañes Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
659 First Name Juan Last Name De Basurto Alias Year 1576 Origin Asua Vizcaya Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Went as servant of Dr Mesa Judge of the Roya Audience Old Christians Clean blood. Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
660 First Name Fray Juan Last Name De Bautista Alias Year 1576 Origin Isla Española Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
661 First Name Pedro Last Name De Bazan Alias Year 1553 Origin Parra Del Condado De Feria Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Servant of Gonzalo Mendez De Tordoya Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
662 First Name Juan Last Name De Beas Alias Year 1563 Origin Beas Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
663 First Name Juan Last Name De Bedoya Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
664 First Name Garcia Last Name De Bellica Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
665 First Name Pedro Last Name De Belmonte Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
666 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Beltran Alias Year 1576 Origin Sanlucar la Mayor Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Beatriz Hernandez from Sanlucar as servants of Antonio de Andrada Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
667 First Name Pedro Last Name De Benavente Alias Year 1576 Origin Villa de Collogudo Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Rodrigo De Vivero Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
668 First Name Amador Last Name De Benialuo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
669 First Name Juan Last Name De Bera Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Zacatulla Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
670 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Berro Alias Year 1566 Origin Suero Residence Asuncion Occupation Tonelero Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Was Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
671 First Name Pedro Last Name De Bertabillo Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
672 First Name Juan Last Name De Beza Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Not residing in Los Angeles Occupation Alderman and city council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
673 First Name Francisco Last Name De Bibaldo Alias Year 1588 Origin Peñalfiel Valladolid Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
674 First Name Carlos Franco Last Name De Biedma Alias Year 1553 Origin Andujar.Jaen Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
675 First Name Francisco Last Name De Bielma Alias Year 1554 Origin Granada Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
676 First Name Pedro Last Name De Bilao Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Rabecin Larrabezua Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Sarria and Marina his wife from Rabecin Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
677 First Name Francisco Last Name De Billalua Alias Year 1566 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Pertiguero in the Church Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
678 First Name Juan Last Name De Birruega Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
679 First Name Mencia Last Name De Bitos Alias Year 1561 Origin Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with her husband Francisco Delgado Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
680 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Bivero Alias Year 1576 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
681 First Name Beatriz Last Name de Bobadilla Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with a son of hers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
682 First Name Francisco Last Name De Bocha Alias Year 1576 Origin Bexar Del Castañal Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
683 First Name Maria Last Name De Bocos Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
684 First Name Juan Last Name De Bonilla Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Supplier Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
685 First Name Antonio Last Name De Bora Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugal Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
686 First Name Pedro Last Name De Boza Raiz Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Not residing in Los Angeles Occupation Alderman and city council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
687 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Breta Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
688 First Name Urtuno Last Name De Bretendona Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Master stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
689 First Name Hernando Last Name De Bricianos Alias Year 1566 Origin Sahagun Residence Asuncion Occupation Etallador Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
690 First Name Fracisco Last Name De Brihuega Alias Year 1512 Origin Toledo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Martin and Maria Sanchez from Brizhuega in Toledo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
691 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Bruselas Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Smelter Sentence Comments Was together with son Cristobal and servant Cristobal Gallego Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
692 First Name Luis Last Name De Buendia Alias Year 1563 Origin Toledo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
693 First Name Martin Last Name De Buhedo o Buedo Alias Year 1563 Origin Pancorbo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
694 First Name Alonso Last Name De Buisa Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Alderman/Mayor Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was with the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman.He was not a Conquistador Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
695 First Name Juan Last Name De Buitrago Alias Year 1563 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Traveled with his wife Ana de Obregon and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
696 First Name Andres Last Name De Buitrano Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
697 First Name Roberto Last Name De Buiza Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Asencio De Robledo and Lucrecia De Buiza Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
698 First Name Andres Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1577 Origin Granada V.Arevalo Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed and went with his children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
699 First Name Andres Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1577 Origin Granada V.Arevalo Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single son of Andres de Burgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
700 First Name Antonio Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled without saying hwre with Francisfo De Santiago his son in law and Doña Beatriz De Burgos his sister Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
701 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1586 Origin Burgos Residence Potosi Occupation Servant of Alonso Enriquez Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
702 First Name Francisco Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1566 Origin Cordoba Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Guadamecilero Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived married in Cordoba Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
703 First Name Hernando Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
704 First Name Juan Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Burgos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Vitoria and Maria DeSalazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
705 First Name Juan Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1535 Origin Torrijos Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
706 First Name Juan Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1577 Origin Granada V.Arevalo Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single son of Andres de Burgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
707 First Name Marcos Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevila Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
708 First Name Maria Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married .went with her children tolive with her hsband who was a resident of the provonces Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
709 First Name Nicolas Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1578 Origin Fregenal Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
710 First Name Tomas Last Name De Burgos Alias Year 1577 Origin Granada V.Arevalo Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single son of Andres de Burgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
711 First Name Daniel Last Name De Busto Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and had sent for his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
712 First Name Garcia Last Name De Bustos Alias Year 1552 Origin Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
713 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Bustos Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme y Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single is 21 years old Son of Rodrigo Sanchez and Elvira Ortiz Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
714 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Caballos Alias Year 1577 Origin San Juan de Puerto Rico Residence San Juan de Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
715 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Cabezon Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Cabezon and Maria Alvarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
716 First Name Juan Last Name De Cabildo Alias Year 1563 Origin Huete Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Luis Vazquez y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
717 First Name Antonio Last Name De Cabis Alias Year 1588 Origin Gelbes Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
718 First Name Pedro Last Name De Cabra Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
719 First Name Ana Last Name De Cabrera Alias Year 1579 Origin Fernan Nuñez Cordoba Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
720 First Name Andres Last Name De Cabrera Alias Year 1534 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
721 First Name Antonio Last Name De Cabrera Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
722 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Cabrera Alias Year 1592 Origin Tenerife Canarias Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
723 First Name Francisca Last Name De Cabrera Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed. Honorable Old Christian clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
724 First Name Alonso Last Name De Caceres Alias Year 1561 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Doctor Sentence Comments Travelled with 8 servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
725 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Caceres Alias Year 1575 Origin Montemolin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
726 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Caceres Alias Year 1576 Origin Alcantara Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Clean blood as servant of Bachiller Francisco Galavis Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
727 First Name Maria Last Name De Caceres Alias Year 1575 Origin Talavera Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
728 First Name Pedro Last Name De Caceres Alias Year 1511 Origin Vejer de Castañeda Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego de Caceres Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
729 First Name Pedro Last Name De Caceres Alias Year 1575 Origin Talavera Lerida Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with his wife Juana Rodriguez. Their son and Maria de Caceres sister of D Pedro De Caceres single. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
730 First Name Lope Last Name De Caicedo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cordoba Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin De Caicedo and Isabel Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
731 First Name Alonso Last Name De Caja Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
732 First Name Martin Last Name De Calahorra Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Alderman Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
733 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Calderon Alias Year 1577 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
734 First Name Andres Last Name De Campo Alias Year 1579 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
735 First Name Francisco Last Name De Campo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
736 First Name Juan Last Name De Campo Alias Year 1557 Origin Hita Residence Honduras Occupation Painter Sentence Comments Came to Honduras as painter of Fr Geronimo Corella Bishop Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
737 First Name Estamate Last Name De Candia Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
738 First Name Miguel Last Name De Candia Alias Year 1566 Origin Candia Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Maestre of naval ships Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
739 First Name Pedro Last Name De Carabeo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
740 First Name Alonso Last Name De Carbajal Alias Year 1563 Origin Trujillo Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Single and traveled as servant of Diego Garcia De Paredes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
741 First Name Diego Last Name De Carbajal Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Factor Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Carvajal Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
742 First Name Barnardino Last Name De Carballido Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
743 First Name Franciso Last Name De Cardenas Alias Year 1561 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife and Ana Mende in his service Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
744 First Name Juan Last Name De Cardenes Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Jeronimo and Ana Garcia De Cardenes Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
745 First Name Juan Last Name De Cariamo Alias Year 1576 Origin Cellorrigo Logroño Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Juan de Cariamo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
746 First Name Anton Last Name De Carmona Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Utrera Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Sanchez and Leonor Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
747 First Name Diego Last Name De Caro Alias Year 1576 Origin Bilbao Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
748 First Name Pedro Last Name De Carranzas Alias Year 1510 Origin Pancorbo Residence Occupation Esquire Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Carranzas and Juana De la Serna Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
749 First Name Antonio Last Name De Carrascal Alias Year 1592 Origin Alcantara Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
750 First Name Antonio Last Name De Carrasco Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Chareas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
751 First Name Gabriel Last Name De Carrera Alias Year 1586 Origin Cuenca V Peru Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Passengers who embarked in the Flotilla to New Spain in the charge if General Francisco de Noboa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
752 First Name Luis Last Name De Carrion Alias Year 1560 Origin Toledo Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Went to Tierra Firme with merchandise Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
753 First Name Juan Last Name De Cartaya Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
754 First Name Ana Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single And servant of Juan de Salas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
755 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1578 Origin Oropresa Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
756 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1579 Origin Jerez de Los Caballeros Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
757 First Name Balthasar Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1553 Origin Virruega Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
758 First Name Cosme Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christan Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
759 First Name Diego Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1566 Origin Trujillo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
760 First Name Luis Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1584 Origin Baeza Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
761 First Name Luis Last Name De Carvajal Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
762 First Name Diego Last Name De Carvajal Frias Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
763 First Name Diego Last Name De Casanova Alias Year 1555 Origin Taxonar Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
764 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Casaos Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Royal ID Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
765 First Name Pedro Last Name De Castañaga Alias Year 1579 Origin Bilbao Residence San Francisco De Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Diego Suarez de Figueroa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
766 First Name Alonso Last Name De Castañeda Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Juan Suarez de Rosa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
767 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Castañeda Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
768 First Name Juan Last Name De Castañeda Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toro Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Castañeda and Leonor Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
769 First Name Juan Last Name De Castañeda Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
770 First Name Juana Last Name De Castañeda Alias Year 1576 Origin Victoria Pontevedra Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
771 First Name Antonio Last Name De Castejon Alias Year 1549 Origin Soria Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
772 First Name Alonso Last Name De Castellon Alias Year 1576 Origin Redondela Huelva Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
773 First Name Jacome Last Name De Castellon Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Son of Bernardo De Castellon and Ines Suarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
774 First Name Jacome Last Name De Castellon Alias Year 1512 Origin Toledo Residence Occupation Genovese Merchant Sentence Comments Son of Bernardo de Castellon and Ines Suarez from Toledo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
775 First Name Nicolas Last Name De Castilla Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
776 First Name Francisco Last Name De Castillo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
777 First Name Francisco Last Name De Castillo Alias Year 1576 Origin Quintanilla De Somuño en Burgis Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Rodrigo De Vivero Sentence Comments Noble.Single. 15 years old.Son of Francisco de Gauna Castillo and Maria de Cardenas Old Christians and Hijosdalgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
778 First Name Juan Last Name De Castillo Alias Year 1584 Origin R.Granada Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
779 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Castillo y Ahedo Alias Year 1576 Origin Medina Del Campo Valladolid Residence Florida Occupation Visitador Sentence Comments Came to Florida as Visitador and to make way for the Governor of those lands Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
780 First Name Alonso Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Santa Maria Occupation Sentence Comments Single went as servant of the Bishop elect of Santra Maria Old Christian with genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
781 First Name Anton Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
782 First Name Antonio Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has a settlement named Tunjaza and the other ceniza had more or less 700 Indians in one and the other 200.He bout ceniza fromm another Conquistador Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
783 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Medina Del Campo Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Melchor de Castro, His brother sons of Gomez De Castro and Maria Lopez with their servants Juan Diaz and Pedro his brother sons of Juan Diaz and Aldonza residents of Melgar. Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
784 First Name Diego Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
785 First Name Diego Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1563 Origin Toledo Residence Venezuela Occupation Sentence Comments Single Traveled with Mariscal Gutierre De La Peña Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
786 First Name Diego Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
787 First Name Francisco Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1579 Origin Paredes de Nava palencia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and son of Gaspar de Castro and Leobor Hernandez Old Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
788 First Name Francisco Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
789 First Name Ines Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1586 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
790 First Name Ines Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
791 First Name Pedro Last Name De Castro Alias Year 1566 Origin Ecija Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Barbero Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
792 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Castro Maldonado Alias Year 1568 Origin Santo Domingo Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Had permisission to return where he had come from and to bring another servant in addition to he one he had Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
793 First Name Juan Last Name De Castroverde Alias Year 1563 Origin Lora ,Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Noble and Single Son of College Graduate Anton Diaz de Quiros and Catalina Gomez De Castroverde Grandson on the paternal side of Anton Diaz De Alanis Natural from Alanis and from the maternal side Hernan Perez De Castroverde and Francisca De Cervantes from Loa and Carmona all hijosdalgo whoch is a lower nobiity Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
794 First Name Melchor Last Name De Castroverde Alias Year 1563 Origin Alcala De Guadaira Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
795 First Name Juan Last Name De Cauchela Alias Year 1575 Origin Vallida Oviedo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
796 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cazorla Alias Year 1511 Origin Cazorla Residence Isla de San Juan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Martinez de Cosquilla and Maria Fernandez de Cazorla and his wife Juana de Segura Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
797 First Name Miguel Last Name De Cea Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
798 First Name Diego Last Name De Cebreros Alias Year 1577 Origin Torrijos Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
799 First Name Bartholome Last Name De Cecilia Alias Year 1546 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Tierra Firme Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
800 First Name Alonso Last Name De Celada Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Dueñas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Tristan De Celada and Maria Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
801 First Name Alonso Last Name De Celada Alias Year 1512 Origin Dueñas Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso de Celada y Maria Sanchez Sanches de Duenas with their servant Juan de Talavera son of Diego Hernandez from Talavera Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
802 First Name Hernando Last Name De Celis Alias Year 1553 Origin Valle De San Vicente Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Captain Llanes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
803 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cepeda Alias Year 1553 Origin La Puente del Arzobispo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
804 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cepeda Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
805 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cereceda Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Yanguas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Cereceda and Ines De Las Eres Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
806 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cervantes Alias Year 1512 Origin Martin Muñoz de Las Posadas Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Gonzalez Clergy and Maria his wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
807 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cervantes Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
808 First Name Captain Joan Last Name De Cespedes Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
809 First Name Pedro Last Name De Cespedes Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Medina de Pomar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Sancho de Cespedes and Elvira de Cespedes Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
810 First Name Christobal Last Name De Chaves Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
811 First Name Francisca Last Name De Chaves Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Went with Juana de Paz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
812 First Name Juan Last Name De Chaves Alias Year 1579 Origin Xarahicejo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
813 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Chaves Alias Year 1553 Origin Quito Residence Panama Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Travelled with Mencia de Vera and went to Panama to live with her Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
814 First Name Alonso Last Name De Chavez Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Alonso Gomez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
815 First Name Andres Last Name De Chavez Alias Year 1512 Origin Alcala De Guadaira Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Son of Anton Gonzalez de Chavez and Teresa Gonzalez from alcala De Guadaira Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
816 First Name Francisco Last Name De Chinchilla Alias Year 1588 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
817 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cifontes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
818 First Name Gomez Last Name De Cifuentes Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Repartimiento de Paypa Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Had 700-800 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
819 First Name Juan Last Name De Ciga Alias Year 1579 Origin Pamplona V Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments 20 years old Son of Fermin de Ciga and Maria Marin de aldaz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
820 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Cisneros Alias Year 1512 Origin Plasencia y Garcia de Valadolid Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments His nephew and son of Garcia de Valladolid and Teresa alvarez from Alba De Torres Garcia de Valladolid Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
821 First Name Pedro Last Name De Cisneros Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Single went to live with his uncle Bernardimo de Cisneros Old Christian. Distinguished Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
822 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cobarrubias Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Traveled with his wife Maria Ramirez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
823 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Cobarrubias Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
824 First Name Juan Last Name De Coca Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
825 First Name Francisco Last Name De Coimbra Alias Year 1565 Origin Marbella Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
826 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Colisa Alias Year 1579 Origin Aldeanueva de Valvarroja Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Ana Ruiz and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
827 First Name Diego Last Name De Collantes Alias Year 1565 Origin Valladolid Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
828 First Name Diego Last Name De Collantes Alias Year 1588 Origin Salamanca Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
829 First Name Diego Last Name De Collantes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
830 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Colmenares Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Villa de Carrion Occupation Esquire Sentence Comments Son of Gomez Garcia De Colmenares and Maria Garcia De Castañeda Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
831 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Conellar Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
832 First Name Juan Last Name De Conellar Verdugo Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
833 First Name Francisco Last Name De Contreras Alias Year 1592 Origin Villarrasa Huelva Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
834 First Name Manuel Last Name De Contreras Alias Year 1576 Origin Peñafiel Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Governor Sentence Comments Single Went with his cousin Alonso de Contreras and Governor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
835 First Name Pedro Last Name De Contreras Alias Year 1576 Origin Alcala la Real Jaen Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Doctor Mesa Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
836 First Name Alonso Last Name De Contreras Guevara Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Honduras Occupation Governor Sentence Comments Travelled as Virrey and Governor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
837 First Name Leonor Last Name De Corbaneja Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
838 First Name Fernando Last Name De Cordoba Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
839 First Name Hernando Last Name De Cordoba Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
840 First Name Juan Last Name De Cordoba Alias Year 1575 Origin Maqueda Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Maker of Buskins Sentence Comments Went with his wife Maria Rodriguez and her children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
841 First Name Francisco Last Name De Coronas Alias Year 1553 Origin Navas de S Esteban Del Puerto Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of the Bishop of Mechoacan D. Vasco De Quiroga Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
842 First Name Juan Last Name De Corral Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
843 First Name Miguel Last Name De Corral Alias Year 1576 Origin Trijueque Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Catalina Gonzalez From Hita in Guadalajara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
844 First Name Pedro Last Name De Corral Alias Year 1565 Origin Marbella Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
845 First Name Pero Last Name De Corral Alias Year 1569 Origin Marbella Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
846 First Name Pedro Last Name De Correa Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
847 First Name Diego Last Name De Coto Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 20 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and had sent for his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
848 First Name Juana Last Name De Crianca Alias Year 1555 Origin Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Widow travelled with Juan de Hesidre her son and in the company of Pedro Rodriguez Puertocrrero and his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
849 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Cruz Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
850 First Name Felipe Last Name De Cruz Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
851 First Name Isabel Last Name De Cruz Alias Year 1576 Origin Utrera Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
852 First Name Juan Last Name De Cruz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
853 First Name Juan Last Name De Cruz Alias Year 1576 Origin Utrera Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
854 First Name Marina Last Name De Cruz Alias Year 1576 Origin Utrera Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
855 First Name Martin Last Name de Cuares Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
856 First Name Eugenio Last Name De Cubas Alias Year 1576 Origin Torrejon de Velasco Madrid Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Lope Rodriguez de Varillas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
857 First Name Pedro Last Name De Cubero Alias Year 1535 Origin Jerez De La Frontera Residence Veragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Veragua to pass the conquest of Veragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
858 First Name Antonio Last Name De Cuellar Alias Year 1576 Origin Segovia Residence Popayan Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single Servant of Sancho Garcia Del Espinar Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
859 First Name Juan Last Name De Cuellar Alias Year 1512 Origin Giles in Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Husband of Juana Martin and son of Garcia deCuellar and Ana Martin from Gilbes in Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
860 First Name Felix Last Name De Cuellar Castañeda Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Guard Mayor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II MemorialServant of Pedro Hernandez de Valenzuela Old Christian Clean Blood genealogy
861 First Name Diego Last Name De Cueto Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Valladolid Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Huberto De Hyz; was together with servant Pedro De Anda, son of Lope Fernandez De Anda and Elvira De Anda Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
862 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cueva Alias Year 1512 Origin Sanlucar del Alpechin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Fernan Martinez Zambrano and Juana Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
863 First Name Catalina Last Name De Cuevas Alias Year 1575 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
864 First Name Francisco Last Name De Cuevas Alias Year 1553 Origin Kingdom of Toledo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Porter Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay.Married in Toledo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
865 First Name Diego Last Name De Deza Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Hs last naewas confused with Daza Old Christians Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
866 First Name Fray Pedro Last Name De Diaz Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
867 First Name Hernan Last Name De Diaz Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
868 First Name D. Last Name De Diego Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
869 First Name Pedro Last Name De Dorramas Alias Year 1577 Origin Lugar de Bliecos Soria Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
870 First Name Andres Last Name De Dueñas Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with his wife Ana Suarez and a son of hers who was single to ive with an aunt of his Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
871 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Dueñas Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
872 First Name Diego Last Name De Dueñas Alias Year 1576 Origin Cordoba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Jeronima Marquez and their children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
873 First Name Francisco Last Name De Dueñas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Maker of silk or cloth shoes Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
874 First Name Romualdo Last Name De Dueñas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sedero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
875 First Name Antonio Last Name De Echaniz Alias Year 1577 Origin Orio Guipuzcoa Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Francisco de Zarate Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
876 First Name Pedro Last Name De Elguea Alias Year 1511 Origin Elguea, Alava Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope Gogor de Elguea and Marina de Axcorbe Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
877 First Name Alonso Last Name De Encinas Alias Year 1566 Origin Trujillo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
878 First Name Juan Last Name De Encinas Alias Year 1576 Origin Villafranca de la Puente del Arzobispo Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Juan Muñoz Sentence Comments Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
879 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Eraso Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
880 First Name Antonio Last Name De Escalante Alias Year 1576 Origin Segovia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
881 First Name Luis Last Name De Escalante Alias Year 1546 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Tierra Firme with license to pass Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
882 First Name Melchor Last Name De Escalona Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillo en Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single. Went to live with his Father Melchor de Escalona (2) resident of New Spain He was 13.Son of Melchor de Escalona and Elvira Ortega . Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
883 First Name Isabel Last Name De Escaria Alias Year 1586 Origin Guatemala Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Mestiza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
884 First Name Alonso Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Medellin Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego De Escobar and Catalina Sanchez with their brither Francisco De Escibar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
885 First Name Alonso Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1550 Origin Trujillo Residence Peru Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50.Married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
886 First Name Alonso Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1553 Origin La Serena Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
887 First Name Antonio Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Montalegre in lands of Campos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo De Escobar and Maria De Montalegre Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
888 First Name Francisca Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took as maid Maria Diaz De Montoya Natural de Burguillos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
889 First Name Francisco Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 25 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
890 First Name Francisco Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1565 Origin Cordoba Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
891 First Name Francisco Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1569 Origin Cordoba Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
892 First Name Francisco Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
893 First Name Francisco Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1576 Origin Baeza Jaen Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Pedro Hernandez Valenzuela Son of Francisco de Quesada and Luisa Perez de Escobar from Jodar. Sentence Comments His wife Ana Gutierrez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
894 First Name Garcia Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married to catalina Holgada 25 years old. Francisc their son was 3 from Trujillo. His father was Gama de Cabañas and Leonor de Escobar.Old Chrsitias cleanbood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
895 First Name Ines Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went to live with her husband Antonio Moreno resident in New Spain Took 3 children with him Old Christians clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
896 First Name Juan Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Meneses Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo De Escobar and Maria De Astudillo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
897 First Name Juan Last Name De Escobar Alias Year 1566 Origin Cadiz Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Good Mariner Married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
898 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Eslava Alias Year 1575 Origin Ecija Residence Nicaragua Occupation Licenciado Sentence Comments Single.As servant of Fray Antonio de Zayas Bishop elect of Nicaragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
899 First Name Melchor Last Name De España Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with Hernando Pizarro and servant if Diego de Aguayo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
900 First Name Sebastián Last Name De Esparragosa de Lares Alias Year 1511 Origin Encomienda de Alcántara Residence Esparragosa de Lares Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bartolomé de Acedro and Juana García de Sancho Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
901 First Name Miguel Last Name De Espejo Alias Year 1579 Origin R.Granada Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
902 First Name Pedro Last Name De Espinar Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
903 First Name Francisco Last Name De Espindola Alias Year 1566 Origin Sant Lucar De Barrameda Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
904 First Name Diego Last Name De Espino Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Espino and Juana Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
905 First Name Alonso Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
906 First Name Alonso Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went to live with a Brother Old Christians clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
907 First Name Anton Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
908 First Name Francisca Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1554 Origin Benavente Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed with 1 daughter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
909 First Name Francisco Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1512 Origin Espinosa Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Gomez and Maria Lopez from Espinosa Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
910 First Name Fray Francisco Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1577 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Dominico Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
911 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Espinosa de los Monteros Occupation Sentence Comments Was together with servant Francisco Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
912 First Name Joan Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1554 Origin Montañes Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
913 First Name Juan Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1552 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
914 First Name Juan Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1563 Origin Talavera de la Reina Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
915 First Name Juan Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1569 Origin Espinosa De Los Monteros Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
916 First Name Juan Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1511 Origin Mazariegos Obispado de Palencia Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De La Linde and Maria Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
917 First Name Marcos Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1577 Origin Santo Domingo Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
918 First Name Martin Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of the Marquis Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
919 First Name Pedro Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Espinosa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego De Solano and Maria Fernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
920 First Name Pedro Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1552 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
921 First Name Pedro Last Name De Espinosa Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Francisca De Estrada and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
922 First Name Luis Last Name De Espinosa De Castilla Alias Year 1565 Origin Castilla la Vieja Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion he has hs ermita next to a city called Santha Catharina Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
923 First Name Anton Last Name De Esquivel Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Cap. Antonio Diaz Carrdoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
924 First Name Francisco Last Name De Esquivel Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Servant for the Marquise of Portugal; son of Alvaro De Esquivel and Leonor De Porras Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
925 First Name Luis Last Name De Esquivel Alias Year 1592 Origin Madrid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
926 First Name No first name given Last Name De Esquivel Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
927 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Estrada Alias Year 1579 Origin Talavera la Vieja Caceres Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
928 First Name Juan Last Name De Estrada Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Juan Ruzi Cabeza de Vaca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
929 First Name Miguel Last Name De Estrada Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
930 First Name Pedro Last Name De Estrada Alias Year 1577 Origin Huelva Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
931 First Name Pedro Last Name De Estupiñan Cabeza De Vaca Alias Year 1565 Origin Jerez De la Fron/Cadiz Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Widowed.70 years old Was married to Beatriz De Carrizona went to Peru tolook for his brother Lorenzo Estupiñan De Figueroa Son of the Order of Santiago Pedro de Estupiñan, Grandson paternal Ramon Estupiñan and Mayor de Virues and maternal Pedro De Baca and Catalina Zurita all known hijodalgos Old Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
932 First Name Antonio Last Name De Evora Alias Year 1566 Origin Portugal Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
933 First Name Anton Last Name De Ferragute Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
934 First Name Francisco Last Name De Figueredo Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom He was a wealthy man Had 200-300 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
935 First Name Juan Last Name De Figueroa Alias Year 1577 Origin Caceres Residence Chile Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
936 First Name Juan Last Name De Figueroa Alias Year 1579 Origin Caceres Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
937 First Name Pedro Last Name De Figueroa Alias Year 1576 Origin Nogueira Galicia Residence Honduras Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single as servant of D Alonso Contreras deGuevara Son of Gomez Varela and Teresa Nuñez Kown Hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
938 First Name Sebastiana Last Name De Figueroa Alias Year 1576 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Rui Diaz de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
939 First Name Isabel Last Name De Flandes Alias Year 1579 Origin Lepe Huelva Residence Peru Occupation Maid of Juan de Muesas Sentence Comments Free Slave Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
940 First Name Juan Last Name De Flandes Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
941 First Name Bernardo Last Name De Flores Alias Year 1511 Origin Valladolid Residence Niebla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco De Flores and Lucia Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
942 First Name Francisco Last Name De Flores Alias Year 1553 Origin Guadecanal Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Ines Osorio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
943 First Name Juan Last Name De Flores Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Fernando Villarreal and Catalina Rodriguez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
944 First Name Juana Last Name De Flores Alias Year 1567 Origin Toledo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Married Her parents lived a long time Iglesuela.Her husband was Juan De Vitoria From Baeza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
945 First Name Antonio Last Name De Fonseca Alias Year 1592 Origin Zerolico Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
946 First Name Juan Last Name De Fonseca Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
947 First Name Rui Last Name De Fonseca Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
948 First Name Juan Last Name De Fontomar Alias Year 1579 Origin Ajo Santander Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went to live with his father Old Christian Clean Blood Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
949 First Name Juan Last Name De Fregenal Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Fregenal Occupation Cutler Sentence Comments Son of Juan Martinez and Isabel Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
950 First Name Juan Last Name De Fresneda Alias Year 1577 Origin Alarcon Cuenca Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Bachiller Andres Ramirez de Alarcon Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
951 First Name Ana Last Name De Frias Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled with Juana de Frias both single and their brother Diego de Frias who was in Peru and their parents Bartholome Sanchez Paniagua and Elvira de Morales Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
952 First Name Francisco Last Name De Frias Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Married to Maria De Soria from Oropesa and children all from Madrid 45 years old His children Antonio 23 Tabana 20 Francisco 17 Esteban 4 all from Oropresa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
953 First Name Garcia Last Name De Frias Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
954 First Name Hernando Last Name De Frias Alias Year 1588 Origin Aruelo Avila Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
955 First Name Juana Last Name De Frias Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled with Ana de Frias both single and their brother Diego de Frias who was in Peru and their parents Bartholome Sanchez Paniagua and Elvira de Morales Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
956 First Name Maria Last Name De Frias Alias Year 1579 Origin Zaralizo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
957 First Name Pedro Last Name De Frias Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Avila Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego De Frias and Elvira Diaz from Avila and his wife Maria Lopez Daughter of Juan de Burgos and Leonor Lopez de la Vega from Valadolid Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
958 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Frias Albornos Alias Year 1555 Origin Villa De Talavera Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
959 First Name Diego Last Name De Frias Carvajal Alias Year 1584 Origin Plasencia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
960 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Frias de Miranda Alias Year 1579 Origin Torrejon de VelascoMadrid Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with an uncle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
961 First Name Juan Last Name De Frias Salazar Alias Year 1576 Origin Miranda Del Ebro Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single He was 32 Years old son of Juan Frias de Salazar and Catalina Perez Hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
962 First Name Diego Last Name De Fuenmayor Alias Year 1576 Origin Lucena,Cordoba Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Went as servant of Dr Mesa Judge of the Roya Audience Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
963 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Fuentes Alias Year 1579 Origin Guadacanal Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went with his wife Mariana de Urquiza from Sevilla and also her sister Beatriz de Fuentes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
964 First Name Mateo Last Name De Fuentes Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
965 First Name Francisca Last Name De Funes Alias Year 1561 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was with Alonso de Soto and his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
966 First Name Miguel Last Name De Funes Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
967 First Name Juan Last Name De Fuzman Alias Year 1575 Origin Yanguas Soria Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
968 First Name Miguel Last Name De Gadea Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
969 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Gallegos Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
970 First Name Fray Francisco Last Name De Gallegos Alias Year 1577 Origin San Juan de Puerto Rico Residence San Juan de Puerto Rico Occupation Prior Dominican Sentence Comments Prior of the Convent of Santo Domingo of Puerto Rico Brought other Dominicans and servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
971 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Gama Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Belalcazar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Gamma and Constanza Vazquez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
972 First Name Antonio Last Name De Gamboa Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Hita Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Servant for Supervisor Silvestre Perez; son of Alonso De Gamboa and Catalina De Anguciana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
973 First Name Francisco Last Name De Gamboa Alias Year 1575 Origin Brihuega Guadalajara Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
974 First Name Joan Last Name De Gamboa Alias Year 1553 Origin Extremadura Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
975 First Name Juan Last Name De Gamon Alias Year 1577 Origin Renteria Guipuzcoa Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
976 First Name Pedro Last Name De Garay Alias Year 1555 Origin Isava Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
977 First Name Juan Last Name De Garcia Alias Year 1576 Origin Palacios Del Arzobispo Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
978 First Name Antonio Last Name De Gaspar Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
979 First Name Pedro Last Name De Gaytan Alias Year 1535 Origin Jerez De La Frontera Residence Veragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Veragua to pass the conquest of Veragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
980 First Name Alonso Last Name De Genta Alias Year 1584 Origin Escañuela Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
981 First Name Luis Last Name De German Alias Year 1579 Origin Bejer de la Frontera Cadiz Residence Peru Occupation Page Sentence Comments Page of his brother College Graduate Bartolome Sanchez Calderon Old Christians has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
982 First Name Diego Alonso Last Name De Geronimo Gonzalez Alias Year 1553 Origin Guadalcanal Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Beatroz de Morales his wife and one daughter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
983 First Name Juan Last Name De Glada Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
984 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Godoy Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and went with Antonio De Andrada and one of 20 men that were in his company Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
985 First Name Francisco Last Name De Godoy Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Velez-Malaga Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Godoy and Elvira Gomez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
986 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Godoy Alias Year 1553 Origin Puerto De Santa Maria Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Servant of Ldo Gregorio De Villegas. Worked as Oidor of the Real Audiencia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
987 First Name Juan Last Name De Godoy Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme y Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Old christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
988 First Name Spicio Last Name De Goes Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion entered withhis wife Dona Maria De BatoHe was a Genteman and noble Portuguese and brother of Vicente Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
989 First Name Vicente Last Name De Goes Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion brother of Spicio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
990 First Name Pedro Last Name De Gogenola Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Arequipa Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
991 First Name Melchor Last Name De Golizarno Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
992 First Name Francisco Last Name De Gomez De Espinosa Alias Year 1576 Origin Carrion de Los Condes Palencia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Rui Diaz de Mendoza Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
993 First Name Amador Last Name De Gorraiz Alias Year 1555 Origin Gorraiz,Navarra Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
994 First Name Miguel Last Name De Gorraiz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Gorraiz, Kingdom of Navarra Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lanzarote de Gorraiz and María de Janariz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
995 First Name Lazaro Last Name De Goveo Alias Year 1576 Origin Robleda De La Vega Residence Nueva España Occupation Barber/Surgeon Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
996 First Name Martin Last Name De Goyri Alias Year 1534 Origin Murguia en Alava Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
997 First Name Juan Last Name De Grados Alias Year 1576 Origin Valencia de Alcantara Caceres Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Governor Guillen de Casaosof Yucatan Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
998 First Name Alonso Last Name De Grijalva Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
999 First Name Lorenzo Last Name De Guerra Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1000 First Name Geronimo Last Name De Guevara Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1001 First Name Iñigo Last Name De Guevara Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista and brought a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1002 First Name Maria Last Name De Guevara Alias Year 1548 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments She was Mulata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1003 First Name Francisco Last Name De Guido Alias Year 1576 Origin Leon de Nicaragua Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Mestizo and Single Retured to Nicaragua where he was from Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1004 First Name Antonio Last Name De Guilez Alias Year 1553 Origin Medellin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1005 First Name Pedro Last Name De Guinea and Urruchi Alias Year 1570 Origin Luyando/Sevilla Residence Guatemala Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single.Servant of Andres de Molina. 19 years old From Luyando land of Ayala. Valle of Llodio. Son of Pedro De Guinea public scribe and Constanza de Urruchi Paternal of Pedro De Guinea y Hprue and Ana De Villachica second grandson paternal line of Sancho Diez de Guinea and Maria Hernandez De Horue youngest son of the owner of the House of Saherin.Known hijosdalgo. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1006 First Name Hernando Last Name De Gurendes Alias Year 1512 Origin Aranzanos Avila Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Ruy Sanchez de Gurendes y de Maria Sanchez De Vernedo vecinos de Aranzanos with the servant Francisco Diaz son of Diego Diaz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1007 First Name Domingo Last Name De Gutierrez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1008 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Gutierrez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1009 First Name Diego Last Name De Gutierrez Holgado Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1010 First Name Juan Last Name De Guzman Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Accountant Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1011 First Name Luis Last Name De Guzman Alias Year 1592 Origin Jijon Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1012 First Name Pablo Last Name De Guzman Alias Year 1576 Origin Usanos Guadalajara Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1013 First Name Pedro Last Name De Guzman Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Zamora Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Servant for the Conde de Alba de Liste; son of Juan Ortiz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1014 First Name Hernando Last Name De Helguera Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Mayor Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1015 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Henao Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Single.came and went from Chile Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1016 First Name Juan Martin Last Name De Herchavide Alias Year 1512 Origin SotoSalbos Villa de Segovia Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Benito Sachez de Echavide and Juana Martin Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1017 First Name Don Pedro Last Name De Heredia Alias Year 1549 Origin Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Passes through to his destination as Givefner of Cartagena Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1018 First Name Pedro Last Name De Heredia Alias Year 1534 Origin Zamora Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1019 First Name Diego Last Name De Herguenigo Alias Year 1576 Origin Rabezua Vizcaya Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single as Servant of Lope Ruiz Bustamante he was 20 years old He was son of Lic Diego de Herguenigo and Dona Francisca de Ugarte from Bilbao Old Chrsitians and clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1020 First Name Juan Last Name De Hermosa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1021 First Name Francisco Last Name De Hermosilla Alias Year 1565 Origin Cordoba Residence Asuncion Occupation Mayor Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1022 First Name Francisco Last Name De Hermosilla Alias Year 1569 Origin Cordoba Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1023 First Name Blas Last Name De Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Villalba Tarragona Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1024 First Name Diego Last Name De Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Santa Maria Occupation Mason Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1025 First Name Pedro Last Name De Hernandez Valenzuela Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1026 First Name Pedro Last Name De Hernandez Valenzuela Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1027 First Name Alonso Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alvaro De Herrera and Juana de Segovia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1028 First Name Alonso Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation El Del Pastel Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1029 First Name Alonso Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1583 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierre Firme Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1030 First Name Andres Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was given 25 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1031 First Name Antonio Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1032 First Name Diego Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1563 Origin Toledo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1033 First Name Francisco Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1034 First Name Francisco Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Maker of silk or cloth shoes Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1035 First Name Francisco Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Maker of silk or cloth shoes Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1036 First Name Francisco Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1592 Origin Vrozas Caceres Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1037 First Name Fray Diego Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Fray Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1038 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1039 First Name Hernando Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Medellin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1040 First Name Juan Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1510 Origin Peñafiel Residence Occupation Esquire Sentence Comments Son of Alonso De Herrera and Beatriz De Tamayo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1041 First Name Juan Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Master stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1042 First Name Juan Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1550 Origin Ecija Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. And informacion from Accountanting Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1043 First Name Manuel Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1548 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with Royal Credentials.He was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1044 First Name Pedro Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1510 Origin Faez Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alvar Gonzalez De Faez and Maria Alonso De Posada Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1045 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1548 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with Identification. And was the servant of Diego Florez from Sevilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1046 First Name Sancho Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1565 Origin Santander Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Travelled with his single sister Maria Herrera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1047 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Herrera Alias Year 1577 Origin Guadalajara Brihuega Residence Nicaragua Occupation Servant of Treasurer Juan Morena Alvarez de Toledo Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1048 First Name Pedro Last Name De Herrera Aguayo Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Licenciado Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1049 First Name Diego Last Name De Herrero Alias Year 1576 Origin Garrovillas Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1050 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Herveros Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1051 First Name Miguel Last Name De Hierro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Escolero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1052 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Hilescas Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Hilescas (Illescas) Occupation Apothecary Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Gonzales (apothecary) and Maria de Esquivias Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1053 First Name Luis Last Name De Hinojosa Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1054 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Hoces Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Occupation Friar Sentence Comments Franciscan friar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1055 First Name Diego Last Name De Hordaz Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence New World Occupation Was given 25 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married and had homes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1056 First Name Juan Last Name De Hornillos Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Hornillos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Aguado and Maria Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1057 First Name Juan Last Name De Horozco Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador given 40 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1058 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Hortigosa Alias Year 1565 Origin Cordoba Residence Asuncion Occupation Notary of the Bishop Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1059 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Hortigosa Alias Year 1569 Origin Cordoba Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1060 First Name Juan Last Name De Huelva Alias Year 1592 Origin Trigueros Valladolid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1061 First Name Francisco Last Name De Huerta Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1062 First Name Pedro Last Name De Huerta Alias Year 1512 Origin Villoria Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Castilla and Maria his wife from Villoria Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1063 First Name Juan Last Name De Huertas Alias Year 1577 Origin Villar del Pozo Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Service of Cristobal Baena Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1064 First Name Diego Last Name De Husiaga Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1065 First Name Francisco Last Name De Huza Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1066 First Name Pedro Last Name De Ibarra Alias Year 1587 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Accountant Sentence Comments Went as accountat of the Galleons of the area Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1067 First Name Alonso Last Name De Illescas Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Factor Sentence Comments As Factor for his father Rodrigo de Illescas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1068 First Name Diego Last Name De Illescas Alias Year 1578 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1069 First Name Maria Last Name De India Alias Year 1553 Origin Tierra Firme Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single and returning to Tierra Firme Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1070 First Name Juan Last Name De Iniesta Alias Year 1577 Origin San Clemente Cuenca Residence Nueva Galicia Occupation Servant of Doctor Alonso Larios Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1071 First Name Martin Last Name De Isasaga Alias Year 1510 Origin Villafranca, Guipuzcoa Residence Occupation Hidalgo Sentence Comments Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1072 First Name Diego Last Name De Isla Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1073 First Name Pedro Last Name De Isla Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Medina De Pomar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Isla and Maria Saiz Garrida Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1074 First Name Luis Last Name De Isunca Alias Year 1577 Origin Cuzcurrita Logroño Residence Charcas Occupation Treasurer Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1075 First Name Alonso Last Name De Jaen Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Jaen Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Matos and Isael Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1076 First Name Fracisco Last Name De Jaen Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cordoba Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Andres Sanchez and Catalina Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1077 First Name Garcia Last Name De Jaen Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Son of Francisco Sanchez De Jaen and Leonor Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1078 First Name Alonso Last Name De Jenta Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1079 First Name Hernando Last Name De Jerez Alias Year 1575 Origin Medellin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Royal ID to travel with one servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1080 First Name Jeronima Last Name De Jesus Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went to Cartagena to be with her husband Pedro Lopez who was a resident in Cartagena Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1081 First Name Juan Last Name De Justes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1082 First Name Diego Last Name De La Baena Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas De Chaulas Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1083 First Name Pedro Last Name De la Barrera Alias Year 1574 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1084 First Name Adame Last Name De La Barriaga Vizcayno Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1085 First Name Diego Last Name De La Berreta Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1086 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Cadena Alias Year 1579 Origin Ocaña Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1087 First Name Hernando Last Name De La Cadena Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1088 First Name Pedro Last Name De La Cadena Alias Year 1553 Origin Barco De Avila Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled as servant of Antonio Gonzalez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1089 First Name Diego Last Name De la Calzada Alias Year 1566 Origin Santo Domigo de la Ca;zada Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1090 First Name Juan Last Name De La Camara Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Was given money he needed A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1091 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Carrera Alias Year 1553 Origin Toledo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay.Married in Toledo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1092 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Cerda Alias Year 1577 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Came to live with his son Cristobal de La Caerda Relator of the Audiencia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1093 First Name Cristobal Last Name De la Cerda Alias Year 1577 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1094 First Name Hernando Last Name De La Cerna Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida He was with Francisco de Quevedo single from Badajoz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1095 First Name Isabel Last Name De La Coba Alias Year 1552 Origin Moguer Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Widow,single , and Servant to Captain Juan de Llanes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1096 First Name Juan Last Name De La Concha Alias Year 1579 Origin Guamanga Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Mestizo Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1097 First Name Domingo Last Name De la Coreta Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1098 First Name Maria Last Name De la Cota Alias Year 1575 Origin Salamanca Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single. She was Brown skinned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1099 First Name Andres Last Name De la Cruz Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Quito Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1100 First Name Blas Last Name De la Cruz Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Nothing is known about him Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1101 First Name Gabriel Last Name De La Cruz Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1102 First Name Miguel Last Name De La Cuesta Alias Year 1588 Origin Bleza Soria Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1103 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Cueva Alias Year 1576 Origin Villalba de Alcor Badajoz Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1104 First Name Antonio Last Name De La Cueva Alias Year 1549 Origin Benavente en Oviedo Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Had Royal Credentials . Went to R Granada Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1105 First Name Luis Last Name De La Cueva Alias Year 1576 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian went to live with some family Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1106 First Name Maria Last Name De La Cueva Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with her son. Also single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1107 First Name Vasco Last Name De La Detaviro Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1108 First Name Adrian Last Name De la Dueña Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1109 First Name Beatriz Last Name De La Feria Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with herdaughte.Old Christian.Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1110 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De la Fuenta Alias Year 1578 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1111 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Fuente Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Local woman of the land Dansele 25 Indios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1112 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Fuente Alias Year 1572 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1113 First Name Juan Last Name De la Fuente Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Buys and sells used clothes Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1114 First Name Juan Last Name De La Fuente Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1115 First Name Maria Last Name De la Fuente Alias Year 1576 Origin Villa Barciense Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widow was the wife of Francisco Navarro and went to New Spain with her daughter Eugenia Navarro and bith were servants of Francisco Rodriguez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1116 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De La Fuente Hurtado Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1117 First Name Andres Last Name De La Guerra Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villalon Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo de la Guerra and Juana Diaz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1118 First Name Pedro Last Name De la Haya Alias Year 1588 Origin Logroño Residence Honduras Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Went with Bishop Gaspar de Andrada Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1119 First Name Lazaro Last Name De La Hilera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1120 First Name Crisobal Last Name De La Hoz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1121 First Name Bartolome Last Name De la Lanza Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Porcuna Occupation Farmer Sentence Comments Son of Alonso De la Lanza and Isabel Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1122 First Name Antonio Last Name De La Lara Alias Year 1588 Origin Jaen Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1123 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Mar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Buys and sells used clothes Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1124 First Name Bartolo Last Name De La Marilla Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1125 First Name Fray Jeronimo Last Name De La Mejorada Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments From the Order of Nuestro Padre San Jeronimo Returning to the Island of Puerto Rico Was a companion of the Bishop of that Island Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1126 First Name Martin Last Name De La Mezquita Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1127 First Name Andres Last Name De La Osa Alias Year 1576 Origin Villa De Villaescusa,Zamora Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married With his wife Ana De Velasco and their childrfen Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1128 First Name Juan Last Name De La Osa Alias Year 1577 Origin Villa deAlumbres y Almazzaran en Albacete Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Sebastian Martin de Lorenzana Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1129 First Name Juan Last Name De la Parra Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sanlucar la Mayor Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Dominguez De Escacena and Ana Martin De la Parra Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1130 First Name Antonio Last Name De La Pasera Alias Year 1512 Origin Monterrey Galicia Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Rodriguez De La Pasera and Maria Sanchez De Mercadilla from Monterrey in Galicia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1131 First Name Maria Last Name De La Paz Alias Year 1568 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Widow and she had with her 4 single daughters and two grandaughters Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1132 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Pena Alias Year 1592 Origin Madrid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Luisa de Mallea from Madrid Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1133 First Name Alonso Last Name De la Peña Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Concepcion de la Vega Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Dean of the Cathedral of the Concepcion de veg Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1134 First Name Diego Last Name De la Peña Alias Year 1579 Origin Ocaña Toledo Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean. Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1135 First Name Juan Last Name De La Peña Alias Year 1512 Origin Ledesma Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo de la Peña and Maria Alvarez from Ledesma Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1136 First Name Juan Last Name De La Peña Alias Year 1555 Origin Oña Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1137 First Name Juan Last Name De la Peña Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1138 First Name Juan Last Name De La Peña Alias Year 1511 Origin Tejeda Salamanca Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Barcolalla Peña and Teresa his wife from Tejeda in Salamanca Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1139 First Name Luis Last Name De la Peña Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1140 First Name Pedro Last Name De La Peña Alias Year 1588 Origin Villasante Lugo Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1141 First Name Pedro Last Name De La Peña Carrasco Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and went as Servant of Jeronimo de Andion 30 years old and son of Anton Gomez Carrasco and Cataina Slvatierra Old Christians clean and Hijosdalgo from the Carrascos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1142 First Name Isabel Last Name De La Pila Alias Year 1579 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean blood and genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1143 First Name Francisco Last Name De La Plaza Alias Year 1552 Origin Medina-Sidonia Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1144 First Name Alonso Last Name De La Puente Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1145 First Name Francisco Last Name De La Puente Alias Year 1576 Origin Llerena Residence Nueva España Occupation Genealogist Sentence Comments Single went to live with some relatives Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1146 First Name Pedro Last Name De La Puente Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1147 First Name Domingo Last Name De La Quintana Alias Year 1588 Origin Castro de Urdiales Santander Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1148 First Name Francisco Last Name De La Quintana Alias Year 1588 Origin Castro Galicia Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1149 First Name Juan Last Name De La Rafa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1150 First Name Juan Last Name De la Raya Alias Year 1563 Origin Villa Berrocana Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1151 First Name Diego Last Name De La Real Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1152 First Name Gregorio Last Name De La Ribas Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1153 First Name Sebastian Last Name De La Ribera Alias Year 1512 Origin Loja Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope Hernandez de la Ribera and Beatriz Gonzalez from Loja Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1154 First Name Pedro Last Name De La Rosa Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1155 First Name Juan Last Name De la Rua Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1156 First Name Vasco Last Name De La Rua Alias Year 1565 Origin Algarve Residence Asuncion Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Poryguese and married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1157 First Name Vasco Last Name De La Rua Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1158 First Name Beltran Last Name De La Sala Alias Year 1534 Origin Illescas Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference
1159 First Name Diego Last Name De La Sala Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Factor Sentence Comments Single and Factor for his brother Lucas De La Sal Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1160 First Name Juan Last Name De La Serena Alias Year 1576 Origin Concejo de Cobrezas Santander Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Rodrigo De Vivero Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1161 First Name Juan Last Name De La Serna Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villalon Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De La Serna and Catalina Sotyl Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1162 First Name Garcia Last Name De la Toraya Alias Year 1592 Origin Santander Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1163 First Name Alonso Last Name De la Torre Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was servant of College graduate Cristobal Bazquez Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1164 First Name Bartolome Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home of Cadena Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1165 First Name Diego Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1557 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Factor Sentence Comments As factor of Judge Melchor de Prado.Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1166 First Name Diego Last Name De la Torre Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1167 First Name Diego Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1168 First Name Diego Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1169 First Name Francisco Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married and had homes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1170 First Name Francisco Last Name De la Torre Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1171 First Name Isabel Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1172 First Name Isabel Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1173 First Name Joan Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1565 Origin Cuenca Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1174 First Name Juan Last Name De la Torre Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1175 First Name Juan Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1176 First Name Juan Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1584 Origin Escañuela Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1177 First Name Marina Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1178 First Name Pedro Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1179 First Name Pedro Last Name De La Torre Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1180 First Name Antonio Last Name De la Trinidad Alias Year 1565 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion,He killed Captain Diego Dabriyo with a harpoon when he was sleeping by the order of Felipe de Caceres Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1181 First Name Antonio Last Name De La Trinidad Alias Year 1569 Origin Admodovar Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1182 First Name Diego Last Name De la vega Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1183 First Name Garcia Last Name De La Vega Alias Year 1512 Origin Jerez Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego de La Riba y Juan Bernal son of Juan Bernal from Jerez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1184 First Name García Last Name De la Vega Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Ramoroso, in the Mountain Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego de Riva and Marina Hernández Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1185 First Name Juan Last Name De La Villa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1186 First Name Diego Last Name De Labarrieta Vizcaino Alias Year 1566 Origin Lepuzca Residence Asuncion Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1187 First Name Pedro Last Name De LaPuente Alias Year 1550 Origin Montañes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1188 First Name Diego Last Name De Lara Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1189 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Lara Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Castillo de Garcimuñoz Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Lara and Catalina Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1190 First Name Hernando Last Name De Lara Alias Year 1588 Origin Alcouendas Madrid Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1191 First Name Pedro Last Name De Larcon Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1192 First Name Juan Last Name De Laredo Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1193 First Name Juan Last Name De Larrinalde de Echevarria Alias Year 1553 Origin Salcedo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. servant of G De Zurbano Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1194 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Lartaun Alias Year 1572 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Bishop Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1195 First Name Alonso Last Name De las Cabezas Alias Year 1579 Origin Campanario Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1196 First Name Alonso Last Name De Las Casas Alias Year 1555 Origin Fregenal Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Servant of Diego Davila Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1197 First Name Diego Last Name De Las Casas Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco DeRobledo and Juana Alonso Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1198 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Laysa Alias Year 1563 Origin Yebra Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1199 First Name Pedro Last Name De Lazcano Alias Year 1546 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Tierra Firme with license to pass Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1200 First Name Juanes Last Name De Lea Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas Del Cultepeque,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1201 First Name Alonso Last Name De Ledeña Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled with his wfe Catalina De Morales Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1202 First Name Francisco Last Name De Ledesma Alias Year 1512 Origin Trabuntia Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Vy and Juana Rodriguez from Trabuntia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1203 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Ledesma Alias Year 1576 Origin Segovia Residence Popayan Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single as servant of Governor D Sancho Garcia del Espinar Son of Juan de Ledesma and grandson of Luis de Ledesma Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1204 First Name Pedro Last Name De Ledesma Alias Year 1512 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Gonzalo de Cazalla and Pablo and Jorge his slave Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1205 First Name Hernando Last Name De Lema Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1206 First Name Alonso Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1576 Origin Alcazar de San Juan Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Single and went to live with some relatives Old Christian Clean blood. There are genealogial trees from this family Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1207 First Name Alonso Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1579 Origin Alcazar de San Juan Ciudad Real Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1208 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1209 First Name Diego Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1553 Origin French Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1210 First Name Diego Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1579 Origin Medina del Pomar Burgos Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Juan de Parraga Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1211 First Name Francisco Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and took his wife Ana Lopez and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1212 First Name Francisco Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1213 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1214 First Name Juan Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1576 Origin España Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Single and came from Guatemala as servant from Lope Rodriguez de las Varillas and returned as servant of Lope Rodriguez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1215 First Name Maria Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with her Father that was in the Provinces Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1216 First Name Mateo Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1576 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Married. Took his wife Maria Escudera and their children Son of Crtistobal Rodriguez.Old Christians clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1217 First Name Pedro Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1218 First Name Pedro Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1219 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1569 Origin Flemish Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1220 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Leon Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1221 First Name Miguel Last Name De Leon de Almonte Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Minister Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1222 First Name Diego Last Name De Leon Garabito Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Alonso Domingo Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1223 First Name Martin Last Name De Lerrea Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1224 First Name Diego Last Name De Ley Alias Year 1565 Origin Marbella Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1225 First Name Diego Last Name De Leyes Alias Year 1569 Origin Marbella Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1226 First Name Damaso Last Name De Leyva Alias Year 1561 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1227 First Name Diego Last Name De Leyva Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Blacksmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1228 First Name Sancho Last Name De Libran Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Yanguas en la frontera de Navarra Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Sancho de Libran and Maria Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1229 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Linares Alias Year 1579 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Alonso Diez De Ledesma Sentence Comments Has Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1230 First Name Alonso Last Name De Linero Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1231 First Name Miguel Last Name De Lirazo Alias Year 1555 Origin Pamplona Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1232 First Name Ines Last Name De Lites Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1233 First Name Francisco Last Name De Lizaur Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Alcantara Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Sanchez de Lizaur and Maria Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1234 First Name Cebrian Last Name De Llano Alias Year 1551 Origin Cangas De Tineo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1235 First Name Cap.Juan Last Name De Llanos Alias Year 1552 Origin Moguer Residence Peru Occupation Captain Sentence Comments His wife was Isabel Ramirez and he travelled with many servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1236 First Name Francisco Last Name De Llanos Alias Year 1588 Origin Olmedo Madrid Residence Chile Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Colege Graduate Schoolmaster of the Cathedral of Santiago of Chile Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1237 First Name Juan Last Name De Llerena Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments To serve Puerto De Paita and Pueblo de Color Bishop de Quito Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1238 First Name Diego Last Name De Loaisa Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1239 First Name Francisco Last Name De Loaysa Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Costa Rica Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1240 First Name Juan Last Name De Lolmo Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has settlements named Nemocon and Tasgata and other named Tibito and 400 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1241 First Name Juan Last Name De Lopez Alias Year 1577 Origin Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1242 First Name Luis Last Name De Los Cobos Alias Year 1576 Origin Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1243 First Name Pedro Last Name De Los Eros De Angueo Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1244 First Name Melchor Last Name De Los Reeyes Alias Year 1575 Origin Jaen Baeza Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went with his wife and a child named Gaspar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1245 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Los Reyes Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Isabel Lopez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1246 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Los Reyes Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Guadalajara Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As Servant of Canon Hernan Vela Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1247 First Name Antonio Last Name De Los Rios Alias Year 1576 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1248 First Name Lope Last Name De Los Rios Alias Year 1565 Origin Flemish Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1249 First Name Lope Last Name De Los Rios Alias Year 1569 Origin Cordova Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1250 First Name Pedro Last Name De Los Rios Alias Year 1576 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single As servant of Rodrigo de Rivero 18 anos brother of Antonio de Los Rios from Mexico Son of Julian de Los Rios de Villa de Miranda and resident of Ciudad Rodrigo Hijosdalgo and Isael de Xaque Old Christians Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1251 First Name Pedro Last Name De Los Rios Alias Year 1576 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1252 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De los Rios Alias Year 1565 Origin Great Britain Residence Asuncion Occupation Barrel Builder Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1253 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Los Royos Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1254 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Los Stros Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1255 First Name Antonio Last Name De Losada Quiroga Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag came with 2 servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1256 First Name Suero Last Name De Lozada Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1257 First Name Fray Hernando Last Name De Lujan Alias Year 1576 Origin Quito Residence Quito Occupation Dominico Sentence Comments From the Order Of Santo Domingo and returns to his provine Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1258 First Name Father Diego Last Name De Luna Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Priest Sentence Comments From the order Comania de Jesus cae with 21 other religious whose names were not mentioned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1259 First Name Fr Cristobal Last Name De Luna Alias Year 1575 Origin Rambilla Cordoba Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Friar Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1260 First Name Juan Last Name De Lusa Alias Year 1563 Origin Tudela en Navarra Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1261 First Name Juana Last Name De Luxan Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went to live with her husband Andres de Salcedo Old Christian Old and clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1262 First Name Sancho Last Name De Luyando Alias Year 1534 Origin Orduña Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1263 First Name Francisco Last Name De Madrid Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1264 First Name Francisco Last Name De Madrid Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of Lic Altamirano Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1265 First Name Jaime Last Name De Madrid Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1266 First Name Juan Last Name De Madrid Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Goldbeater Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Céspedes Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1267 First Name Pedro Last Name De Madrid Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has 600 Indians more or less in his settlement Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1268 First Name Hernando Last Name De Madrigal Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Escalona Occupation Former servant of Marques de Villena Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Guadarrama and Francisca Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1269 First Name Francisco Last Name De Magaña Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Very old and had Indians and left them for his son .The son died and they took away the Indians,A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1270 First Name Diego Last Name De Malaga Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1271 First Name Pedro Last Name De Malbarrasa Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Malbarrasa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bertos [sic] and Maria Santos Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1272 First Name Luis Last Name De Malla Alias Year 1592 Origin Aguilar de Campo Palencia Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1273 First Name Martin Last Name De Malla Bia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1274 First Name Juan Last Name De Malpartida Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Martinez de Malpartida y de Sanchez Muñoz de Malpartida de Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1275 First Name Diego Last Name De Mansilla Alias Year 1579 Origin Coria Caceres V Lima Residence Lima Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1276 First Name Hernandarias Last Name De Mansilla Alias Year 1569 Origin Granada Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1277 First Name Hernandarias Last Name De Mansilla Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1278 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Manzanedo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Ciudad Rodrigo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco Regio and Leonor De Manzanedo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1279 First Name Fray Juan Last Name De Manzanillo Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Margarita Occupation Friar Sentence Comments Travelled with 3 religious and one servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1280 First Name Cristoval Last Name De Maria Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1281 First Name Francisca Last Name De Mariana Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Was the widow of Valenzuela and took her chldren who were single and from Madrid with her Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1282 First Name Francisca Last Name De Mariana Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1283 First Name Lorenzo Last Name De Marmol Alias Year 1579 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1284 First Name Pedro Last Name De Marquina Alias Year 1510 Origin Villadiego Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope de Marquina and Maria Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1285 First Name Pedro Last Name De Martin Alias Year 1576 Origin Trellos Lerida Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Isabel Ruiz from Villasirga and a son who was single from Sevilla Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1286 First Name Diego Last Name De Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1287 First Name Alonso Last Name De Mata Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1288 First Name Pedro Last Name De Mata Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso de Mata and Catalina Rodríguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1289 First Name Alonso Last Name De Matienco Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Puebla de Los Angeles Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1290 First Name Fracisco Last Name De Matute Alias Year 1512 Origin Gelves Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Said he did not know who his parents were Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1291 First Name Juan Last Name De Mayorga Alias Year 1511 Origin Sevilla Residence Sevilla en San Pedro Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Mosen Carbonel from Valencia and Catalina de Madrid from Sevilla en Santa Maria la Mayor Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1292 First Name Hernando Last Name De Medellin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Alba De Tormes Occupation Sentence Comments Left with his sister,Mari Jimenez and they were the children of Hernando Luengo and Maria Jimenez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1293 First Name Rodrigo Last Name de Medellin Alias Year 1512 Origin Garrovillas Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1294 First Name Alonso Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1555 Origin Tescuco Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Indian. Came from Nueva España wth Luis de Cordoba and returned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1295 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1296 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Medina del Campo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Dieg Sanchez De Medina and Ines Alonso Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1297 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1565 Origin Valladolid Residence Asuncion Occupation Cap Maker Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1298 First Name Diego Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevila Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled as servant of Juan Perez de Vargas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1299 First Name Francisco Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Hilescas (Illescas) Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Hernandez de Medina and Mari Nuñez de la Camara Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1300 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Virrey D alonso de Contreras y Guevara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1301 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1555 Origin Medina Del Campo,Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant of Cords Sentence Comments Travelled with Ana de Medina his wife and Ines de Medina their daughter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1302 First Name Hernando Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1560 Origin Villa Olvera Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled with his wife Catalina Martin and childre Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1303 First Name Isabel Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevlla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with her husband Luis de Zarate who was already in Tierra Firme Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1304 First Name Joan Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1566 Origin Sevilla Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Cordonero Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1305 First Name Juan Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1306 First Name Juan Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1307 First Name Juan Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1577 Origin Arevalo Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Cosme de Campo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1308 First Name Julian Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1568 Origin Madrigal/Avila Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1309 First Name Lorenzo Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1576 Origin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single. Servant of Rodrigo de Bivero Son of Francisco de Chaves y Medina and Leonor Becerra de Valdivieso Old Christians Gentlemen Hijodalgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1310 First Name Luis Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1585 Origin Valladolid Residence Honduras Occupation Servant of LicAbaunza Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1311 First Name Miguel Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1312 First Name Nicolas Last Name De Medina Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Royal ID ad had permssion to take his sister with him Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1313 First Name Pedro Last Name De Medina Recio Alias Year 1568 Origin Alcala de Henares Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1314 First Name Francisco Last Name De Medrano Alias Year 1575 Origin Caceres Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1315 First Name Fr Pedro Last Name De Melendez Alias Year 1585 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy order of San Francisco Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1316 First Name Antonio Last Name De Melgar Alias Year 1555 Origin Valladolid Residence Santa Marta Occupation Sentence Comments With License to bring 3 servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1317 First Name Garcia Last Name De Melgar Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillos,Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Noble Took his first cousin Cristobal Perez Payan He was 16 years old and the son of Gonzalo Melgar and Ines Sanchez. Old Christian and clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1318 First Name Hernando Last Name De Mena Alias Year 1551 Origin Socuellos de la Villa De Mesas Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widow Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1319 First Name Juan Bautista Last Name De Mena Alias Year 1582 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1320 First Name Lope Last Name De Mendaña Alias Year 1563 Origin San Pedro Castañero Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and Traveled with his wife Maria Rodriguez as servants of Lic Astro who was his uncle named president of the Real Audience in Peru Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1321 First Name Pierres Last Name De Mendirigaray Alias Year 1555 Origin Embite en Navarra Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1322 First Name Alonso Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Santo Domingo, Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alvaro De Mendoza and Catalina Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1323 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Puebla De Alcocer Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Sotomayor and Elvira Alvarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1324 First Name Diego Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1553 Origin Granada Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of D Fr Alonso de Montufar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1325 First Name Diego Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villanueva Del Cardete Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco De mendoza and Catalina De Mendoza with his brother Pero De MendozanHis son, Diego and their servants Juan DeSpria son of Francisco De Soria and Maria Valladolid Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1326 First Name Don Pedro Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments This was the expedition of Don Pedro De Mendoza, Alvar Nuñez ,Cabeza de Vaca, Juan de Salazar De Espinosa and with the Bishop of Peru there were 12 ships and had taken 2000 men . Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1327 First Name Francisco Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1588 Origin Villalba de Alcor Huelva Residence Quito Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1328 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1329 First Name Iñiguez Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1576 Origin Vadategui Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1330 First Name Juan Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1553 Origin Granada Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled as servant of Archbishop D Fr Alonso de Montfur Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1331 First Name Juan Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1576 Origin Astudillo Palencia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single went to live with Lic Obregon Regidor of Mexico Old Christian has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1332 First Name Melchor Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1586 Origin Cazorla Jaen Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Passengers who embarked in the Flotilla to New Spain in the charge if General Francisco de Noboa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1333 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Mendoza Alias Year 1579 Origin Medellin Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Lawyer Sentence Comments College Graduate SingleOld Christian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1334 First Name Diego Last Name De Mendrano Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1335 First Name Pedro Last Name De Meneses Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Part of the City Council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1336 First Name Pedro Last Name De Menyugo Alias Year 1592 Origin Santo Domingo De La Calzada Logroño Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1337 First Name Diego Last Name De Mercado Alias Year 1576 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Rui Diaz de Mendoza Old Christian Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1338 First Name Francisco Last Name De Merlo Alias Year 1555 Origin La Guardia Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Cap. Antonio Diaz Carrdoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1339 First Name Beatriz Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1561 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled with her children to live with her husband Miguel de Vela that was already in the new world Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1340 First Name Fr Antonio Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence R Granada Occupation Clergy order of San Francisco Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1341 First Name Francisca Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with her husband Luis de Talavera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1342 First Name Francisco Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillos,Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Noble 30 years old and son of Francisco Mesa and Isabel Diaz. Old Christians and clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1343 First Name Gregoria Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevila Residence Los Reyes Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with her hsuband Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1344 First Name Luis Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Doctor/Judge Sentence Comments Was Judge of the Royal family went with 6 servants and 2 women servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1345 First Name Pedro Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1552 Origin Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1346 First Name Pedro Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1565 Origin Cordoba Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1347 First Name Pedro Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1569 Origin Cordoba Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1348 First Name Pedro Last Name De Mesa Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1349 First Name Francisco Last Name De Mestanza Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe/Repartamiento Caxica Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1350 First Name Galeano Last Name De Meyra Alias Year 1565 Origin Vaelncia de Alcantara Residence Asuncion Occupation Swordsman Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1351 First Name Hernando Last Name De Mier Alias Year 1553 Origin Llanes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Servant of Captain Llanes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1352 First Name Fr. Francisco Last Name De Miguel Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1353 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Miralles Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1354 First Name Cristoval Last Name De Miranda Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1355 First Name Juan Last Name De Miranda Alias Year 1512 Origin Miranda Del Castañar Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Marquez and Maria Alonso from Miranda Del Castanar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1356 First Name Martin Last Name De Miranda Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1357 First Name Miguel Last Name De Miranda Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and returned with his wife Elena Lopez and their children where they came from Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1358 First Name Pero Last Name De Miranda Alias Year 1510 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso De Miranda and Leonor De Peramata Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1359 First Name Andres Last Name De Molina Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Repartimiento Llamado Choconta Occupation Capitan/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1360 First Name Antonio Last Name De Molina Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1361 First Name Diego Last Name De Molina Alias Year 1512 Origin Lepe Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Diego de Molina son of Alonso de Molina from Lepe Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1362 First Name Francisco Last Name De Molina Alias Year 1579 Origin Priego Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1363 First Name Garcia Last Name De Molina Alias Year 1579 Origin Guatemala Residence Guatemala Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Priest of Santa Luisa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1364 First Name Juan Last Name De Molina Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1365 First Name Pedro Last Name De Molina Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Villanueva de Alcarbete Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Molina and Maria De Villaseñor Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1366 First Name Philipe Last Name De Molines Alias Year 1566 Origin Zaragoza Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Cesteros Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1367 First Name Diego Last Name De Molino Alias Year 1576 Origin Guadalajara Brihuega Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1368 First Name Pedro Last Name De Molledo Aguayo Alias Year 1576 Origin Segovia Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble/Merchant Sentence Comments Single and went to live with some relatives He was 17 years old and the son of Juan de Molledo Teran and Catalina Gonzalez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1369 First Name Joan Last Name De Moltauo Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Does not have Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1370 First Name Francisco Last Name De Monasterio Alias Year 1592 Origin Santander Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1371 First Name Juan Last Name De Mondragon Alias Year 1511 Origin Mondragon Residence Guipuzcoa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin de Arracia and Maria de Insahurbe Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1372 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Monroy Alias Year 1511 Origin Toro Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Aonso Triguero and his wife Catalina de Monroy Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1373 First Name Rafaela Last Name De Monroy Alias Year 1577 Origin Toledo Residence San Juan de Puerto Rico Occupation Servant of Maria Pardo Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1374 First Name Diego Last Name De Monsalve Alias Year 1550 Origin Ubeda/Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Had Royal Credentials and travelled with Ana de Salamanca his wife and daughter Catalina Mexia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1375 First Name Pero Last Name De Montalvan Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Talavera De La Reina Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope De Montalvan and Marina Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1376 First Name Fr Juan Last Name De Montalvo Alias Year 1578 Origin Residence Cartagena Occupation Bishop of Cartagena Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Took with him Frai Gernimo Ponce and Fray Esteban de Quiros and FrayDiego Ponce and Fray Diego de Matamorros from the Order de Santiago Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1377 First Name Juan Last Name De Montanchez Alias Year 1579 Origin Rivera Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1378 First Name Pedro Last Name De Monteagudo Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla/Guatemala Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Married came from Guatemala and brought his wofe Isabel Lorenzo and his sister Ines de Aguila and his widowed Mother all originally from Sevilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1379 First Name Francisco Last Name De Montejo Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1380 First Name Maria Last Name De Montellano Alias Year 1576 Origin Villaescusa De Haro Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widow Noble Her husband Juan Frayle Son of Martin de Montellano and Maria Velasco his wife from the same village Old Christian and clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1381 First Name Alonso Last Name De Montemayor Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Guatemala Occupation Servant of Fray Pedro Diaz Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1382 First Name Marina Last Name De Montemayor Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Maid of Cristobal de la Cruz Old Chrsitians Clean blood with genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1383 First Name Diego Last Name De Montemayor Alias Year 1548 Origin Malaga Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with his wife Ines Rodriguez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1384 First Name Ana Last Name De Montenegro Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1385 First Name Hernando Last Name De Montesinos Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme/Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Old Christian with genealogy and Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1386 First Name Francisco Last Name De Montiel Alias Year 1512 Origin Montiel Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Lopez and Cecilia his wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1387 First Name Pedro Last Name De Montoro Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Ropero Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1388 First Name Antonio Last Name De Montoya Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1389 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Montoya Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1390 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Montoya Alias Year 1579 Origin Ocaña Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Came with his wife Maria De Perafan Sentence Comments accompanied by Diego de Baena Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1391 First Name Juan Last Name De Montoya Alias Year 1569 Origin Las Montañas Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1392 First Name Pedro Last Name De Montoya Alias Year 1534 Origin Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1393 First Name Juan Last Name De Montoya Montañes Alias Year 1565 Origin Salzedo Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion .Plain man that was married in Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1394 First Name Juan Last Name De Mora Alias Year 1549 Origin Yepes Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments With Royal Credentials and single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1395 First Name Juan Last Name De Mora Alias Year 1563 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments 18 years old Brother of Mateo Sandas Clergy As servant of Antonio Peralta returned to Mexico with his sister Leonor Diaz De Peralta Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1396 First Name Juana Last Name De Mora Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Isabel Rodriguez Sentence Comments Single and Old Christian Clean and has geneaolgy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1397 First Name Martin Last Name De Mora Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1398 First Name Andres Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Maker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1399 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1554 Origin Cartagena De Indias Residence Cartagena de Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Vuelve a Cartagena de Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1400 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1401 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Cuba Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1402 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Local woman of the land Dansele 25 Indios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1403 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1561 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1404 First Name Esteban Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1576 Origin Medina Del Campo Valladolid Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Came with Baltasar de Castillo y Ahedo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1405 First Name Francisco Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence San Vicente Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Morales and Elvira Dias Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1406 First Name Francisco Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1555 Origin Puebla de Los Angeles Residence Puebla de Los Angeles Occupation Sentence Comments Married.Returned to where his wife and family were Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1407 First Name Francisco Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1408 First Name Francisco Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1548 Origin Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nicaragua with license Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1409 First Name Fray Alonso Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1577 Origin San Juan de Puerto Rico Residence San Juan de Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1410 First Name Garcia Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1588 Origin Fuente de Cantos Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1411 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1412 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1413 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1414 First Name Juan Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1415 First Name Luisa Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1563 Origin Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Married and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Wife of Pedro Del Pramo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1416 First Name Miguel Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Ciudad Real Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Luis De Morales and Maria Diaz De Piedrabuena Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1417 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1557 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1418 First Name Xpobal Last Name De Morales Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Puebla Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Marques En Tezcuco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1419 First Name Francisco Last Name De Moreto Alias Year 1592 Origin Toledo Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1420 First Name Francisco Last Name De Moron Alias Year 1575 Origin Cazalla Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took his wife Children and a servant all all from Cazalla.His wife Mari Lossa son Francisco and daughter Maria from his first wife and Pedro and Maria from the second Also took his servant Juana his daughter in law who was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1421 First Name Juan Last Name De Moymenta Alias Year 1512 Origin Santiago Residence Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Moymenta y Teresa de Alfonso from San Lorenzo de Moymenta Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1422 First Name Juan Last Name De Muesas Alias Year 1579 Origin Lepe Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1423 First Name Juan Last Name De Muesas Alias Year 1579 Origin Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married in companion of Jimena Gonzalez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1424 First Name Pedro Last Name De Murcia Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Cadiz Occupation Trader merchant Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Murcia and Catalina De Mena Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1425 First Name Pedro Last Name De Murcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Cadiz Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando de Murcia and Catalina de Murcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1426 First Name Pedro Last Name De Muriones Alias Year 1555 Origin Eslava Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1427 First Name Juan Last Name De Najera Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1428 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Napoles Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 15 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1429 First Name Andres Last Name De Narvaez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cordoba Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso de Narvaez and Teresa Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1430 First Name Diego Last Name De Narvaez Alias Year 1579 Origin Villarrubia Salamanca Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1431 First Name Juan Last Name De Narvaez Alias Year 1576 Origin Colomera Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Rui Diaz de Mendoza Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1432 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Narvaez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cordoba Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De España and Constanza Hernandez from Cordoba and his wife Isabel Gutierrez de Aguilar daughter of Beatriz Gutierrez and Pero Rodrigiez De la Serna and his son Baltazar De Narvaez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1433 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Nava Alias Year 1563 Origin Talavera Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1434 First Name Francisco Last Name De Navarette Alias Year 1588 Origin Almeria Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveleld with his wife Elena Mendez from Almeria On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1435 First Name Juan Last Name De Navas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Procurador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1436 First Name Juan Last Name De Nelfa Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Brought his servant Pedro Martin Vicente Mestizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1437 First Name Lorenzo Last Name De Niebla Alias Year 1576 Origin Villalba de Alcor Badajoz Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1438 First Name Maria Last Name De Nieves Alias Year 1576 Origin Valencia de Don Juan Leon Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1439 First Name Luis Last Name De Niñez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1440 First Name Francisco Last Name De Nolina Alias Year 1576 Origin Torremolinos Malaga Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Juan Hurtado de Mendoza Old Christian clean blood and showed his genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1441 First Name Francisco Last Name De Nombela Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Nombela, land of Escalona Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Jimenez de los Hilares and Maria Jimenez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1442 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Nuñez De Romero Carranza Alias Year 1588 Origin Cervera Cuenca Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1443 First Name Alonso Last Name De Obregon Alias Year 1576 Origin Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Rodrigo De Vivero Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1444 First Name Diego Last Name De Ocampo Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married and had homes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1445 First Name Francisco Last Name De Ocampo Alias Year 1555 Origin Jeres de la Frontera Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servnt of Cristbal San Miguel Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1446 First Name Juan Last Name De Ocampo Alias Year 1555 Origin Alcazar de San Juan Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1447 First Name Don Fr Sebastian Last Name De Ocando Alias Year 1578 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Bishop of Santa Marta Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio From the Order of San Franco and took with him Fray Cristobal Ortiz and Frai Pedro deandrada and Frai Antonio Borjes and Fray Alonso de Fuentes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1448 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Ocando Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Residence Santa Maria Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1449 First Name Pedro Last Name De Ochandiano Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Orduña Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Perez De Ochandiano and Maria De Robaina Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1450 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Ochoa Escanona Alias Year 1569 Origin Escuitia Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1451 First Name Geronimo Last Name De Ochoa Vizcaino Alias Year 1565 Origin Azpetia Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1452 First Name Diego Last Name De Oico Olea Alias Year 1576 Origin Rabezua Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single travelled as servant of Alonso Flores de Ovando Receptor of the Audience of Mexico Son of Goico Olca and brother of Juan de Goico Olea Known royals Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1453 First Name Alonso Last Name De Oivares Alias Year 1584 Origin Torre Don Ximeno Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1454 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Ojeda Alias Year 1512 Origin Cantalpiedra Residence Isla de San Juan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton de Ojeda de Cantalpiedra with his wife Juana Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1455 First Name Elena Last Name De Ojeda Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Isabel De Medina Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1456 First Name Isabel Last Name De Ojeda Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and maid of Maria Quijada Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1457 First Name Pedro Martin Last Name De Ojeda Alias Year 1511 Origin San Gil Residence Sevilla Occupation Carpenter Sentence Comments Carpenter son of Pedro Martin de Ojeda and Leonor Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1458 First Name Francisca Last Name De Ojedas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1459 First Name Francisco Last Name De Olaeta Alias Year 1584 Origin Anteiglesia de Mendata Bilbao Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Conde del Vilar Sentence Comments Single 20 years old Son of Juan Ortiz de Olaeta and Catalina Larrenteria Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1460 First Name Captain Antonio Last Name De Olalla Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1461 First Name Diego Last Name De Olante y Munueta Alias Year 1584 Origin Valle de Orozco Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1462 First Name Lope Last Name De Olariaga Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Mondragon,Province of Guipuzcoa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Ochoa De Olariaga and Teresa De Arcaraso Going to Island of San Juan Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1463 First Name Diego Last Name De Olarte Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1464 First Name Antonio Last Name De Olea Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1465 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Olias Alias Year 1577 Origin Nombela V Escalona Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1466 First Name Martin Last Name De Oliuer Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1467 First Name Alonso Last Name De Olivares Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1468 First Name Francisco Last Name De Olivares Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico at the home of GonzaloLopez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1469 First Name Juan Last Name De Olivares Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1470 First Name Domingo Last Name De Oliveros Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Vejer Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Son of Domingo De Oliveros and Catalina Alvarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1471 First Name Francisco Last Name De Oliveros Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Alderman Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1472 First Name Mexo Last Name De Olmos Alias Year 1555 Origin Villafrechos Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1473 First Name Juan Last Name De Oña Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1474 First Name Domingo Last Name De Oñate Alias Year 1512 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Garcia De Lusa and Maria Juan de Alcibar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1475 First Name Joannes Last Name De Oñate Alias Year 1550 Origin Vizcaino Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1476 First Name Juanes Last Name De Oñate Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1477 First Name Juanes Last Name De Oñate Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1478 First Name Lazaro Last Name De Oñate Alias Year 1579 Origin Segovia Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1479 First Name Juanes Last Name De Orcola Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1480 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Ordiales Alias Year 1563 Origin Cordoba Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1481 First Name Juan Last Name De Orduña Alias Year 1512 Origin Orduña Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin De Aza and Maria Del Arma Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1482 First Name Francisco Last Name De Orellana Alias Year 1553 Origin Xaraicejo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled his wife Francisca De Coveso with one son Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1483 First Name Juan Last Name De Orellana Alias Year 1579 Origin Tunja Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Mestizo Single. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1484 First Name Joan Last Name De Orena Alias Year 1566 Origin Sicily Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Carpintero de Ribera Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1485 First Name Andres Last Name De Orillana Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1486 First Name Alberto Last Name De Orozco Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1487 First Name Antonio Last Name De Orozco Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Orduna Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope Sanchez de Orozco and Maria Fernandez de Tartoniga. He went to the isalnd of San Juan Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1488 First Name Jerónimo Last Name De Orozco Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Quesada, bishopric of Jaén Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo de Orozco and María Alonso Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1489 First Name Pedro Last Name De Orozco Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Santa Maria Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went with Captain Bernardino De Xerez de Roxas and 4 masons Royal ID Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1490 First Name Anton Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Estepa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Carbonero and Leonor de Ortega Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1491 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1512 Origin Jerez De la Frontera Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco de Ortega Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1492 First Name Francisco Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Ortega from Sevilla and his nephew Cristobal from Sevilla son of Juan de Ortega and Teresa Mendez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1493 First Name Francisco Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Brother of Bachiller Ortega Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1494 First Name Hernando Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1567 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1495 First Name Juan Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Aranda Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Ortega and Leonor his wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1496 First Name Juan Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1564 Origin Medina Del Campo Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and servant of Fr Juan de Vega Of the Order of San Francisco and managed 60 religious with lcemse from His Majesty Son of Juan De Ortega and Guiomar Alonso Nobles from this Village Known Hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1497 First Name Juan Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1569 Origin Medina De Pomar Residence La Plata Occupation Captain Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1498 First Name Juan Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1575 Origin Montemolin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single passed as servant of Alvaro de Caceres Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1499 First Name Juan Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1500 First Name Juen Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1548 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1501 First Name Mendoza Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1502 First Name Pedro Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1503 First Name Roto Last Name De Ortega Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1504 First Name Alonso Last Name De Ortiz Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1505 First Name Isabel Last Name De Ortiz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Maker of lace up boots Sentence Comments Wife of Diego De Placensia, maker of lace up boots daughter of Luis de Pineda and Teresa Ortiz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1506 First Name Garcia Last Name De Osma Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Wine grower Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1507 First Name Francisco Last Name De Otalora Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Oñate, Guipuzcoa Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1508 First Name Martin Last Name De Otaza Alias Year 1579 Origin Sopelana Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1509 First Name Francisco Last Name De Otozo Alias Year 1588 Origin Salamanca Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1510 First Name Jerónimo Last Name De Oviedo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Madrid Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Oviedo and Costanza López, both from Valladolid Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1511 First Name Diego Last Name De Oyon Alias Year 1576 Origin Talavera de la Reina Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1512 First Name Fr Juan Last Name De Padilla Alias Year 1575 Origin Pastrana Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Fray Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1513 First Name Luis Last Name De Padilla Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firma y Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single and Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1514 First Name Jacome Last Name De Paiva Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugal Residence La Plata Occupation Piloto natural Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1515 First Name Pedro Last Name De Palacios Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Nombela, land of Escalona Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Sanchez de los Palacios and Ines Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1516 First Name Ramiro Last Name De Palacios Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1517 First Name Leonor Last Name De Paladines Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with her sons to live with het husband Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1518 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Palencia Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Palencia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Santiago and Ines Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1519 First Name Isabel Last Name De Palencia Alias Year 1559 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1520 First Name Martin Last Name De Palencia Alias Year 1592 Origin Zamora Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1521 First Name Juan Last Name De Pallares Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1522 First Name Alonso Last Name De Palma Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Garcia De la Peña and Juana Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1523 First Name Anton Last Name De Palma Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1524 First Name Antonio Last Name De Palma Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Diaz and Juana Diaz from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1525 First Name Juan Last Name De Paloma Alias Year 1561 Origin Olvera Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1526 First Name Francisco Last Name De Panes Alias Year 1553 Origin Panama Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single .From Panama Mestizo going to Peru where his Mother lives Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1527 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Saldaña Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Son of Diego Diaz De Saldaña and Ines Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1528 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1578 Origin Trujillos Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1529 First Name Fr Buenaventura Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1585 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy order of San Francisco Sentence Comments Went with Fr Pedro De Melendez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1530 First Name Juan Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Palencia Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Servant for Cristobal de Palencia; son of Juan De Molina and Elvira Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1531 First Name Juan Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villanueva De La Serena Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Paredes and Catalina Martin Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1532 First Name Mario Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1533 First Name Pedro Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Paredes Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Sanchez De Paredes and Ines Caxera Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1534 First Name Pedro Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1579 Origin Medina Del Campo Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1535 First Name Pedro Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1592 Origin Talavera Lerida Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1536 First Name Pedro Last Name De Paredes Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Saldaña Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Diaz de Saldaña and Ines Gonzales Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1537 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Pareja Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1538 First Name Lope Last Name De Pareja Alias Year 1552 Origin Alcala De Guadaira Residence Terra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Marina Hernandez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1539 First Name Juan Last Name De Parraga Alias Year 1579 Origin Cumbres de San Bartolome Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1540 First Name Juan Last Name De Parrales Alias Year 1510 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Son of Alonso De Parrales and Ines Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1541 First Name Francisco Last Name De Pastrana Alias Year 1566 Origin Pastrana Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1542 First Name Hernando Last Name De Pauja Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the house of Gracia DeMiron Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1543 First Name Alonso Last Name De Paz Alias Year 1555 Origin Alcantara Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1544 First Name Antonio Last Name De Paz Alias Year 1554 Origin Salamanca Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Hernando y Diego Nuñez de Paz brothers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1545 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Paz Alias Year 1588 Origin Carnas Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1546 First Name Francisco Last Name De Paz Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1547 First Name Juana Last Name De Paz Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1548 First Name Maria Last Name De Paz Alias Year 1569 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Widow. Her husband was Hernando De Torres. Daughter if Pedro Hernandez De Cordoba and Maria Alvarez who were from Granada.Hernando de Torres were from Montañas They were hidalgos and first populated The Kingdom of Granada.Traveked with Da Gracia,Da Ines,Da Beatriz De Torres their daughters and Da Maria De Jeronima de Quejada girl sisters daughters of Gracias de Torres and Anton Quijada already had died Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1549 First Name Juan Last Name De Pedraza Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of the Gvernor D Guillen Cassaos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1550 First Name Miguel Last Name De Pedraza Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1551 First Name Diego Last Name De Pedro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas De Chaulas Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico For more than 10 years it is known that he did not send anything to his wife who was very poor. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1552 First Name Diego Last Name De Peña Alias Year 1577 Origin Cordoba Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1553 First Name Alonso Luco Last Name De Peñaranda Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Alderman Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors and was not married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1554 First Name Maria Last Name De Perafan Alias Year 1579 Origin Ocaña Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1555 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Perales Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Medellin Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Andres De Perales and Maria Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1556 First Name Alonso Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1554 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1557 First Name Alonso Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1558 First Name Diego Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1559 First Name Fernando Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Ubeda Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso De Molina and Leonor De Peralta Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1560 First Name Francisca Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Juan de Molina Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1561 First Name Francisco Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1555 Origin Sanlucar De Barrameda Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married Travelled with his wofe Isabel Perez and Daughter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1562 First Name Francisco Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1552 Origin Sanlucar De Barrameda Residence Induas Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Isabel Perez His wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1563 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1566 Origin Rambla Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1564 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1565 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1566 First Name Luis Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1554 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1567 First Name Luis Last Name De Peralta Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1568 First Name Francisco Last Name De Perea Alias Year 1512 Origin Ayllon Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso de Perea ad his wife Marina del Vado and with Garcia de Ocaña son of Pedro Gonzakez De Ayllon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1569 First Name Juan Last Name De Perea Alias Year 1563 Origin Simancas Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1570 First Name Pedro Last Name De Piedrahita Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Plasencia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Martinez De Piedrahita and Leonor De Tamayo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1571 First Name Anton Last Name De Piédrola Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Arjonilla, land and bishopric of Jaén Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso de Pedrola and Elena Ruiz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1572 First Name Juan Bautista Last Name De Piña Alias Year 1576 Origin Guadalajara Brihuega Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1573 First Name Isabel Last Name De Pineda Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1574 First Name Juan Last Name De Pineda Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1575 First Name Pedro Last Name De Pineda Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 30 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1576 First Name Alonso Last Name De Pinilla Alias Year 1563 Origin Salamanca Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1577 First Name Manuel Last Name De Pinilla Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and the servant Isabel and Juan De Arroyo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1578 First Name Lazaro Last Name De Pinto Alias Year 1553 Origin Moguer Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Captain Llanes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1579 First Name Alonso Last Name De Pirra Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Widow As servant to Miguel de Santa Maria Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1580 First Name Bernardina Last Name De Plasencia Alias Year 1579 Origin Talavera de la Reina Toledo Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Old Christian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1581 First Name Juan Last Name De Plasencia Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujilllo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Alberto de Orozco, Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1582 First Name Juan Alonso Last Name De Plasencia Alias Year 1512 Origin Cordoba Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Also with Hernando Alonso their child and PedroHernandez son of Pedro Hernandez of Cordoba Reference
1583 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Poblete Alias Year 1563 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1584 First Name Miguel Last Name De Polanco Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Burgos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton De Polanco and Catalina Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1585 First Name Juan Last Name De Porra Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1586 First Name Beatriz Last Name De Porras Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went to live with her husband Old Christian has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1587 First Name Joan Last Name De Porras Alias Year 1554 Origin Granada Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Surgeon Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1588 First Name Juan Last Name De Porras Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Porras and Ana Rodriguez de Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1589 First Name Juan Last Name De Porras Alias Year 1569 Origin Medina Del Campo Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1590 First Name Manuel Last Name De Porras Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillos Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1591 First Name Juan Last Name De Porras Marquina Alias Year 1579 Origin Medina del Pomar Burgos Residence R.Granada Occupation Went as servant of Juan Ruiz Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1592 First Name Juan Last Name De Porras Sinoyano Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1593 First Name Elena Last Name De Porres Alias Year 1555 Origin Zamora Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled with Pedro Rodriguez Puertocarrero her hsband ,Doña Luisa De Porres Puertocarrero su hija y Maria Perez y Ceclia Gomez servants single and from Madrid Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1594 First Name Manuel Last Name De Porres Alias Year 1576 Origin Soncillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1595 First Name Antonio Last Name De Portillo Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Married in the land to a very poor woman.A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1596 First Name Francisco Last Name De Portillo Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Part of the City Council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1597 First Name Diego Last Name De Portugal Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1598 First Name Diego Last Name De Portugal Manuel Alias Year 1584 Origin Mexico Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went with the Conde Del Villar his unc;e Virrey Governor of that land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1599 First Name Pedro Last Name De Prada Alias Year 1561 Origin Talavera Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Went to collect debts Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1600 First Name Alonso Last Name De Prado Alias Year 1553 Origin Extremadura Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1601 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Prado Alias Year 1512 Origin Aranda de Duero Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Gonzalez de Prado and Leonor Alvarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1602 First Name Diego Last Name De Prado Alias Year 1588 Origin Valencia Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario wth his wife Geronima Blasca from Valencia and a son oe year old named Geronimo On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1603 First Name Francisco Last Name De Prado Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Valladolid Occupation Bachiller Sentence Comments Son of Anton Villareal and Elvira Ortiz, Bachiller Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1604 First Name Juana Last Name De Prado Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Panama Occupation Sentence Comments Married went tolive with her husband and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1605 First Name Melchor Last Name De Prado Alias Year 1557 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1606 First Name Juan Last Name De Prieto Maldonado Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1607 First Name Lope Last Name De Pucheta Alias Year 1550 Origin Montañes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1608 First Name Francisco Last Name De Puga Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1609 First Name Diego Last Name De Quadros Alias Year 1583 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1610 First Name Geronima Last Name De Quejada Alias Year 1565 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Young Girl Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1611 First Name Maria Last Name De Quejada Alias Year 1565 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Young Girl Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1612 First Name Esteban Last Name De Quero Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Licencado/Judge Sentence Comments Travelled as a Judge for the Royalty Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1613 First Name Esteban Last Name De Quesada Alias Year 1555 Origin Baeza Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1614 First Name Francisco Last Name De Quevedo Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1615 First Name Joan Last Name De Quincoces Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Capitan/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom has 3 small settlements Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1616 First Name Bernardina Last Name De Quiñones Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with her sister Juana de quinones and both as servants for Francisca de Mariana Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1617 First Name Juana Last Name De Quiñones Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1618 First Name Diego Last Name De Quintala Salazar Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1619 First Name Juan Last Name De Quintana Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1620 First Name Juan Last Name De Quintana Alias Year 1577 Origin Cuzcurrita Logroño Residence Charcas Occupation Sentence Comments Single and as servant of Treasurer Luis de Isunca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1621 First Name Domingo Last Name De Quintana the elder Alias Year 1588 Origin Castro de Urdiales Santander Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1622 First Name Alonso Last Name De Quiros Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Factor Sentence Comments Single and the Factor for Bernardo de San Martin, merchant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1623 First Name Alonso Last Name De Quiros Alias Year 1563 Origin Toledo Residence Venezuela Occupation Sentence Comments Single Traveled with Mariscal Gutierre De La Peña Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1624 First Name Jaime Last Name De Quiros Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1625 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Ramirez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1626 First Name Melchor Last Name De Raolin Alias Year 1553 Origin Jaen Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay.Married in Jaen Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1627 First Name Jaime Last Name De Rarribas Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Maestre Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1628 First Name Diego Last Name De Rebolledo Alias Year 1554 Origin Medellin Residence Peru Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1629 First Name Luisa Last Name De Reina Alias Year 1576 Origin Utrera Sevilla Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1630 First Name Franco Last Name De Reinosa Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1631 First Name Beatriz Last Name De Reinoso Alias Year 1576 Origin Tordesillas Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and came to live with her hsband who was a resident in those provinces Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1632 First Name Pedro Last Name De Reinoso Alias Lorenzo Nuñez Year 1555 Origin Guadalajara/Salamanca Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments His credentials were false and hs real name was Lorenzo Nuñez. He was imprsoned and condemned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1633 First Name Antonio Last Name De Requena Alias Year 1577 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and took his wife Isabel Hervas and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1634 First Name Hernando Last Name De Revollo Alias Year 1585 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Order of San Agustin Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1635 First Name Isabel Last Name De Reyes Alias Year 1576 Origin Carmona Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1636 First Name Melchor Last Name De Reyes Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1637 First Name Nicolas Last Name De Reynoso Alias Year 1553 Origin Carrion de Los Condes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1638 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Ribbera Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Has been in the land 6 or 7 years and is married and very poor.A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1639 First Name Captain Francisco Last Name De Ribera Alias Year 1566 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Were on a ship with Sebastian Gauto had gone to Brazil but returned to Rio de la Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1640 First Name Captain Hernando Last Name De Ribera Alias Year 1566 Origin Algarve Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Were on a ship with Sebastian Gauto had gone to Brazil but returned to Rio de la Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1641 First Name Diego Last Name De Ribera Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with his wife Magdalena de Los Angeles and a daughter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1642 First Name Fernando Last Name De Ribera Alias Year 1569 Origin Huete Residence Asuncion Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Does not yet have a crew Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1643 First Name Fr Salvador Last Name De Ribera Alias Year 1578 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Took with him Fray Alberto Garcia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1644 First Name Fracisco Last Name De Ribera Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1645 First Name Miguel Last Name De Ribera Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1646 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Rioja Alias Year 1592 Origin Alcala de Henares Madrid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with hus wife Juana Platero from Sevilla Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1647 First Name Francisco Last Name De Rioja Alias Year 1549 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Royal Credentials for himself and his servant Pedro De Cespedes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1648 First Name Luis Last Name De Rioja Alias Year 1563 Origin Aracena/Huelva Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1649 First Name Antonio Last Name De Rivadeneira Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco de Rivadeneira and María de Escobedo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1650 First Name Juan Last Name De Rivadeneyra Solano Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Antonio Lasso Old Christian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1651 First Name Catalina Last Name De Rivas Alias Year 1585 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with her husband Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1652 First Name Alonso Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1653 First Name Cecilia Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1561 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1654 First Name Diego Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1577 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married to Magdalena de los Angeles and sons Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1655 First Name Fr. Diego Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1656 First Name Francisca Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with some relatives Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1657 First Name Jose Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1579 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1658 First Name Leonis Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1577 Origin Alcala del Rio Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments College Graduate Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1659 First Name Leonor Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1562 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1660 First Name Melchor Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1550 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1661 First Name Salvador Last Name De Rivera Alias Year 1579 Origin Cogolludo Guadalajara Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1662 First Name Pedro Last Name De Rivera Segarra Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1663 First Name Juan Last Name De Rivero Alias Year 1576 Origin Zamora Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of D Rodrigo Vivero From the Order of Santiago Old Chrustian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1664 First Name Francisco Last Name De Roa Alias Year 1512 Origin Toledo Residence Isla Española Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Son of Alonso de Roa and Catalina Alvarez from Toledo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1665 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Roa Alias Year 1592 Origin Osuna Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1666 First Name Andres Last Name De Robles Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro de Robles and Maria de Hermosa Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1667 First Name Felipes Last Name De Robles Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1668 First Name Fernando Last Name De Rocha Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Bayona de Galicia Occupation Sentence Comments Was together with servant Fernando Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1669 First Name Juan Last Name De Rodas Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1670 First Name Nicolas Last Name De Rodas Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Las Minas Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1671 First Name Simon Last Name De Rodriguez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1672 First Name Anton Last Name De Rojas Alias Year 1512 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Miguel de Rojas and Yseo de Saldaña from Jerez de la Frontera Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1673 First Name Franco Last Name De Rojas Alias Year 1578 Origin Villahoz Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1674 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Rojas Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Married and his wife Francisca Coronado Old Christian and clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1675 First Name Juan Last Name De Rojas Viana Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Single and went as servant of of Lope Rodriguez De las Varillas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1676 First Name Juan Last Name De Romero Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1677 First Name Francisco Last Name De Rosales Alias Year 1569 Origin Avila Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1678 First Name Geronimo Last Name De Roxas Alias Year 1575 Origin Toledo Residence Cuba Occupation Mayor Sentence Comments Mayor of Toledo Traveled with his wife Leoor de Villalobos and servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1679 First Name Maria Last Name De Roxas Alias Year 1561 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1680 First Name Juan Last Name De Rueda Alias Year 1512 Origin Carmona Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco de Rueda and Beatriz de Ribera from Carmona Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1681 First Name Luis Last Name De Rueda Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1682 First Name Francisco Last Name De Saavedra Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1683 First Name Francisco Last Name De Saavedra Donado Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1684 First Name Lucas Last Name De Sahavedra Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Alcantara Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gutierre de Sahavedra and Teresa de Aldana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1685 First Name Anton Last Name De Salamanca Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Hontiveros Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Toribio Hernandez and Juana Rodriguez; was together with wife Maria Gonzalez, daughter of Alonso Del Canto and Maria Lopez, and son Toribio Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1686 First Name Fray Diego Last Name De Salamanca Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Bishop,Agustino Sentence Comments From the Order of Nuestro Padre de Agustin Official Bishop of Puerto Rico Passed with family Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1687 First Name Gomez Last Name De Salamanca Alias Year 1512 Origin Cantaelpino Tierra de Salamanca Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Rico and Maria Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1688 First Name Joan Last Name De Salamanca Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has a smal settlement with 150 or so Indians and other town called Tutatazco which he sold Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1689 First Name Juan Last Name De Salamanca Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence San Juan de la Torre Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Salamanca and Catalina Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1690 First Name Juan Last Name De Salamanca Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Ramos and Catralina Manjon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1691 First Name Andres Last Name De Salas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Official of Cloth Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1692 First Name Fr Baltasar Last Name De Salas Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy of San Agustin Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1693 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Salas Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and returned to New Spain from where he had come Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1694 First Name Hernando Last Name De Salas Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1695 First Name Juan Last Name De Salas Alias Year 1563 Origin Asturias Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and servant of Lic Castro Son of Juan Salas de Villamar and Maria De Yebra paterna randson of Hernan Garcia of Doriga el Viejo and Da Maria Vakdes from Concejo De Salas Maternal Martino de Quiros and Ines de Yebra all hijosdagos.The maternal line was from Cordillero and De Quiros.Nehew of the archbishop of Sevilla the Inquisitor General also Dr Juan de Valdes Inquisitor also Lic Gregorio De Miranda Inquisitor The first two on the pateral side and the other from the maternal Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1696 First Name Juan Last Name De Salas Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1697 First Name Juan Last Name De Salas Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married came from New Spain and Returned his daughter Ines de Lites Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1698 First Name Juan Last Name De Salaya Alias Year 1511 Origin Salaya Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Lopez Clipe and Mari Gonzalez from Salaya Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1699 First Name Antonio Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1700 First Name Antonio Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1576 Origin Aranda Del Duero Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Noble. Single. Went to New Spain to live with a brother.He was 23 and son of Frutos de Borja and Francisca Salazar Kmown hijosdalgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1701 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1553 Origin Montañes Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1702 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1554 Origin Montañes Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1703 First Name Gutierre Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Burgos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alvaro De Salazar and Ana De Salazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1704 First Name Ipolito Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1705 First Name Juan Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Guatemala Occupation Servant of Fray Pedro Diaz Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1706 First Name Juan Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1584 Origin Puebla de Monasterio de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1707 First Name Juan Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1708 First Name Martin Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1579 Origin Medina Del Campo Valladolid Residence R.Granada Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1709 First Name Pedro Last Name De Salazar Alias Year 1563 Origin Cordoba Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1710 First Name Juan Last Name De Salazar de Espinosa Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments This was the expedition of Don Pedro De Mendoza, Alvar Nuñez ,Cabeza de Vaca, Juan de Salazar De Espinosa and with the Bishop of Peru there were 12 ships and had taken 2000 men . Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1711 First Name Andres Last Name De Salcedo Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1712 First Name Juan Last Name De Salcedo Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation College Graduate Sentence Comments Single. Was the servant of Martin de Aranguibel Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1713 First Name Juan Last Name De Salcedo Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Compania de Jesus Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1714 First Name Fr Juan Last Name De Saldaña Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy order of San Fancisco Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1715 First Name Andres Last Name De Salinas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1716 First Name Geronimo Last Name De Salinas Alias Year 1555 Origin Salinas de Araña Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of the accountant D Cristoal San Miguel Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1717 First Name Pedro Last Name De Salinas Alias Year 1579 Origin Uceda Guadalajara Residence Cartagena Occupation Servant of Bishop Montalvo Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean Blood had genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1718 First Name Romualdo Last Name De San Esteban Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1719 First Name Fr Gabriel Last Name De San Joseph Alias Year 1586 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Dominican Clergy Sentence Comments Passengers who embarked in the Flotilla to New Spain in the charge if General Francisco de Noboa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1720 First Name Fr Alonso Last Name De San Juan Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with Fr Francisco de San Miguel from the Order of San Francisco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1721 First Name Martin Last Name De San Juan Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Panuco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1722 First Name Juan Last Name De San Juan De Urtiaga y Arratia Alias Year 1576 Origin Bilbao Residence Cartagena Occupation Servant of Diego Caro Sentence Comments 24 years old son of Juan de Urtiago and Ana de Arratia both from Bilbao Old Christians Known Hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1723 First Name Domingo Last Name De San Martin Alias Year 1555 Origin Amendux Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1724 First Name Juan Last Name De San Martin Alias Year 1555 Origin Villa de San Martin Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1725 First Name Alvaro Last Name De San Pedro Alias Year 1563 Origin Monesterio Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1726 First Name Hernando Last Name De San Pedro Martin Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Isla Española Occupation Cergy order of Santo Domingo Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1727 First Name Juan Last Name De San Pedro Vizcaino Alias Year 1565 Origin Bilbao Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1728 First Name Francisco Last Name De Sanabria Alias Year 1550 Origin Medellin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1729 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Sandoval Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence La Puebla Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1730 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Sandoval Alias Year 1566 Origin Tordesillas Valladolid Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sargeant Mayor of the Armada Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1731 First Name Diego Last Name De Sandoval Alias Year 1566 Origin Torrijos Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Notary of the Bishop Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1732 First Name Pedro Last Name De Sandoval Alias Year 1566 Origin Santa Olalla Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1733 First Name Franciso Last Name De Sangino Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrigal Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1734 First Name Francisco Last Name De Sanguiño Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1735 First Name Juan Last Name De Sanmillan Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1736 First Name Alonso Last Name De Sant Miguel Alias Year 1566 Origin Plasecia Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1737 First Name Mateo Last Name De Santa Ana Alias Year 1577 Origin Granada V.Arevalo Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1738 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Santa Cruz Alias Year 1512 Origin Azuaga Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Santa Cruz and Elvira Gonzalez from Azuaga Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1739 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1740 First Name Beatriz Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with their Mother Elvira Melendez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1741 First Name Catalina Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with their Mother Elvira Melendez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1742 First Name Diego Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with their Mother Elvira Melendez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1743 First Name Miguel Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1744 First Name Pedro Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with their Mother Elvira Melendez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1745 First Name Pedro Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Factor Sentence Comments Single. Was the Factor for his Father Baltasar de Santa Maria Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1746 First Name Tomas Last Name De Santa Maria Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with their Mother Elvira Melendez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1747 First Name Domingo Last Name De Santamaria Alias Year 1592 Origin Valladolid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife named Ana Gonzalez from Tordesillas in alladolid they have a son amed Juan that is 2 years old ad a girl named Ana who is 8 months old . Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1748 First Name Luis Last Name De Santesteban Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco De Santesteban and Beatriz De San Pablo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1749 First Name Alonso Last Name De Santiago Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1750 First Name Ana Last Name De Santiago Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servamt of Luis de Hinojosa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1751 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Santiago Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1752 First Name Lozano Last Name De Santiago Alias Year 1579 Origin V.De Los Reeyes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1753 First Name Pablos Last Name De Santiago Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence La Plata Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Was made a Captain and he obtained a Sargeant .His wife amd nieces are in San Lucar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1754 First Name Pedro Last Name De Santiago Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro de Santiago and Maria de las Foblas from Sevilla he was with his wife Juana Gonzalez and a daughter Catalina de Santiago Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1755 First Name Antonio Last Name De Santillan Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Cme with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1756 First Name Miguel Last Name De Santo Domingo Alias Year 1563 Origin Castro Del Rio Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1757 First Name Hernando Last Name De Saravia Alias Year 1582 Origin Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Criollo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1758 First Name Juan Last Name De Saravia Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Compania de Jesus Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1759 First Name Matias Last Name De Saucedo Alias Year 1579 Origin Ciudad Real Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1760 First Name Fr Antonio Last Name De Sayas Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1761 First Name Fr Antonio Last Name De Sayas Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Bishop Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1762 First Name Pedro Last Name De Sayas Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1763 First Name Anton Last Name De Sedaño Alias Year 1512 Origin Alfaro Obispado De Tarazona Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Francia and Catalina Sedaño from Alfaro Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1764 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Segovia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Segovia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Salamanca and Catlina Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1765 First Name Juan Last Name De Segovia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Harriero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1766 First Name Martin Last Name De Segovia Alias Year 1565 Origin Aljama Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1767 First Name Francisco Last Name De Segura Alias Year 1577 Origin Segovia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1768 First Name Juan Esteban Last Name De Segura Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1769 First Name Leonor Last Name De Segura Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went to Cartagena to be together with her hsuband Martin De Mora who was a resident in Cartagena Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1770 First Name Pedro Last Name De Segura Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1771 First Name Julian Last Name De Semelian Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1772 First Name Geronimo Last Name De Sena Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1773 First Name Geronimo Last Name De Sena Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1774 First Name Pedro Last Name De Sentana Alias Year 1584 Origin Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1775 First Name Juan Last Name De Sepulveda Alias Year 1551 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Catalina Bermudez his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1776 First Name Pedro Last Name De Sepulveda Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1777 First Name Hernando Last Name De Serantes Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villar De Pedroso Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Martinez De Serantes and Maria Sanchez De Alcala and his son Luis De Serantes Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1778 First Name Hernando Last Name De Setien Alias Year 1576 Origin Carrion Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Rodrigo De Vivero Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1779 First Name Alonso Last Name De Sevilla Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1780 First Name Bautista Last Name De Sevilla Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1781 First Name Juan Last Name De Sierra Alias Year 1563 Origin Columbrianos Pnferrada Residence Peru Occupation Noble//Barber Sentence Comments Single and servant of Lic Castro. Son of Alonso De Sierra and Antonia Gonzalez paternal grandson of Alonso de Suerra and Teresa Martinez Hijosdalgos that were known and maternal grandson of Juan Gonzalez and Juana Gonzalez from Columbrianos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1782 First Name Pedro Last Name De Sigura Alias Year 1550 Origin Sigura en Vizcaya Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1783 First Name Bernardo Last Name De Silva Alias Year 1579 Origin Santo Domingo Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1784 First Name Cristoval Last Name De Silva Alias Year 1592 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1785 First Name Francisco Last Name De Silva Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1786 First Name Juan Last Name De Simancas Alias Year 1563 Origin Simancas Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Ines De Escobar and her niece Isabel Rubio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1787 First Name Hernando Last Name De Sinonda Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1788 First Name Juan Last Name De Siruela Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Siruela Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Rodriguez Paniagua and Catalina Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1789 First Name Hernando Last Name De Soajo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Orense Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Fernando Soajo y De Maria Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1790 First Name Juan Last Name De Sobremancas y Santander Alias Year 1553 Origin Heras Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Returning with her brother Hernando Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1791 First Name Alonso Last Name De Solis Alias Year 1555 Origin Caceres Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1792 First Name Cristoval Last Name De Solis Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1793 First Name Francisco Last Name De Solis Alias Year 1561 Origin Joves Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1794 First Name Juan Last Name De Solis Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1795 First Name Martin Last Name De Solis Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Solis and Marina Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1796 First Name Martin Last Name De Solis Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Isabel de Ortega his wife son of Pedro De Solis and Mariana Gonzalez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1797 First Name Silvestre Last Name De Solorzano Alias Year 1550 Origin Burgos Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1798 First Name Juan Last Name De Sopelano Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sedero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1799 First Name Alonso Last Name De Soria Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Osuna Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Ruiz and Ines Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1800 First Name Fabiando Last Name De Soria Alias Year 1511 Origin Espinosa Residence Villa de Vejas del Castillar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego De Solano and Maria Fernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1801 First Name Juan Last Name De Soria Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Almarza in Soria Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Hernandez De Palacio and Pascuala Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1802 First Name Maria Last Name De Soria Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1803 First Name Pedro Last Name De Soria Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Hernandez and Maria Lopez De Soria Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1804 First Name Alvaro Last Name De Sosa Alias Year 1592 Origin Ayamonte/Huelva Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1805 First Name Gracia Last Name De Sosa Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1806 First Name Hernando Last Name De Sosa Alias Year 1565 Origin Ruy Seco Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1807 First Name Hernando Last Name De Sosa Alias Year 1569 Origin Medina De Rioseco Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1808 First Name Juan Last Name De Sosa Alias Year 1579 Origin Valde la Casa Salmanca Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1809 First Name Alonso Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Miner Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1810 First Name Alonso Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1561 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled on Feb 17 with Francisca Funes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1811 First Name Alonso Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1812 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Alderman Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1813 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1592 Origin Bribiesca Burgos Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1814 First Name Hernando Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1553 Origin Almendral Residence Nueva España Occupation Factor Sentence Comments Factor of Alonso Soto Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1815 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1586 Origin Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Jeronimo Gomez del Pozo Canon Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1816 First Name Juan Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1817 First Name Julio Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1818 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco De Soto and Elvira Quixada Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1819 First Name Vicente Last Name De Soto Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1820 First Name Andres Last Name De Sotomayor Alias Year 1592 Origin Valladolid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Dona Elvira de Solis from Sevilla .They went with a 9 year old son named Anton and a girl named Ana . Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1821 First Name Bernardo Last Name De Sotomayor Alias Year 1569 Origin Toledo Residence La Plata Occupation Second Lieutenant Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1822 First Name Fr.Alonso Last Name De Sotomayor Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1823 First Name Francisco Last Name De Sotomayor Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Medina del Campo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo el Negro and Elvira Enriquez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1824 First Name Gutierre Last Name De Sotomayor Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Belalcazar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Soto and Maria Garcia De Sotomayor Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1825 First Name Rafael Last Name De Sotomayor Alias Year 1555 Origin Cadiz/Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1826 First Name Romualdo Last Name De Spinosa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Glass Maker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1827 First Name Gabriel Last Name De Studillo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas Del Cultepeque,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1828 First Name Juan Last Name De Suarez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1829 First Name Pedro Last Name De Suarez de Aguilera Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1830 First Name Maria Last Name De Suazo Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went with her husband Francisco Hernandez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1831 First Name Pedro Last Name De Suescum y Santiesteban Alias Year 1576 Origin Pamplona Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went as servant of Bachiller Francisco Galavis Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1832 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Tabuyo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Zamora Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Tabuyo and Catalina Campana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1833 First Name Alonso Last Name De Talavera Alias Year 1576 Origin Medellin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1834 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Talavera Alias Year 1551 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1835 First Name Luis Last Name De Talavera Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took his wife Francisca De Mesa from Sevilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1836 First Name Pedro Last Name De Talavera Alias Year 1512 Origin Talavera Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Lope Sanchez govemaker and Francisca Diaz from Talavera Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1837 First Name Anton Last Name De Tamariz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Tamariz Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Burgos and Ines hs wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1838 First Name Juana Last Name De Tamayo Alias Year 1575 Origin Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant D Carls De Luna y Arellanos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1839 First Name Vicente Last Name De Tamayo Alias Year 1584 Origin Anzerma Residence Popayan Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1840 First Name Diego Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1567 Origin Truxillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Returned with his wife Juana de Olivera from Madrid and her daughter Maria single also from Madrid. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1841 First Name Fracisco Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1842 First Name Francisco Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1555 Origin Lugar De Zebreros Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1843 First Name Francisco Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Conde del Vilar Sentence Comments Single of 19 years old Son of Gonzalo de Cisneros Old Chrsitians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1844 First Name Juan Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Alba De Tormes Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo De Tapia and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1845 First Name Juan Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife and children to live with a cousin Old Christians .Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1846 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Alba Occupation Hunter and servant Sentence Comments Servant for the Conde de Alba; son of Rodrigo Del Aldevela and Isabel De Tapia; was together with son Cristobal De Tapia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1847 First Name Teresa Last Name De Tapia Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married.Went to live with her husband Juan Belmonte also travelled with their daughter Maria De La O Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1848 First Name Maria Last Name De Teba Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Francisco de Andueza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1849 First Name Diego Last Name De Tedia Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1850 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Tejadilla Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1851 First Name Alonso Last Name De Tena Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Puebla De Alcocer Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alvaro Gonzalez and Maria Tena Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1852 First Name Pedro Last Name De Tendrilla Alias Year 1563 Origin Rota Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1853 First Name Andres Last Name De Terrajas Alias Year 1576 Origin Fregenal Badajoz Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Lic Hidalgo Lieytenant of Popayan Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1854 First Name Francisco Last Name De Texeda Alias Year 1512 Origin Zamora Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bernardo de Ribera and Francisca de Texeda de Zamora Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1855 First Name Diego Last Name De Texerina Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Porcuna Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego De Texerina and Maria Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1856 First Name Catalina Last Name De Tobar Alias Year 1577 Origin Brihuega Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Melchor Carrillo de Avila Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1857 First Name Pedro Last Name De Tobillas Alias Year 1555 Origin Valpuesta Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Travelled as factor of Judge Juan de la Barrera the elder Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1858 First Name Alvarez Last Name De Toledo Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1859 First Name Diego Last Name De Toledo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1860 First Name Joan Last Name De Toledo Alias Year 1565 Origin Santa Olalla Toledo Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1861 First Name Juan Last Name De Toledo Alias Year 1569 Origin Santa Olalla Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1862 First Name Luis Last Name De Toledo Valderrama Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1863 First Name Matias Last Name De Tolosa Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went tolive with a brother .Was the son of Miguel de Tolosa and Maria de Olea Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1864 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Toral Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Black Single Old Christian Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1865 First Name Diego Last Name De Torancos Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1866 First Name Hernando Last Name De Tordesillas Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Tordesillas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Tordesillas and Elena Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1867 First Name Hernando Last Name De Tordesillas Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Tordesillas and Elena Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1868 First Name Diego Last Name De Toro Alias Year 1512 Origin Toro Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Machucho and Leonor Gomez from Toro Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1869 First Name Fray Tomas Last Name De Toro Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toro Occupation Friar Sentence Comments Friar of the Orden de Predicadores Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1870 First Name Juan Last Name De Toro Alias Year 1512 Origin Toro Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Nicolas Rodrigez and Ines Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1871 First Name Juan Last Name De Toro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant to Lic. Tejada Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1872 First Name Juan Last Name De Toro Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Cuba Occupation Servant of Rodrigo Carreño Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1873 First Name Pedro Last Name De Toro Alias Year 1512 Origin Toledo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Lopez de Azcunia and Francisca Gomez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1874 First Name Juan Last Name De Torquemada Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1875 First Name Miguel Last Name De Torquemada Alias Year 1553 Origin Santo Domingo Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Returning to Santo Domingo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1876 First Name Diego Last Name De Torrancos Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1877 First Name Juan Last Name De Torrecilla Alias Year 1552 Origin Truxillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Ana Gonzalez and two sons Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1878 First Name Alonso Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1549 Origin Mexico Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Married and returning to Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1879 First Name Alonso Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1880 First Name Alonso Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1588 Origin Trujillo De Caceres Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife maria DE azeuedo from Sevilla Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1881 First Name Andres Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1592 Origin Palencia Residence Indias Occupation Licenciado/Clergy Sentence Comments Single and Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1882 First Name Antonio Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1512 Origin Chiclana Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his brother Diego sons of Hernando de Torres and Beatriz de More from Chiclana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1883 First Name Beatriz Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1565 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1884 First Name Bernardino Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1576 Origin Burgos Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Beatriz de Zuñiga Old Christian Clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1885 First Name Da.Gracia Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1565 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1886 First Name Diego Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1512 Origin Chiclana Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his brother Antonio sons of Hernando de Torres and Beatriz de More from Chiclana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1887 First Name Diego Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Pamplona Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1888 First Name Diego Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Medina de Pomar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Martinez De Zornoza and Estebania Sanchez De Torres Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1889 First Name Francisco Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1890 First Name Francisco Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1563 Origin Cordoba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Francisca de Heredia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1891 First Name Francisco Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevlla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1892 First Name Franco Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1893 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1592 Origin Salinas De Guadiana Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1894 First Name Hernando Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1510 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Pharmacist Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Torres and Beatriz De Muriel Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1895 First Name Hernando Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1575 Origin Don Benito Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of College Graduate Hernando De Jerez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1896 First Name Hernando Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1584 Origin Villar Don Pardo Jaen Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1897 First Name Hernando Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1898 First Name Ines Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1565 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1899 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Takes with him one son named Gonzalo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1900 First Name Juan Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1554 Origin Medellin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Diego de Cuba Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1901 First Name Juan Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1565 Origin Caceres Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and son of Benito de Torres and Isabel de Alvarez grandson paternal Diego de Torres all fromcaceres hijosdalgo known and Clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1902 First Name Juan Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1903 First Name Leonor Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1904 First Name Leonor Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Wife of Lic. Altamirano Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1905 First Name Lorenzo Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments College Graduate Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1906 First Name Maria Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Service of Maria Francisca de Mariana Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1907 First Name Martin Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Torralba Occupation Farmer Sentence Comments Son of Alberto De Torres and Juana Martin Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1908 First Name Miguel Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Estepa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Torres and Maria De Pineda Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1909 First Name Pedro Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1512 Origin Ledesma Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo de Torres and Juana Hernandez from Ledesma with their servants Miguel de Zamora and Lope de Ventosela and nes his wife from Zamora Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1910 First Name Pedro Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1588 Origin Mondejar Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1911 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1512 Origin Santa Maria De Guadalupe Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Ruy Gonzalez trapero and Leonor Gonzalez from Santa Maria de Guadalupe Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1912 First Name Romualdo Last Name De Torres Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Hilador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1913 First Name Pedro Last Name De Torres de la Camera Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went as servant of Juan de Parraga Old Christian has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1914 First Name Hernando Last Name De Torres Moscoso Alias Year 1579 Origin Albuera Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went with Garci Mendez de Moscoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1915 First Name Alonso Last Name De Torrijos Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1916 First Name Juan Last Name De Torrres Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1917 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Tortoles Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Montemayor ,Obispado de Coria Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando De Torres and Catalina Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1918 First Name Francisco Last Name De Touar Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1919 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Tovar Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Single went with his brother Bartolome de Tovar and both in the service of Fray Pedro Diaz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1920 First Name Juan Last Name De Tovar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1921 First Name Francisco Last Name De Triana Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1922 First Name Lorenzo Last Name De Trosera y Chacon Alias Year 1553 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Returning to Peru Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1923 First Name Marcos Last Name De Troya y Lobo Alias Year 1561 Origin Olvera Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled with Ines de Salas his wife and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1924 First Name Francisco Last Name De Trujillo Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1925 First Name Francisco Last Name De Trujillo Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de La Frontera Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took his wife Beatriz Fernandez and single from Jerez de la Frontera Old Chrstian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1926 First Name Juan Last Name De Trujillo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Estepa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Fernandez De Trujillo y de Maria Jimenez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1927 First Name Juan Last Name De Trujillo Alias Year 1511 Origin Palenzuela Trujillo Residence Isla de San Juan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Mateos and Catalina Hernandez from Trujillo going to La Isla de San Juan Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1928 First Name Francisco Last Name De Tudela Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1929 First Name Sebastian Last Name De Tuesta Alias Year 1579 Origin Sante Fe Residence Santa Fe Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1930 First Name Gaspar Last Name De Uceda Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1931 First Name Leandro Last Name De Ucra Alias Year 1584 Origin Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1932 First Name Antonio Last Name De Ugarte Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Went as servant of Andres del Campo Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1933 First Name Juan Last Name De Ugarte Alias Year 1555 Origin Azpeita Residence Nombre de Dios y Panama Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Factor of Nicolas De Aramburu Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1934 First Name Hernando Last Name De Ulloa Alias Year 1577 Origin Priego Cordoba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1935 First Name Francisco Last Name De Urbina Alias Year 1550 Origin Vitoria Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1936 First Name Martin Last Name De Ure Alias Year 1554 Origin Orduña Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Scribe of the Province Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1937 First Name Hernando Last Name De Urera Alias Year 1552 Origin Azualcazar Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1938 First Name Alonso Last Name De Urgules Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Alonso Garcia Escobar Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1939 First Name Diego Last Name De Uxena Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Hilescas (Illescas) Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego de Uxena and Ines Diaz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1940 First Name Diego Last Name De Valdelaguna Alias Year 1512 Origin Garcia Gonzalez de Palacio in Burgos Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Ruiz and Elvira Ruiz from Garcia Gonzalez de Palacio Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1941 First Name Francisca Last Name De Valdepeñas Alias Year 1576 Origin Usanos Guadalajara Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Was denied passage as was her husban Pablo de Guzman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1942 First Name Joan Last Name De Valderas Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Scribe for the King Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1943 First Name Nicolas Last Name De Valderas Alias Year 1579 Origin Espinosa de los Montes Burgos Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1944 First Name Alonso Last Name De Valderey Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Mesonero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1945 First Name Martin Last Name De Valdes Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1946 First Name Pedro Last Name De Valdes Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1947 First Name Pedro Last Name De Valdes Alias Year 1579 Origin Madrid Residence Terra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1948 First Name Salvador Last Name De Valdes Alias Year 1563 Origin Bejar Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Servant of the archbishop who was his uncle and 17 years old Legitimate son of Pedro Lopez Valdes and catalina Ramos grandson paternal of Bartolome Lopez De Mancera nd Maria Valdes and maternal of Diego Ramos and Ines Martinez all from Bejar Old Christians cean blood and honorable Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1949 First Name Juan Last Name De Valdevieso Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Valdevieso and Isabel Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1950 First Name Juan Last Name De Valdivieso Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Returned to Peru Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1951 First Name Diego Last Name De Valencia Alias Year 1555 Origin Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Travelled with his wife Maria Hernandez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1952 First Name Fr Francisco Last Name De Valencia Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Isla Española Occupation Clergy Order of Santo Domingo Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1953 First Name Galiano Last Name De Valencia Alias Year 1569 Origin Alcantara Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1954 First Name Alonso Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1565 Origin Cordoba Residence Asuncion Occupation Mayor Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1955 First Name Alonso Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1569 Origin Cordoba Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1956 First Name Alonso Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1957 First Name Andres Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Almodovar Del Rio Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Lopez Canalero and Ines De Valenzuela Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1958 First Name Catalina Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1959 First Name Diego Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1555 Origin Ubeda/Valladolid Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1960 First Name Francisco Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1577 Origin Villaneuva Leon Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1961 First Name Hernandez Last Name De Valenzuela Alias Year 1576 Origin Baeza Jaen Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1962 First Name Antonio Last Name De Valera Alias Year 1550 Origin Segovia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1963 First Name Andres Last Name De Valladolid Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1964 First Name Juan Last Name De Valladolid Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Alberca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Valladolid Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1965 First Name Alonso Last Name De Valle Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1966 First Name Bernaldo Last Name De Vallejo Alias Year 1565 Origin Valle de Mena Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1967 First Name Juan Last Name De Vallejo Alias Year 1535 Origin Antonio Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1968 First Name Lope Last Name De Vallejo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Castronuño Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Vallejo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1969 First Name Estevan Last Name De Vallesco Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1970 First Name Gabriel Last Name De Valverde Alias Year 1512 Origin Valverde Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Garcia and Maria Garcia from Valverde Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1971 First Name Agustin Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1512 Origin Beas Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bartolome Sanchez Carpinter and Catalina Martinez from Beas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1972 First Name Catalina Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1577 Origin Puerto de Santa Maria Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Melchor Mendez Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1973 First Name Eugenio Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1577 Origin Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1974 First Name Francisca Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Luis de Hinojosa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1975 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1569 Origin Sanabria Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1976 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1977 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1978 First Name Hernando Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Vargas and Maria Alvarez, and his sons Esteban de Vargas and Juan de Vargas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1979 First Name Juan Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.Was in the house of the Factor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1980 First Name Juan Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1592 Origin Trigueros Valladolid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1981 First Name Llorente Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1512 Origin Toledo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Garcia and Elvira Rodriguez from Toledo his sister Francisca Rodriguez and her daughter Juana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
1982 First Name Pedro Last Name De Vargas Alias Year 1584 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1983 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vargas Muchacha Alias Year 1584 Origin Jodar Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Soltero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1984 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vargas y Castro Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1985 First Name Juan Last Name De Vargas y Castro Alias Year 1557 Origin Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled with his sister Francisca de Vargas wife of Francisco Perez Lezcano from Truxillo del Peru Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1986 First Name Luisa Last Name De Vargas y Castro Alias Year 1566 Origin Sevilla Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1987 First Name Catalina Last Name De Vasas Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1988 First Name Josep Last Name De Vega Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme y eru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1989 First Name Juan Last Name De Vega Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1990 First Name Juan Last Name De Vega Alias Year 1549 Origin Residence Los Angeles Occupation Scribe of Numbers Sentence Comments Scribe of Numbers in the City of Los Anegles who is rfeturning to hus city with his servant Bartolome Rivero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1991 First Name Juan Last Name De Vega Alias Year 1564 Origin Medina del Campo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Juan de Ortega Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1992 First Name Melchor Last Name De Vega Alias Year 1552 Origin Guadalaxara Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Returns to Mexico where he left his wife and children behind Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1993 First Name Pedro Last Name De Vega Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
1994 First Name Anton Last Name De Vejines Alias Year 1576 Origin Los Palacios Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1995 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vejines Alias Year 1576 Origin Los Palacios Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with his wife Juana Romero and a son and also took his brother Anton de Vejines. Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
1996 First Name Anton Last Name De Vela Alias Year 1549 Origin Medellin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1997 First Name Joan Last Name De Vela Alias Year 1569 Origin Alahejos Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1998 First Name Juan Last Name De Vela Alias Year 1569 Origin Alahejos Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
1999 First Name Miguel Last Name De Vela Alias Year 1561 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Husband of Beatriz de Mesa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2000 First Name Agustin Last Name De Velasco Alias Year 1553 Origin Arevalo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2001 First Name Ana Last Name De Velasco Alias Year 1576 Origin Villa De Villaescusa,Zamora Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2002 First Name Antonio Last Name De Velasco Alias Year 1568 Origin Medina De Pomar Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2003 First Name Juan Last Name De Velasco Alias Year 1576 Origin Consejo de San Martin en el valle de Soba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Maria Sanchez and childrfen and his sister Maria De Velasco as his servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2004 First Name Manuel Last Name De Velasco Alias Year 1588 Origin Cuellar Segovia Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2005 First Name Maria Last Name De Velasco Alias Year 1576 Origin Consejo de San Martin en el valle de Soba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2006 First Name Jeronimo Last Name De Velazquez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Santa Maria Occupation Mason Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2007 First Name Juan Last Name De Velazquez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2008 First Name Juan Last Name De Velazquez Alias Year 1584 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Tierra Firma Occupation Sentence Comments Went with Francisco Lozano from Ciudad Real Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2009 First Name Gonzalo Last Name De Velez Alias Year 1563 Origin Juris Valle Taranzo Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2010 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Venegas Alias Year 1588 Origin Granada Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2011 First Name Pedro Last Name De Venero Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Noja Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Sanchez de Venero and Juana Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2012 First Name Garciperes Last Name De Venialua Alias Year 1554 Origin Valladolid Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2013 First Name Carlos Last Name de Vera Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier and Sargeant Major Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2014 First Name Juan Last Name De Vera Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2015 First Name Sancho Last Name de Vera Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2016 First Name Juanez Last Name De Verastegui Alias Year 1511 Origin Versategui Residence Guipuzcoa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Ochoa de Recalde and Gracia de Verastegui.He went to the island of San Juan Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2017 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1565 Origin Vergara Residence Asuncion Occupation Bailiff Major Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Was married in Rio de la Plata with the daughter of Captain Diego de Abrego Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2018 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1569 Origin Vergara Residence La Plata Occupation El Alferez Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2019 First Name Ines Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with her husband Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2020 First Name Juan Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1512 Origin Brihuega in Toledo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Machin de Vergara and Catalina his wife from Brihuega and Teresa Vergara his sister Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2021 First Name Juan Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Candymaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2022 First Name Maria Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation In service to Isabel Garcia Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2023 First Name Martin Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Vergara Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin De Vergara and Estibariz De Ayeirdi Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2024 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Vergara Alias Year 1511 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Vergara and Ana Rodriguez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2025 First Name Juan Last Name De Viana Alias Year 1511 Origin Logroño Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gabriel De Viana and Mencia de Navarette from Logroño Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2026 First Name Fray Francisco Last Name De Vicente Alias Year 1577 Origin San Juan de Puerto Rico Residence San Juan de Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2027 First Name Antonio Last Name De Vides Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2028 First Name Francisco Last Name De Vides Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2029 First Name Alonso Last Name De Vides De Vergara Alias Year 1592 Origin Arazena Huelva Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2030 First Name Diego Last Name De Villa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Gentleman Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2031 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Villa Franca Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2032 First Name Alonso Last Name De Villa Gutierrez Alias Year 1592 Origin Vrozas Caceres Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Isabel de Herrera from Vrozas Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2033 First Name Diego Last Name De Villadiego Alias Year 1512 Origin Concepcion in Espanola Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo de Villadiego and Maria Garcia from Concepcion in Espanola Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2034 First Name Pedro Last Name De Villadiego Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Pradanos, Villadiego Occupation Sentence Comments Hidalgo; son of Pero Garcia De Pradanos and Teresa Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2035 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Villadiego Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Villa de la Concepción, Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Together with son Rodrigo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2036 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Villadiego Alias Year 1512 Origin Concepcion in Espanola Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Gonzalo de Villadego son of Hernando de Villadiego, Gonzalez of Andia son of Pedro Gonzalez from Tolosa Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2037 First Name Juan Last Name De Villafañe Alias Year 1584 Origin Single Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments 25 years old single and son of Bartolome de Villafañe and Isbael de Baltasar from Leon Brother of Pedro and servant of Conde de Villar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2038 First Name Garcia Last Name De Villafranca Alias Year 1578 Origin Almodobar Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2039 First Name Juan Last Name De Villafranca Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Returned to New Spain and had come from Mexico where it seems he had been born Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2040 First Name Juan Last Name De Villafranca Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2041 First Name Pedro Last Name De Villafranca Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villafranca de Montes de Oca,Burgos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Losa and Catalina Villafranca ,Burgos Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2042 First Name Melchor Last Name De Villagomez Alias Year 1567 Origin Ampudia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2043 First Name Cristobal Last Name De Villalba Alias Year 1512 Origin Villalba Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Rodriguez and Juana Marftin from Villalba Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2044 First Name Juan Last Name De Villalba Alias Year 1592 Origin Trigueros Valladolid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2045 First Name Alonso Last Name De Villalobos Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Belalcazar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso de Villalobos and Isabel Diaz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2046 First Name Da. Leonor Last Name De Villalobos Alias Year 1575 Origin Toledo Residence Cuba Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2047 First Name Pedro Last Name De Villalobos Alias Year 1585 Origin Alia Caceres Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2048 First Name Yosef Last Name De Villalobos Alias Year 1576 Origin Haria Canarias Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Lope Rodriguez de Varillas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2049 First Name Matias Last Name De Villalon Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Valladolid Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso De Villalon and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2050 First Name Melchor Last Name De Villalon Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2051 First Name Francisco Last Name De Villalta Alias Year 1569 Origin Cordoba Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2052 First Name Alonso Last Name De Villalua the elder Alias Year 1566 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2053 First Name Catalina Last Name De Villamizar Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Juan De Soto, wife of Hernan Velazquez; was together with husband and with servant Agustina Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2054 First Name Diego Last Name De Villaneuva Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2055 First Name Alonso Last Name De Villanueva Alias Year 1576 Origin Oropesa Castellon Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went as servant of Bachiller Francisco Galavis Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2056 First Name Bartolome Last Name De Villanueva Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2057 First Name Hernando Last Name De Villanueva Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villanueva Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Martin and Juana Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2058 First Name Pedro Last Name De Villanueva Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors and was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2059 First Name Agustin Last Name De Villareal Alias Year 1577 Origin Madrid Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servat of Lic Garcia de Villaverde the Fiscal of the Real Audiencia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2060 First Name Antonio Last Name De Villareal Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2061 First Name Luis Last Name De Villareal Alias Year 1512 Origin Moguer Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo de Villareal and Cnstanza Lopez from Moguer Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2062 First Name Juan Last Name De Villarroel Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2063 First Name Juan Last Name De Villarubia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Aldearrubia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin de Las Huertas and Ines Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2064 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Villasinda Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2065 First Name Garcia Last Name De Villaverde Alias Year 1577 Origin Madrid Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2066 First Name Brigida Last Name De Villegas Alias Year 1567 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2067 First Name Catalina Last Name De Villegas Alias Year 1588 Origin Granada Residence R Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2068 First Name Diego Last Name De Villegas Alias Year 1576 Origin Toranzo Santander Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single Was a servant of D Diego Gregorioa Gonzalez de la Cuenca President of the Royal Audience Old Christian Clean BloodSon of Lope de Villegas and Juana Gutierrez Nieto all known hijosdalgo and clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2069 First Name Gil Last Name De Villegas Alias Year 1575 Origin Torrijos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian clean blood and went to be with a cousin of his Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2070 First Name Pedro Last Name De Villegas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Mayor Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2071 First Name Jusepe Last Name De Villela Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2072 First Name Benites Last Name De Villena Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2073 First Name Baltasar Last Name De Villolao Alias Year 1575 Origin Oropesa /Castellon de la Plana Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2074 First Name Francisco Last Name De Virues Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco de Coronado and Isabel de Virues with their servant Juan de Ribera son of Juan de Ribera and Isabel Hernandez from Cordoba Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2075 First Name Juan Last Name De Vita Alias Year 1579 Origin Villaescusa de Haro Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Juan del Castillo Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2076 First Name Alonso Last Name De Vitoria Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2077 First Name Jorge Last Name De Vitoria Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Santo Domingo de la Calzada Occupation Farmer Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Zarate and Maria Sanchez De Zubileta Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2078 First Name Pedro Last Name De Vitoria Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2079 First Name D.Rodrigo Last Name De Vivero Alias Year 1561 Origin Olmedo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2080 First Name Rodrigo Last Name De Vivero Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments He was from the Caballero Order de Santiago .Came to New Spain where he was from and had one boy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2081 First Name Francisco Last Name De Xerez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Santa Maria Occupation Mason Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2082 First Name Francisco Last Name De Xyena Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tabernero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2083 First Name Garcia Last Name De Yarza Alias Year 1576 Origin Lequeitio Vizcaya Residence Los Reyes Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single Traveled as servant of Treasurer Bernardo Ramirez. Son of Lope Garcia de Yarza and Garcia Recalde Hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2084 First Name Antonio Last Name De Yelves Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments He is married with few Indians A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2085 First Name Alonso Last Name De Yepes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home of Juan De San Pedro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2086 First Name Juan Last Name De Yepes Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was give 40 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2087 First Name Trictan Last Name De Yrasaula Alias Year 1566 Origin Vizcaino Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2088 First Name Tristan Last Name De Yrasaula Alias Year 1566 Origin Vizcaya Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2089 First Name Juan Last Name De Zafra Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2090 First Name Juan Last Name De Zaldivar Aguilud Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nombre de Dios Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Went with two servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2091 First Name Andres Last Name De Zamora Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2092 First Name Francisco Last Name De Zamora Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Zamora Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Nicolás Hernández and Catalina González Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2093 First Name Juan Last Name De Zamora Alias Year 1512 Origin Medina Del Campo Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan de Zamora Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2094 First Name Juan Last Name De Zamora Alias Year 1553 Origin Villafranca del Puente del arzobispo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married .He was the younger abd travelled with his wife Isabel Hernandez and two children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2095 First Name Cristóbal Last Name De Zamora Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Zamora Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Nicolás Hernández and Catalina González, brother of Francisco de Zamora Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2096 First Name Francisco Last Name De Zarate Alias Year 1577 Origin Orio Guipuzcoa Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2097 First Name Luis Last Name De Zarate Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2098 First Name Mateo Last Name De Zarate Alias Year 1563 Origin Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2099 First Name Pedro Last Name De Zarate Alias Year 1553 Origin Aranjuez,Alava Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and tarvelled with Juan de Zarate hs brother as his servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2100 First Name Jorge Last Name De Zarzaquero Alias Year 1576 Origin Porcuna Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Took his uncle Francisco Sanchez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2101 First Name Alonso Last Name De Zayas Alias Year 1534 Origin Santos de Maymona ,Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2102 First Name Fr Antonio Last Name De Zayas Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Nicaragua Occupation Bishop Sentence Comments Bishop of Nicaragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2103 First Name Antonio Last Name De Zuñiga Alias Year 1555 Origin Villa De Bejar Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Noble.Single. Grandson of D. Antonio de Zuñiga.Was prior of San Juan Governor and Captain general against thecommunities of Toledo and later Virrey of Cataluña Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2104 First Name Beatriz Last Name De Zuñiga Alias Year 1576 Origin Guadalajara Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Went to live with her father who was a resident of those provinces Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2105 First Name Francisco Last Name De Zuñiga Alias Year 1588 Origin El Pilar en Ubeda Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2106 First Name Sedeño Last Name De Zuñiga Alias Year 1534 Origin Chinchon Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2107 First Name Juan Last Name De Zurrilla Alias Year 1576 Origin Quintana Santander Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2108 First Name Pedro Last Name DeCaceres Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2109 First Name Pedro Last Name Decea Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Was given money he needed A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2110 First Name Pedro Last Name Del Hierro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2111 First Name Isabel Last Name Del Aguila Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2112 First Name Bartolome Last Name Del Amarilla Alias Year 1566 Origin Trujillo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived. Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2113 First Name Alonso Last Name Del Atanzor Alias Year 1577 Origin Irueste Guadalajara Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Captain Nicolas Montenegro has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2114 First Name Maria Last Name Del Ayala Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single went with two servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2115 First Name Cosme Last Name Del Campo Alias Year 1577 Origin Arevalo Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Receptor Sentence Comments Receptor de las Alcabalas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2116 First Name Juan Last Name Del Campo Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence La Zarza de Alanje Occupation Sentence Comments Hidalgo; husband of Marina Sanchez, daughter of Juan Sanchez De la Cabeza Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2117 First Name Juan Last Name Del Campo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Villa de Almagro Occupation Sentence Comments Hidalgo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2118 First Name Pedro Last Name Del Campo Alias Year 1551 Origin Villa Del Campo Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2119 First Name Francisco Last Name Del Carpio Alias Year 1577 Origin Barciense Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2120 First Name Antonio Last Name Del Castillo Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2121 First Name Diego Last Name Del Castillo Alias Year 1579 Origin Cogolludo Guadalajara Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2122 First Name Juan Last Name Del Castillo Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Jimenez del Castillo and Isabel Jimenez fromSevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2123 First Name Martin Last Name Del Castillo Alias Year 1553 Origin Naharras Residence Peru Occupation Made two handled pole weapons Sentence Comments Single and travelled to practice his trade as Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2124 First Name Quiteria Last Name Del Castillo Alias Year 1576 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Rui Diaz De Mendoza Old Christian, Old Christian in the group of San Cecilio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2125 First Name Juan Last Name Del Castillo Portocarrero Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2126 First Name Maria Last Name Del Castillo Villalta Alias Year 1584 Origin Salamanca Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Dr Juan del Castllo Doctor Old Christian Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2127 First Name Maria Last Name Del Corral Alias Year 1552 Origin Puente Del Arzobispo Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Wife of Hernan Vazquez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2128 First Name Alonso Last Name Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2129 First Name Antonio Last Name Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Maria Mateos originally from Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2130 First Name Diego Last Name Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Maria Gimenez also from Fuente de Cantos in Badajoz Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2131 First Name Hernando Last Name Del Corro Alias Year 1588 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2132 First Name Juan Last Name Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2133 First Name Pedro Last Name Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Francisca Ruiz from Merida Badajoz Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2134 First Name Antonio Last Name Del Espinar Alias Year 1510 Origin Espinar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Garcia De Villacastin and Catalina Gonzalez la Sevillana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2135 First Name Juan Last Name Del Hierro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas De Sulpango,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2136 First Name Juan Last Name Del Pardo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2137 First Name Escobar Last Name Del Pena Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2138 First Name Pedro Last Name Del Peral Alias Year 1584 Origin Rada Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Has Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2139 First Name Pedro Last Name Del Peso de Vera Alias Year 1586 Origin Residence Cuzco Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Was the Corredor of the Andes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2140 First Name Francisco Last Name Del Portal Alias Year 1512 Origin Aranda de Duero Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Santiago Del Portal and Isabel Martinez from Aranda de Duero Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2141 First Name Antonio Last Name Del Pozo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cordoba Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin Hernandez del Pozo and Maria Hernandez de Vollora. He went to the island of San Juan. Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2142 First Name Blas Last Name Del Pozo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2143 First Name Cristobal Last Name Del Pozo Alias Year 1576 Origin Izcarre Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2144 First Name Juan Last Name Del Pozo Alias Year 1574 Origin Escaray Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and traveled with his wife Juana Diaz from Sevilla and their children all from Sevilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2145 First Name Pedro Last Name Del Pramo Alias Year 1563 Origin Merida Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Married and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2146 First Name Juan Last Name Del Puerto Alias Year 1534 Origin Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2147 First Name Francisco Last Name Del Pueyo Alias Year 1569 Origin Alfaro Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2148 First Name Pedro Last Name Del Ruiz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of Lic Tejada Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2149 First Name Alonso Last Name Del Valle Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of No given name Del Valle and Juana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2150 First Name Estevan Last Name Del Valle Alias Year 1569 Origin Montaña Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2151 First Name Juan Last Name Del Valle Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Accountant Sentence Comments Went with his wife and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2152 First Name Tomas Last Name Del Valle Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of Juan Bello Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2153 First Name Antonio Last Name Delgadillo Alias Year 1576 Origin Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Noble Single Went to live with an uncle of hers Was 16 years old. Son of Lic. Jeronimo De Delgasillo y Donia Ana de Rivadeneyra his wife.Old Christians Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2154 First Name Hernando Last Name Delgadillo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2155 First Name Miguel Last Name Delgadillo Alias Year 1577 Origin Jaen Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Hernando de Badajoz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2156 First Name Alonso Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2157 First Name Bartolome Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Juan Calderon Old Christian has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2158 First Name Francisco Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1561 Origin Osuna Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled with his wife Mencia de Bitos and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2159 First Name Joan Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in Almodovar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2160 First Name Juan Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1512 Origin Cilleros de la Orden de Alcantara Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando Delgado and Maria Rodriguez from Cilleros Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2161 First Name Juan Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2162 First Name No first name given Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2163 First Name Pascual Last Name Delgado Alias Year 1575 Origin Getafe Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Fr Juan de Padilla Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2164 First Name Diego Last Name Denaba Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2165 First Name Diego Last Name DeSalas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2166 First Name Francisco Last Name DeSalazar Alias Year 1576 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Rodrigo De Vivero Sentence Comments Old Christian. Has genealogy .Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2167 First Name Alvaro Last Name DeSandoval Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors and was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2168 First Name Hernando Last Name DeSanta Cruz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2169 First Name Juan Last Name Descobar Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2170 First Name Francisco Last Name DeSegovia Alias Year 1535 Origin Merchant Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2171 First Name Martin Last Name Despes Alias Year 1579 Origin Zaragoza Residence Nueva Galicia Occupation Dean de la Catedral de Nueva Galicia Sentence Comments Capellan Real Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2172 First Name Francisco Last Name Despindola Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2173 First Name Nicolas Last Name Despinedo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Ledesma Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Gonzalez Negrillo and Leonor Despinedo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2174 First Name Francisco Last Name Despinosa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico at the home of the factor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2175 First Name Juan Last Name Despinosa Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2176 First Name Pedro Last Name Desquiel Alias Year 1566 Origin Sevilla Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2177 First Name Juan Last Name Desu Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2178 First Name Pedro Last Name Devier Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2179 First Name Maese Last Name Dexa Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2180 First Name Luisa Last Name Deza Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2181 First Name Francisco Last Name Dias Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2182 First Name Goncalo Last Name Dias Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2183 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Dias Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Alderman/Mayor Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2184 First Name Richarte Mateo Last Name Dias Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2185 First Name Ruy Last Name Dias Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Portugues Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2186 First Name Pedro Last Name Dias Del Valle Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2187 First Name Aldonza Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1552 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single,servant of Juan de Llanes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2188 First Name Alonso Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Belalcazar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Ruy Garcia and Marina Diaz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2189 First Name Alonso Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2190 First Name Alonso Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1563 Origin Daymiel Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2191 First Name Alonso Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1563 Origin Avila Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2192 First Name Alonso Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2193 First Name Anton Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1576 Origin Villasecas de Yepes Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of the Gvernor of Popayan Sancho Garcia del Espinar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2194 First Name Baltasar Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2195 First Name Bartolome Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2196 First Name Catalina Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1512 Origin Cordoba Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Diego de Zamora and Maria Rpdriguez de Cordoba Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2197 First Name Diego Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1566 Origin Valle Natural de Tarifa Residence Asuncion Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2198 First Name Diego Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of Alonso Sanchez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2199 First Name Fr Juan Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Isla Española Occupation Clergy Order of Santo Domingo Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2200 First Name Francisco Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1550 Origin Llerena Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2201 First Name Francisco Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2202 First Name Francisco Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1577 Origin Jaraicejo Caceres Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Alvar Garcia Calderon Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2203 First Name Fray Pedro Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2204 First Name Gaspar Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2205 First Name Gaspar Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2206 First Name Gomzalo Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2207 First Name Gonzalez Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1563 Origin Segovia Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2208 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1553 Origin Garcia y Tierra de Trujillo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2209 First Name Hernando Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1566 Origin Galicia Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Were on a ship with Sebastian Gauto had gone to Brazil but returned to Rio de la Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2210 First Name Ines Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nicaragua Occupation Servant of Treasurer Juan Morena Alvarez de Toledo Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2211 First Name Juan Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Diaz and Marina Nuñez his wife from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2212 First Name Juan Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Marmolejo Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2213 First Name Juan Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Trompeta and knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2214 First Name Juan Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2215 First Name Juan Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas Del Cultepeque,Mexico Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2216 First Name Juan Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1563 Origin Mancañete Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Married to Maria Sanchez and both Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2217 First Name Juana Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1555 Origin Santo Domingo Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Mulata , single and Free .She returns to Santo Domingo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2218 First Name Juana Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1574 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Wife of Juan Del Pozo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2219 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1540 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Indias. Was a widower who was married in Sevilla and was going to Indias to collect maravedis Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2220 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1575 Origin Fuensalida Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and travelled with his wife and 3 children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2221 First Name Maria Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2222 First Name Maria Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1579 Origin Talavera de la Reina Toledo Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Servant of Bernardina Plasencia Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2223 First Name Maria Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1576 Origin Guadalajara Brihuega Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2224 First Name Matheo Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1566 Origin Puerto Real Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Fisherman Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2225 First Name Melchor Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1550 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2226 First Name Melchor Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2227 First Name Miguel Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1563 Origin Montijo en el Maestrazgo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2228 First Name Pedro Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Married Came with his wife Juana de Frias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2229 First Name Pero Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Castromocho en tierra De Campos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Dias and Maria Gallega Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2230 First Name Rui Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1566 Origin Sevilla Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Helmsman Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2231 First Name Ruy Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Bejar and Franca his wife from Sevlla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2232 First Name Ruy Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2233 First Name Sancho Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1557 Origin Residence Popayan Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Travelled with his servamt Cristobal Rodriguez and others Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2234 First Name Antonio Last Name Díaz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Benavente Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Diaz and María Alonso Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2235 First Name Ana Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Lepe Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Juan Mercader and Isabel Bernal, widow of Diego Sanchez tonel-maker Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2236 First Name Pedro Last Name Diaz Alias Year 1550 Origin Matajudios Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50.Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2237 First Name Juan Last Name Diaz Anrique Alias Year 1563 Origin Osuna Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2238 First Name Antonio Last Name Diaz Cardoso Alias Year 1555 Origin R.Granada Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Captain Married Returned with Felipa De Almeida his wife and two children Marquina o Marquesina and Manuel Cardoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2239 First Name Pero Last Name Diaz De Alfaro Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Son of Ruy Diaz and Maria Diaz De Alfaro Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2240 First Name Francisco Last Name Diaz de Arangutiz Alias Year 1577 Origin Vitoria Residence Cuba Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2241 First Name Luis Last Name Diaz De la Molina Alias Year 1579 Origin Aguilar De Campos Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2242 First Name Francisco Last Name Diaz De La Rocha Alias Year 1548 Origin Alcazar De Consuegra Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with Royal Credentials. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2243 First Name Pedro Last Name Diaz De Leon Alias Year 1579 Origin Alcazar de San Juan Ciudad Real Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Single and went as servant of Fr alonso de Leon from the Order of San Francisco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2244 First Name Rui Last Name Diaz de Mendoza Alias Year 1576 Origin Mexico Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife with him Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2245 First Name Maria Last Name Diaz De Montoya Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillos,Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2246 First Name Pero Last Name Diaz de Nambroca Alias Year 1566 Origin Nambroca Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Asserador Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2247 First Name Leonor Last Name Diaz De Peralta Alias Year 1563 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2248 First Name Marcos Last Name Diaz De Santa Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2249 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Diaz Herrero Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2250 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Diaz Maroto Alias Year 1578 Origin Alcazar De Consuegra Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2251 First Name Domingo Last Name Diaz Puro Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2252 First Name Magdalena Last Name Diaz Rodriguez Alias Year 1555 Origin Castroverde De Campos Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Cap. Antonio Diaz Carrdoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2253 First Name Luis Last Name Diaz Toledano Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2254 First Name Hernan Last Name Diego Del Toro Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2255 First Name Jose Last Name Diego Farfan Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2256 First Name Alonso Last Name Diez Alias Year 1588 Origin Luzena Cordoba Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2257 First Name Alonso Last Name Diez Alias Year 1588 Origin Barajas Avila Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario and travelled with his wife Beatriz de Aguilar From Barajas Avila On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2258 First Name Leon Last Name Diez Alias Year 1588 Origin Toledo Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2259 First Name Pedro Last Name Diez Alias Year 1588 Origin Vilamartin Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario travelled with his wife Luis de Arcos De Villa Martin On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2260 First Name Alonso Last Name Diez de Ledesma Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2261 First Name Juan Last Name Diez De Losa Alias Year 1563 Origin Villadiego Residence Florida Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida.He was 26 years old Legitimate son of Alonso Diaz de Villalvilla abd Juana Martinez de Losa .Paternal Grandson of Juan Diez de Villalvilla and Juana Diez Old Christians Clean honorable and hijosdalgo on the male line Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2262 First Name Alonso Last Name Diez Delgado Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Catalina Rodrigu4s from Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2263 First Name Pedro Last Name Diez Gimenez Alias Year 1592 Origin Jerez Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2264 First Name Vicente Last Name Digees Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2265 First Name Isabel Last Name Dolmos Alias Year 1575 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Catalina De Cuevas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2266 First Name Alonso Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1551 Origin Arroyo Molinos Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2267 First Name Alonso Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2268 First Name Alonso Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Vedez Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2269 First Name Andres Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1579 Origin Portugal V De Los Reyes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2270 First Name Domingo Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1579 Origin Santa Cruz de la Sierra Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2271 First Name Joan Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1565 Origin Harahal Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion 22 years old and blind Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2272 First Name Juan Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1563 Origin Bodonal Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Luis Vazquez y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2273 First Name Juan Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion.Portuguese married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2274 First Name Juan Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2275 First Name Juan Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1592 Origin Asansuelo Adansa Navarra Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2276 First Name Pedro Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico .In the home of Cadenas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2277 First Name Simon Last Name Dominguez Alias Year 1592 Origin Adansuelo Navarra Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Juana de Soto from adansuelo and one son named Simon who was 8 and 2 daughters the elder was Maria Dominguez who was 7 years old ad Juana who was 2 months old. Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2278 First Name Juan Last Name Dominguez de la Guia Alias Year 1576 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2279 First Name Fr Domingo Last Name Dominico Alba Alias Year 1577 Origin Azuaga Badajoz Residence Chiapa Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2280 First Name Alonso Last Name Donaire Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Alvaro de Paredes Loaisa Sentence Comments Old Christian Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2281 First Name Joan Last Name Donoso Alias Year 1553 Origin Medellin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2282 First Name Hernando Last Name Dorado Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2283 First Name Juan Last Name Dorado Alias Year 1576 Origin Don Benito Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Alonso Rodrguez Laso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2284 First Name Alonso Last Name Dortas Alias Year 1577 Origin Niebla Huelva Residence Nicaragua Occupation Servant of Bachiller Juan Moreno De alvarez de Toledo Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2285 First Name Cristobal Last Name Dueñas Alias Year 1584 Origin Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Captain Sentence Comments Single 34 years old .Worked with the Inquisition Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2286 First Name Juan Last Name Duero De Villazan Alias Year 1555 Origin Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2287 First Name Francisco Last Name Duran Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2288 First Name Francisco Last Name Duran Alias Year 1553 Origin Toledo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2289 First Name Joan Last Name Duran Alias Year 1553 Origin Toledo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2290 First Name Juan Last Name Duran Alias Year 1553 Origin Ayllones Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Servant of Gonzalo Mendez Tordoya Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2291 First Name Juan Last Name Duran Alias Year 1563 Origin Talavera Residence Yucatan Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single Son of Juan Oman and Maria Maldonado grandson on the paternal line of Francisco Duran and Ines de Prada and maternal Francisco Maldonado and Catalina Fernandez from Talavera Gentlemen known hijodalgos whose blood line is known .Their families are Duran,Avila,Prada y Maldonado and had haciendas n Belvis Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2292 First Name Juan Last Name Duran Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2293 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Duran Alias Year 1563 Origin Montijo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2294 First Name Diego Last Name Durán Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Garrovillas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Durán and Juana Hernández Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2295 First Name Alonso Last Name Duran Cornejo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2296 First Name Alonso Last Name Durango Alias Year 1592 Origin Vrozas Caceres Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Juana Rubia from Vrozas Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2297 First Name Martin Last Name Dure Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2298 First Name Pacheco Last Name El Mozo Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco de Magaña Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2299 First Name Diego Last Name El Romo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Illescas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Garcia El Romo and Isabel alvarez from Illescas and his son Julian De Illescas from Diego de Illescas and wife Ines Alvarez all from Illescas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2300 First Name Alonso Last Name Enriquez Alias Year 1586 Origin Valladolid Residence Potosi Occupation Lieutenant Sentence Comments Went with his wife Juana de Tobar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2301 First Name Juan Bautista Last Name Enriquez Alias Year 1586 Origin Valadolid Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Alonso Enriquez Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2302 First Name No first name given Last Name Escaso Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2303 First Name Francisco Last Name Escobar Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2304 First Name Fray Jeronimo Last Name Escobar Alias Year 1577 Origin Aroche Huelva Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2305 First Name Leonor Last Name Escobar Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2306 First Name No first name given Last Name Escobar Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico in the home of the Visitir Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2307 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Escobedo Alias Year 1552 Origin Cordoba Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single, Servant of P.Fr Gonzalo de Valencia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2308 First Name Pero Last Name Escribano Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Arbancon, land of Cogol Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Escribano and Maria Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2309 First Name Maria Last Name Escudera Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2310 First Name Cristobal Last Name Escudero Alias Year 1555 Origin Brihuega/Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single and travelled with his factor Alonso de Quros Single from Sevilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2311 First Name Juan Last Name Escudero Alias Year 1555 Origin Villa De La Rinconada Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Single Travelled as the servant of D alonso de Solis Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2312 First Name Martin Last Name Escudero Alias Year 1555 Origin Corella Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Travelled as sevant of the President of the Real Audience D Francisco De Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2313 First Name No first name given Last Name Espinar Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2314 First Name No first name given Last Name Espindola Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Guard of the Santo Oficio Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2315 First Name Francisco Last Name Espino Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2316 First Name Maria Last Name Espinosa Alias Year 1579 Origin Talavera de la Reina Toledo Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2317 First Name No first name given Last Name Espinosa de Ortega Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2318 First Name Cristobal Last Name Esquivel Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alfonso De Fonseca and Ana De Esquivel Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2319 First Name Alonso Last Name Esteban Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2320 First Name Juan Last Name Esteban Alias Year 1563 Origin Lobon Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2321 First Name Pedro Last Name Esteban Alias Year 1579 Origin Almendralejo Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Juan Martinez de la Cruz Sentence Comments Single. Old Christians Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2322 First Name Jeronimo Last Name Estebeo Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2323 First Name Alonso(Alvaro) Last Name Estevan Alias Year 1551 Origin Ribera Del Fresno Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2324 First Name Juan Last Name Ezquerra Alias Year 1576 Origin Medina De Pomar,Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Noble. Single. went to live with his Mother Brother of Lorenzo Ezquerra who lives in Indias 23 years old and son of Juan de Ezquerra and Maria de Rivera ,Clean Blood Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2325 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Ezquerra Alias Year 1576 Origin Medina De Pomar,Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2326 First Name The Last Name Factor Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2327 First Name Gaspar Last Name Falcon Alias Year 1579 Origin Alcazar de San Juan Ciudad Real Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2328 First Name Antonio Last Name Falconi Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Cora Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Servant for the Bishop of Palencia; son of Juan Enrique Falconi and Maria De Peñalosa Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2329 First Name Francisco Last Name Farfan Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Rodriguez Farfan and Ana Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2330 First Name Alonso Last Name Fariña Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2331 First Name Juan Last Name Farraz Alias Year 1577 Origin Alcala De Henares Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2332 First Name Pedro Last Name Feo Alias Year 1512 Origin Los Hoyos Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gines Davila and Catalina Gomez from Ciudad Rodrigo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2333 First Name Matheo Last Name Fernande Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2334 First Name Gaspar Last Name Fernandes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2335 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2336 First Name Alvaro Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1553 Origin Mexico Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Married and returning to Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2337 First Name Antonio Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1566 Origin Tacipa Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Portugues and married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2338 First Name Antonio Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2339 First Name Antonio Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1572 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2340 First Name Baltasar Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2341 First Name Beatriz Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2342 First Name Blas Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2343 First Name Diego Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1577 Origin Aracena Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2344 First Name Domingo Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Portugues Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2345 First Name Domingo Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1578 Origin Albuquerque Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2346 First Name Francisco Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1534 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2347 First Name Francisco Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Seller of Cacao Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2348 First Name Gaspar Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1553 Origin Faro Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay.Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2349 First Name Gaspar Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2350 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Utrera Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments His wife Luisa de Reina from Sevilla and their childrfen Juan de la Cruz twelve years old Sebastian de la Cruz 6 years old Marina de la Cruz of 3 years and Isabel de la Cruz of 2 years old Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2351 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2352 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1567 Origin Arequipa Residence Arequipa Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Licese to return to Arequipa where his wife and children lived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2353 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Bexar Del Castañal Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Francisco Bocha Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2354 First Name Juana Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2355 First Name Manuel Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2356 First Name Marcos Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2357 First Name Matheo Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1566 Origin Portugues Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2358 First Name Matia Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1566 Origin Gallego Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Gallego married In the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2359 First Name Pablo Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2360 First Name Pedro Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2361 First Name Tristan Last Name Fernandez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2362 First Name Tomas Last Name Fernandez Corito Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2363 First Name Ines Last Name Fernandez de Cordoba Alias Year 1586 Origin Sevilla Residence Los Reyes Occupation Sentence Comments Widow Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2364 First Name Alonso Last Name Fernandez De Leon Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went back to New Spai n where he had come from Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2365 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez De Prada Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2366 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez de Santillana Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2367 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Gallego Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2368 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Hilario Alias Year 1563 Origin Villanueva de Valduera Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and servant of of Licdo Castro Son of Lopez Alvarez and Catalina alvarez paternal grandson of Hilario Fernandez and Ines Fernandez known hijosdalgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2369 First Name Pero Last Name Fernandez Leon Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario and travelled with his wife Francisca de Leon from Sevilla On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2370 First Name Blas Last Name Fernandez Nieto Alias Year 1576 Origin Villalba De Alcor Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Single and traveled with his brother Old Christians Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2371 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Ramos Alias Year 1579 Origin Nobes Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2372 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Talavera Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Catalina Lopez From Tofino ( Tocin,Ovedo) Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2373 First Name Juan Last Name Fernandez Ternero Alias Year 1588 Origin Quintanar Oviedo Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments College Graduate Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2374 First Name Antonio Last Name Ferragute Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2375 First Name Francsco Last Name Figueras Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2376 First Name No first name given Last Name Figueredo Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugal Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2377 First Name No first name given Last Name Figueredo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2378 First Name Diego Last Name Fiores Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.At the house of Moscoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2379 First Name Cormelis Last Name Flamenco Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2380 First Name Gaspar Last Name Flamenco Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2381 First Name Leonardo Last Name Flamenco Alias Year 1565 Origin Enuers Residence Asuncion Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Married in the land Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2382 First Name Nicolao Last Name Florentin Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2383 First Name Alejo Last Name Flores Alias Year 1576 Origin Villaflores Avila Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Single Servant of Sancho Garcia Del Espinar Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2384 First Name Alonso Last Name Flores Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Procurador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2385 First Name Alonso Last Name Flores Alias Year 1576 Origin Tordesillas Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single. Went to live with his uncle. Son of Cristobal Flores familiar to the nquisition in Valladolid.Old Christians Clean blood Hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2386 First Name Francisco Last Name Flores Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Encinasola Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan De Flores and Maria Alonso Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2387 First Name Juan Last Name Flores Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Makes shoes out of silk or cloth Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2388 First Name Luis Last Name Flores Alias Year 1553 Origin Medellin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Ines Lopez and his Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2389 First Name Alonso Last Name Flores de Ovando Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Receptor of the Mexico Audience Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2390 First Name Andres Last Name Flores de Ovando Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2391 First Name Andres Last Name Flores de Solana Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Alonso Flores de Ovando Receptor of the Audience of Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2392 First Name Diego Last Name Florez Alias Year 1548 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with Identification.Single. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2393 First Name Diego Last Name Florian Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2394 First Name Francisco Last Name Foguerrero Alias Year 1565 Origin Lisbon Residence Asuncion Occupation Carpeneter Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Portuguese Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2395 First Name Gabriel Last Name Forne Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Huyldecona, Catalonia Occupation Trader merchant Sentence Comments Son of Gabriel De Forne and Isabel De Prados Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2396 First Name Bartolome Last Name Foronda Alias Year 1579 Origin Nueva España Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2397 First Name Juan Last Name Fraile Alias Year 1576 Origin Muriel Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2398 First Name Damian Last Name Francisco Alias Year 1586 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2399 First Name Mase Last Name Francisco Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2400 First Name Pedro Last Name Francisco Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2401 First Name Antonio Last Name Franco Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Candelero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2402 First Name Cristobal Last Name Franco Alias Year 1579 Origin Fregenal Badajoz Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2403 First Name Juan Bautista Last Name Franco Alias Year 1588 Origin Viso Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2404 First Name Pedro Last Name Franco Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in Almodovar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2405 First Name Sebastian Last Name Franco Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2406 First Name Juan Last Name Frayle Alias Year 1576 Origin Villaescusa De Haro Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2407 First Name Francisco Last Name Frayre Alias Year 1511 Origin Merida Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro el Frayre and Catalina Gonzalez from Merida Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2408 First Name Juana Last Name Frias Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2409 First Name Miguel Last Name Fuente el Encina Alias Year 1566 Origin Encina Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Curtidor Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived and married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2410 First Name Bernabe Last Name Galan Alias Year 1577 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2411 First Name Francisco Last Name Galan Alias Year 1565 Origin Cadiz Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2412 First Name Francisco Last Name Galan Alias Year 1569 Origin Cadiz Residence La Plata Occupation Lieutenant of the Guard Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2413 First Name Juan Last Name Galan Alias Year 1512 Origin Carmona Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Garcia Galan and LeonorGarcia from Carmona Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2414 First Name Francisco Last Name Galan Velasco Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2415 First Name Don Franco Last Name Galavie Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Quito/Peru Occupation Arcediano of the Church in Quito Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2416 First Name Francisco Last Name Galavis Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Quito Occupation Clergy/College Graduate Sentence Comments Went with a servant and a page Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2417 First Name Alonso Last Name Galeote Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Part of the City Council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2418 First Name Juan Last Name Galeras Alias Year 1535 Origin Almendralejo Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2419 First Name Isabel Last Name Galinda Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Vil[l]alba Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Alonso Galindo and Catalina Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2420 First Name Fr Luis Last Name Galindo Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments From the Order of San Francisco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2421 First Name Isabel Last Name Galindo Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2422 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Gallardo Alias Year 1592 Origin Estepa Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2423 First Name Pedro Last Name Gallardo Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Local woman of the land,Dansele 30 Indios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2424 First Name Juan Last Name Gallas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2425 First Name Hernan Last Name Gallego Alias Year 1550 Origin Galicia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50.Married in theland Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2426 First Name Hernan Last Name Gallego Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2427 First Name Joan Last Name Gallego Alias Year 1550 Origin Galicia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2428 First Name Juan Last Name Gallego Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 20 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2429 First Name Baltazar Last Name Gallegos Alias Year 1577 Origin San Juan de Puerto Rico Residence San Juan de Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2430 First Name Melchor Last Name Galvan Alias Year 1577 Origin Cebreros Avila Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2431 First Name Catalina Last Name Gamez Alias Year 1564 Origin Jaen Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with her brother Juan Gutierrez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2432 First Name Catalina Last Name Garces Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2433 First Name Catalina Last Name Garces Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went to live with her husband Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2434 First Name Martin Last Name Garces Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Esquire Sentence Comments Hidalgo; son of Garcia Garces and Elvira Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2435 First Name Pero Last Name Garcés Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Tarazona, Kingdom of Aragón Occupation Servant Sentence Comments Son of Pero Garcés and María de Vera, of Miguel Gorraiz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2436 First Name Geronimo Last Name Garcete Alias Year 1566 Origin Valencia Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2437 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Estepa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Garcia and Juana Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2438 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bernal Garcia and Maria Ramos from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2439 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Blacksmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2440 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2441 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1576 Origin Caceres Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2442 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1578 Origin Borroso Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2443 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1586 Origin Segura de Leon Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Alvaro Sanchez de Prado Sentence Comments Merchant single Old Christian Has geneaology Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2444 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1592 Origin Garulillas Caceres Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Catalina Rodriguez from Vrozas Caceres Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2445 First Name Andres Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2446 First Name Andres Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2447 First Name Anton Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Garcia and Juana Garcia from Belalcazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2448 First Name Baltasar Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2449 First Name Baltasar Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1563 Origin Don Benito Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2450 First Name Bartolome Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Venezuela Occupation Sentence Comments Honorable and Married 35 years old and son of Bartolme Rodrigiez Old Christian Clean Blood and honorable Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2451 First Name Bartolome Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1565 Origin Moron Residence Asuncion Occupation Agricultor Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2452 First Name Bartolome Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2453 First Name Benito Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Blacksmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2454 First Name Blas Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2455 First Name Cristobal Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1563 Origin Guadalcanal Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2456 First Name Cristobal Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1579 Origin Adalia Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2457 First Name Diego Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Came with his brother Pedro Muñoz single from Badajoz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2458 First Name Diego Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2459 First Name Diego Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1588 Origin Carmona Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2460 First Name Domingo Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1577 Origin Bodonal Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single went with his brother Hernando Garcia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2461 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Calderero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2462 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1553 Origin Jaen Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2463 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1554 Origin Jaen Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2464 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2465 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2466 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Campanario Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Garcia And Beatriz Fernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2467 First Name Franco Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1578 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2468 First Name Gabriel Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1579 Origin Plasencia Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2469 First Name Gaspar Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2470 First Name Gaspar Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1576 Origin Concejo S Martin Santander Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Married and his wife was Maria Zorilla Old Christians clean blood Hijosdalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2471 First Name Gaspar Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1576 Origin Lavin Barcelona Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2472 First Name Gil Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1565 Origin Burgo De Ronda Residence Asuncion Occupation Agricultor Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2473 First Name Gil Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1569 Origin Bulgo Junto a Ronda Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2474 First Name Gil Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2475 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Rivera Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Garcia De Paredes and Maria Sanchez from Rivera Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2476 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1512 Origin Beas Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Bartolome Sanchez Carpinter and Catalina Martinez de Beas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2477 First Name Hernan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Belalcazar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Garcia Hernandez and Marina Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2478 First Name Hernan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1553 Origin Xaraicejo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and traveled with Maria Alonso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2479 First Name Hernan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1563 Origin Aracena Huelva Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2480 First Name Hernan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1588 Origin Santos Valladolid Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2481 First Name Hernando Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1577 Origin Bodonal Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2482 First Name Isabel Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2483 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1534 Origin Galicia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2484 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Viguelero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2485 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home ofTreasurer Juan alonso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2486 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.Encasa de Cadena Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2487 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas Del Cultepeque,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2488 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1563 Origin Aracena Huelva Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2489 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1576 Origin Villacastin Segovia Residence Guatemala Occupation Noble/Page Sentence Comments Honorable single 9 years old Travelling as Page of Lope Rodriguez De las Varillas obliged to live in Guatemala for 8 years Son of Juan de Garcillan from Verceal in Segovia and Maria Gil Sancha his wife Old christian clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2490 First Name Lope Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Ramuga Occupation Farmer Sentence Comments Son of Lope Garcia and Juana Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2491 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2492 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife named Ines Gonzalez from Sevilla. Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2493 First Name Luis Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2494 First Name Luis Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2495 First Name Luis Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1569 Origin Llerena Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Son of Juan Garcia De Castalgallo and Elvira Patiño.In his papers there are family members and officers of the Office of the Inquisition Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2496 First Name Mari Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home of Jaime de Medina Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2497 First Name Nicolas Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1576 Origin Medina de Torres Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married took his wife Isabel Sanchez and 4 childrenIsabel 3,Maria 4, Cristobal 5 ,Beatriz 6 Old Christians Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2498 First Name No Name lsted Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Herrera Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco Vara and Catalina Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2499 First Name Pedro Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1579 Origin Navalcan Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Beltran de Andia Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Clean and has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2500 First Name Pedro Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1588 Origin Burgo De Osma Soria Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2501 First Name Pedro Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1592 Origin Brozas Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2502 First Name Pero Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1553 Origin Kingdom of Toledo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2503 First Name Pero Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2504 First Name Pero Last Name Garcia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Belalcazar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Garcia and Beatriz Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2505 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Blanco Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tavernero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2506 First Name Alvar Last Name Garcia Calderon Alias Year 1577 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments College Graduate Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2507 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Cerrato Alias Year 1576 Origin Valverde Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took his wife Catalina Cabeza and children. Old Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2508 First Name Pero Last Name Garcia Chaparro Alias Year 1566 Origin Salteras Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2509 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia De Acevedo Alias Year 1576 Origin Carmona Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Isabel de Los Reyes and was servant of Antonio de Andrada Old Christians clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2510 First Name Ana Last Name Garcia De Almansa Alias Year 1586 Origin Sevilla Residence Charcas Occupation Sentence Comments Went with Ines Rodriguez both as maids of Francisco de Salinas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2511 First Name Pedro Last Name Garcia De Almonte Alias Year 1563 Origin Guadalcanal Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2512 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Garcia De Castilla Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Elvira Gimenez from Huelva Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2513 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia De Castro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2514 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia De La Pobleda Alias Year 1572 Origin Calahorra Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Was the servant of Lic Esteban Gimenez Hidalgo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2515 First Name Anton Last Name Garcia De Leon Alias Year 1555 Origin Jerez De La Frontera Residence Rio De La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2516 First Name Gomez Last Name Garcia de Madrid Alias Year 1512 Origin Guadalajara Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo de Alcala Secretary of the Duke of Infantazgo and Aldonza Rodriguez de Guadalajara Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2517 First Name Martin Last Name Garcia De Mansilla Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2518 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia De Reyna Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2519 First Name Diego Last Name Garcia De Santiago Alias Year 1575 Origin Fuentelario Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single and old Christian. Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2520 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia de Torita Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tabernero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2521 First Name Captain Gonzalo Last Name Garcia De Zorro Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Occupation Captain/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2522 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Isabel Nunez from Merida Badajoz they have a son named Diego Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2523 First Name Fabian Last Name Garcia Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife ari Vazquez from Merida Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2524 First Name Pero Last Name Garcia Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2525 First Name Sancho Last Name Garcia Del Espinar Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Popayan Occupation Governor Sentence Comments Went as governor in the company of his son Garcia who was 12 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2526 First Name Diego Last Name Garcia Duran Alias Year 1565 Origin Montijo Extremadura/Sanlucar De Barrameda Cadiz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married traveled with his wife Ines Lopez abd children Beatriz,Maria,catalina Juan and Diego Single from Sanlucar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2527 First Name Diego Last Name Garcia Duran Alias Year 1565 Origin Sanlucar De Barrameda Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with his children all single and widowed Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2528 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Duran Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Pero Lopez College Graduate Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean Blood Was a Genealogist Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2529 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia El Sordo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2530 First Name Alonso Last Name Garcia Escobar Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2531 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Herrero Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2532 First Name Pedro Last Name Garcia Huevar Alias Year 1535 Origin Jerez De La Frontera Residence Veragua Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Veragua to pass the conquest of Veragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2533 First Name Antonia Last Name Garcia la Pavona Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Almonte Occupation Sentence Comments Wife of Diego De Denia daughter of Pedro Pavon and Ana Garcia De Pavona Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2534 First Name Francisco Last Name Garcia Lopion Alias Year 1584 Origin Escañuela Jaen Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2535 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Luengo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Valdepeñas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Garcia Luengo and Maria Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2536 First Name Rui Last Name Garcia Mosquera Alias Year 1566 Origin Galicia Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2537 First Name Andrés Last Name García Niño Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Moguer Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Niño and Catalina García Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2538 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Perhudo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2539 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Rueda Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2540 First Name Miguel Last Name Garcia Saramillo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2541 First Name Juan Last Name Garcia Silvestre Alias Year 1552 Origin Valdepeñas Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2542 First Name Francisco Last Name Garisa Alias Year 1579 Origin Zamora Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2543 First Name Pedro Last Name Garrido Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Llerena Occupation Sentence Comments Was together with wife Teresa Sanchez, daughter of Alonso Martin De Villagarcia and Maria Gonzalez, and daughters Juana, Francisca and Catalina Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2544 First Name Juan de Last Name Gauna Alias Year 1554 Origin Burgos Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2545 First Name Pedro Last Name Gaytan Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2546 First Name Bautista Last Name Genoves` Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Has a wife and children A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2547 First Name Fernando Last Name Gentil Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sanlucar De Barrameda Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Marco Gentil and Gracia Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2548 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gentil Alias Year 1585 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to live with his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2549 First Name Bartolome Last Name German Alias Year 1579 Origin Bejer de la Frontera Cadiz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2550 First Name Francisco Last Name Gibraleon Alias Year 1579 Origin Villalba de Alcor Huelva Residence Cartagena Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2551 First Name Alonso Last Name Gil Alias Year 1563 Origin Lugar Portillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2552 First Name Diego Last Name Gil Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2553 First Name Francisco Last Name Gil Alias Year 1570 Origin Lisbon Residence Indias Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Married in Lisbon with Catalina Luis Passed to Indias as a Mariner Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2554 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Gil Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Blacksmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2555 First Name Juan Last Name Gil Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Cadiz Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Gil and Catalina Gonzalez De Quiros, from La Coruña Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2556 First Name Mateo Last Name Gil Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2557 First Name Matheo Last Name Gil Alias Year 1566 Origin Xarahizejo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2558 First Name Pedro Last Name Gil Alias Year 1563 Origin Montijo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2559 First Name Martin Last Name Gil Alias Year 1512 Origin Jerez De la Frontera Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Gil de Celis and Juana Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2560 First Name Melchor Last Name Gil de Villanueva Alias Year 1577 Origin Ciudad de Arcos Cadiz Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2561 First Name Esteban Last Name Gimenez Hidalgo Alias Year 1572 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2562 First Name Bernardo Last Name Ginoues Alias Year 1566 Origin Genoa Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2563 First Name Cabeza Last Name Ginoues Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2564 First Name Juan Last Name Giraldes Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Went with his wife and children .It says he was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2565 First Name Catalina Last Name Giraldo Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took Luis Arias Maldonado his wife as children ( her nieces and nephews and went tolive with her husband Juan Prieto Maldonado who was a resident there Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2566 First Name Alonso Last Name Gisado Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2567 First Name Francisco Last Name Gisbert Alias Year 1512 Origin Barcelona Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco Gisbert from Barcelona Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2568 First Name Antonio Last Name Godines Alias Year 1569 Origin Medina Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2569 First Name Pedro Last Name Godines Alias Year 1572 Origin Residence Veragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2570 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico at the home of Ruy Gonzalez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2571 First Name Hernan Last Name Gomes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2572 First Name Juan Last Name Gomes Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments He is married with few Indians A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2573 First Name Miguel Last Name Gomes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2574 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomes de Torrellas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2575 First Name Alonso Last Name Gomes Sequillo Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Velez Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has very few Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2576 First Name Alonso Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1569 Origin Galicia Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2577 First Name Alonso Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2578 First Name Alonso Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1575 Origin Mexico Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Permission to return to Mexico where he came from Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2579 First Name Alonso Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2580 First Name Alonso Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Rivadavia Occupation Sentence Comments Bachelor and cleric, prior of Magaz.Son of Pero Martinez Rapela and Catalina Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2581 First Name Antonio Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2582 First Name Bartolome Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1576 Origin Pereyro Pontevedra Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Bernardo Ramirez Sentence Comments Treasurer of the Ciudad de los Reyes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2583 First Name Bernaldo Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Maker of silk or cloth shoes Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2584 First Name Diego Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Gibraleon in Sevilla Archbishop Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Gomez and Isabel Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2585 First Name Francisca Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and wife of Juan de Torres who had died.Took a grandaughter whose name was Justa Rufina Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2586 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico,In the home of Ruy Gonzales Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2587 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2588 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1566 Origin Arahal Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Agricultor Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2589 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2590 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2591 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Had two settlements named Tibucay and Cueca.Had 400 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2592 First Name Garci Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1592 Origin Arazena Huelva Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Catalina Perez From Arazena Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2593 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1553 Origin Cadiz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Pedro Cuello Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2594 First Name Gonzalez Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2595 First Name Hernan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Garrovillas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Gomez and Isabel Lopez from Garrovillas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2596 First Name Isabel Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1579 Origin Siruela Sevilla Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Widow As servant to Pedro Arias Old Christian Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2597 First Name Isidro Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1579 Origin Puente de Arzobispo Toledo Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2598 First Name Joan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1553 Origin Linares Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Cantero Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2599 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Was together with son Gonzalo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2600 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Ruy Gomez toreneo and Isabel Hernandez from Fuente del Maestre Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2601 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1563 Origin Villafranca Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and servant of Lic Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2602 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1563 Origin Segovia Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2603 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2604 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2605 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1576 Origin Mesegar Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Molinero Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2606 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1577 Origin Torrijos Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2607 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1577 Origin Villa De Los Santos Bienvenida Valencia Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2608 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1577 Origin Lisbon Portugal Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2609 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2610 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Santa Fe Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has a settlement named Usme with that has 200-300 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2611 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1512 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Gomez. His son Diego Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2612 First Name Leonor Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1576 Origin Valverde Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2613 First Name Leonor Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1576 Origin Valverde Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2614 First Name Luis Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tavernero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2615 First Name Maria Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1577 Origin Cabo Verde Residence Nicaragua Occupation Servant of Treasurer Juan Morena Alvarez de Toledo Sentence Comments Black Slave Simgle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2616 First Name Mateo Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1566 Origin Xarahizejo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Was goven 100 lashes for trying to free Cabeza de Vaca from Prison Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2617 First Name Mateo Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2618 First Name Mayor Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1548 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España .Widow Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2619 First Name Melchor Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was gven 25 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2620 First Name Miguel Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2621 First Name Nicolas Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1578 Origin Granja Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2622 First Name Pedro Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1510 Origin Guadalcanal Residence Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Gomez and Catalina Gomez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2623 First Name Pedro Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2624 First Name Pedro Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1576 Origin Valverde Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married to Maria Sanchez and arrived with his sons Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2625 First Name Pedro Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1579 Origin Calera Toledo Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian with genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2626 First Name Pero Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Pamplona Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This KingdomHas a settlement and sold a previous one and few Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2627 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Gomez Alias Year 1569 Origin Gibraltar Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Waiting to travel Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2628 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Gómez Alias Year 1511 Origin Settlers in la Brozas Residence Alcántara Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Gómez Gil and Juana Gómez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2629 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Camacho Alias Year 1576 Origin Fuenlabrada,Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Genealogist Sentence Comments Old Christian Clean Blood Was a Genealogist Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2630 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Carretero Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 25 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2631 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez De Almacan Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2632 First Name Alvaro Last Name Gomez de Almazan Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2633 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez De Morales Alias Year 1564 Origin Valladolid Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Ximenez de Peralta Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2634 First Name No first name given Last Name Gomez de Ocaña Alias Year 1576 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Rodrigo De Vivero Sentence Comments Single. 23 years old Son of Luis Gomez and Leonor Rodrigiez his wife Old Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2635 First Name Maria Last Name Gomez De Ojeda Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married went to live with her husband Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2636 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez de Peñaparda Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Local woman of the land Dabsele 25 Indios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2637 First Name Francisca Last Name Gomez De Sobremonte Alias Year 1576 Origin Aguilar de Campo Palencia Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Single went to live with some relatives of hers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2638 First Name Antonio Last Name Gomez De Toro Alias Year 1576 Origin Segovia Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Sancho Garcia del Espinar Governor of Popayan Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2639 First Name Antonio Last Name Gomez de Toro Alias Year 1576 Origin Segovia Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Sancho Garcia del Espinar Governor of Popayan Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2640 First Name No first name given Last Name Gomez Hernandez De Bustamante Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillos Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single as servant of Manuel de Porras of 24 years old son f Alonso Lopez and Maria de Bustamante Old Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2641 First Name Juan Last Name Gomez Hidalgo Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married.Noble Son of Francisco Lopez and Juana and his wife Beatriz de Llerena and 4 children Francisco,Miguel,Alonso,Juan Old Christians and clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2642 First Name Alonso Last Name Gomez Macotela Alias Year 1579 Origin Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2643 First Name Luis Last Name Gomez Polayno Alias Year 1592 Origin Malaga Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Francisca Rodriguez from Sevilla Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2644 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gomez Rendon Alias Year 1575 Origin Cazalla Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Ana Nuñez and two single daughters Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2645 First Name Martin Last Name Gomez Rivera Alias Year 1549 Origin Ribera Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2646 First Name Cristobal Last Name Gomez Saravia Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Royal ID to pass to the Provinces of Peru and take a female relatibve with him Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2647 First Name Francisco Last Name Gomez Talaverano Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of AlejoOrtiz Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2648 First Name Bartolome Last Name Goncales Alias Year 1569 Origin Leon Residence La Plata Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2649 First Name Diego Last Name Goncalez Alias Year 1569 Origin Haitos De Moron Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2650 First Name Joan Last Name Goncalez Alias Year 1566 Origin Tauira Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Portuguese Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2651 First Name Juan Last Name Goncalez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2652 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzale Alias Year 1555 Origin Soria Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Pedro Rodriguez Puertocarrero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2653 First Name Francisco Last Name Gonzales Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugues Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2654 First Name Domingo Last Name Gonzales Arzandona Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2655 First Name Juan Last Name Gonzales De Ala Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2656 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzales de Malpartida Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Malpartida Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernando de Malpartida and Catalina Gonzales Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2657 First Name Alonso Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Ruy Gonzalez and Mari Nunez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2658 First Name Alonso Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors and was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2659 First Name Alonso Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.In the Estancia de Nuestra Señora Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2660 First Name Alvaro Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2661 First Name Ana Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Triana Residence Nueva España Occupation Honrada Sentence Comments Married went to live with her husbnd Cristobal Sanchez Navarrette who was n Nueva Espana Old Christians Cean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2662 First Name Ana Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1576 Origin hristians clean blood Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2663 First Name Andres Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1576 Origin Fregenal de la Sierra Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2664 First Name Anton Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1540 Origin Portugal Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2665 First Name Antonio Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Francisca Aguilar widow and children of his Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2666 First Name Antonio Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2667 First Name Antonio Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2668 First Name Baltazar Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2669 First Name Bartolome Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1579 Origin Chiclana Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Catalina Vallejo and sons Old Christians with genealogies Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2670 First Name Bartolome Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2671 First Name Batolome Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2672 First Name Beatriz Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1553 Origin Salamanca Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2673 First Name Catalina Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1576 Origin Hita Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2674 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2675 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went with her siblings Beatriz Alvarez and Gracia de Sosa single as well as Gaspar Gonzles who ws acollege graduate Old Christians Clean Have genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2676 First Name Francisco Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1534 Origin Coruña Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2677 First Name Francisco Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1535 Origin Oliva Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2678 First Name Francisco Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1565 Origin Setubar Residence Asuncion Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2679 First Name Garcia Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silk Knitter Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2680 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1578 Origin Trujillos Residence Peru Occupation Clergy/Bachelors Degree Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2681 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2682 First Name Hernan Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1553 Origin Medellin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Elbira Alonso his wfe and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2683 First Name Hernan Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1575 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Casado travelled with his wofe Teresa Gonzalez and 3 children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2684 First Name Ines Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1579 Origin Trujillo Caceres Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Maid of Diego Hernandez Aguilar Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2685 First Name Isabel Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went with a son to live with her wife Luis Xinovez that resides in those Provinces Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2686 First Name Isabel Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1579 Origin Verzocana Residence Yaguarzongo y Pacamoros Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2687 First Name Jimena Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1579 Origin Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2688 First Name Juan Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1563 Origin Plasencia Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida. He was 22 years old and the legitmate son of Alonso Gonzalez and Constanza de los Rios paternal of Antonio de Torres and Elvira Gonzalez and maternal of Juan de los Rios and Catalina de los Rios all from PLasencia ,Old Christians of a good and honorable generation Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2689 First Name Juan Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2690 First Name Juana Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1576 Origin Medellin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed As servant of Alonso de Talavera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2691 First Name Leonardo Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Yucatan Occupation Treasurer of that Capital Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2692 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1575 Origin Truxillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of Alonso De Loaysa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2693 First Name Maria Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1512 Origin Plasencia Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Gonzalo Martin and Catakina Garcia from Plasencia with their maid Teresa Alonso daughter of Juan de Casal and Marina Gonzalez from Plasencia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2694 First Name Martin Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1553 Origin Medellin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2695 First Name Martin Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2696 First Name Martin Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2697 First Name Martin Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2698 First Name No first name given Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1549 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Fator Francisco Duarte Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2699 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1555 Origin Cangas Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Pedro Rodriguez Puertocarrero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2700 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1563 Origin Aracena en Huelva Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2701 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1566 Origin Tenerife Residence Tenerife Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2702 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2703 First Name Pero Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1577 Origin Guadalcanal Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2704 First Name Ruy Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Registador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2705 First Name Teresa Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2706 First Name Tome Last Name Gonzalez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2707 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez Altamirano Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Reyes Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Leonor de Torres and their chldren Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2708 First Name Andres Last Name Gonzalez Alvañir Alias Year 1579 Origin Puebla de Montalban Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2709 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez Baitos Alias Year 1565 Origin Moron Residence Asuncion Occupation Crossbowman Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2710 First Name Juan Last Name Gonzalez Bordallo Alias Year 1549 Origin Usagre Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Tierra Firme with identification Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2711 First Name Domingo Last Name Gonzalez de Arganoña Alias Year 1584 Origin Argomanez Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single 21 Yeqrs old and son of Domingo Gonzalez de Argomanez and Maria Diad de Guevara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2712 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez de la Cuesta Alias Year 1586 Origin Peru Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2713 First Name Ana Last Name Gonzalez De la Cueva Alias Year 1575 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single with his brother Hernando Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2714 First Name Hernando Last Name Gonzalez De la Cueva Alias Year 1575 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2715 First Name Martin Last Name Gonzalez de las Ribas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2716 First Name Alonso Last Name Gonzalez De Montemolin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Niebla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Cristobal Gonzalez and Beatriz De Huete his wofe Isabel Herandez Del Alamo daughter of Diego Perez Del Alamo and Isabel Hernandez Del Alamo from Beas and Beatriz De Molina,Violante Sanchez and Dieguito their children Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2717 First Name Pero Last Name Gonzalez De Roiz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Roiz,Obispado De Burgos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Gonzalez De Theo and Maria Samchez De Tagle and his wife Francisca De Nieva daughter of Juan De Nieva and Catalina Ruiz and their children Felipe and Melchor Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2718 First Name Pero Last Name Gonzalez De Tamara Alias Year 1563 Origin Villa Tamara Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Luis Vazquez y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida he was 27 Years old and legitiate son of Francisco Gonzalez and Isabel Pendre Paternal grandson of Pero Gonzalez and Ines Martinez and maternal of Martin Martinez and and Francisca Perez all from Tamara .Old Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2719 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez de Vera Alias Year 1555 Origin Villa de Agreda Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Servant of D.Francisco De Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2720 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez de Villalba Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Villalba Occupation Carpenter Sentence Comments Son of Juan Martin and Leonor Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2721 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez Decubiete Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Knitter of Silk Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2722 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez Del Barco Alias Year 1554 Origin Villafranca del Puente del arzobispo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Cathalina de Minaya hus wife and two sons Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2723 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez Gato Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2724 First Name Juan Last Name Gonzalez Labrador Alias Year 1575 Origin Bienvenida/Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2725 First Name Diego Last Name Gonzalez Macias Alias Year 1588 Origin Merida Badajoz Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2726 First Name Bartolome Last Name Gonzalez Ramos Alias Year 1553 Origin Antequera Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2727 First Name Pedro Last Name Gonzalez Serrano Alias Year 1552 Origin Villar Del Pedroso Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife Maria Xmenez and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2728 First Name Hernan Last Name Gonzlaez Alias Year 1549 Origin Zafra Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and with Identification Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2729 First Name Juan Last Name Gordillo Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Osuna Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Gordillo and Beatriz Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2730 First Name Alonso Last Name Gordon Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2731 First Name The Last Name Governor Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2732 First Name Pedro Last Name Governor of Lalamp Alias Year 1566 Origin Castilleja del Campo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Governor Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in Castilleja Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2733 First Name Sebastian Last Name Granado Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2734 First Name Alonso Last Name Grande Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 20 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2735 First Name Diego Last Name Gredino Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme/Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Old Christian Clean Blood has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2736 First Name Leonardo Last Name Gribeo Alias Year 1569 Origin Italian Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2737 First Name Constantino Last Name Griego Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 20 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and had sent for his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2738 First Name Jorge Last Name Griego Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence San Francisco de Campeche Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Has a wife and children and no Indians A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2739 First Name Bartolome Last Name Guerra Alias Year 1577 Origin Medellin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with his wife Maria Rodriguiez and sons Juan and Francisco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2740 First Name Bartolome Last Name Guerra Alias Year 1577 Origin Medellin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2741 First Name Diego Last Name Guerra Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2742 First Name Juanes Last Name Guerra Alias Year 1569 Origin Montañes Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2743 First Name Juanes Last Name Guerra Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2744 First Name Vicente Last Name Guerra Alias Year 1588 Origin Valencia Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2745 First Name Francisco Last Name Guerra Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cáceres Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Guerra and María Gómez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2746 First Name Juan Last Name Guerra Del Corro Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2747 First Name Hernan Last Name Guerra Montañes Alias Year 1550 Origin Becerril de Campos Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2748 First Name Joannes Last Name Guerra Montañes Alias Year 1565 Origin Espinosa De Los Monteros Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2749 First Name Agustin Last Name Guerrero Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2750 First Name D.Lobo Last Name Guerrero Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Collegiate of the Villa of Utrera Sevilla went as a Fiscal of the Inquisition Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2751 First Name Diego Last Name Guerrero Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Went as servant of Juan De Begoña Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2752 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Guerrero Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Badajoz Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo Macias and Leonor Estevez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2753 First Name Pedro Last Name Guete y Villalobos Alias Year 1553 Origin Alcorisa,Aldea de Alcañiz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2754 First Name Antonio Last Name Guhi de Morales Alias Year 1584 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Conde del Villar Old Christian has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2755 First Name Andres Last Name Guiero Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme and Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2756 First Name Diego Last Name Guilarte Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Frias Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Sancho Gonzalez Guilarte and Catalina Gomez de Lomana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2757 First Name Bautista Last Name Guillen Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Knitter of Silk Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2758 First Name Pedro Last Name Guillen Alias Year 1576 Origin Socuellamos Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Lazaro Goveo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2759 First Name Gaspar Last Name Guilles Alias Year 1582 Origin Fuentes de Leon Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2760 First Name Catalina Last Name Guisaldo Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2761 First Name Alonso Last Name Gurierrez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.Was in the home of Ruy Gutierrez Regidor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2762 First Name Maria Last Name Gurierrez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.Sister of Gaspar Ruiz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2763 First Name Mariscal Last Name Gutierre De La Peña Alias Year 1563 Origin Venezuela Residence Venezuela Occupation Sentence Comments Returns to Venezuela with his 2 servants and a license to bring 4 of his relatives.Ruy Perez and his wife Hernando Langayo Diego Castro and Alonso de Quiros Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2764 First Name Martin Last Name Gutierres Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2765 First Name Alonso Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1534 Origin Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2766 First Name Alonso Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of Juan Cano Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2767 First Name Alonso Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1552 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2768 First Name Alonso Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1577 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widowed Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2769 First Name Alvaro Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1562 Origin Xerez De la Frontera Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Went for 3 years Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2770 First Name Ana Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1576 Origin Baeza Jaen Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2771 First Name Antonio Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2772 First Name Beatriz Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2773 First Name Diego Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin Gutierrez and Maria de Herrera from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2774 First Name Diego Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1535 Origin Peñafiel Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico,In the house of LicdoAltamirano Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2775 First Name Fr Diego Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1574 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Agustin Priest Sentence Comments Went with 10 religious of hsorder and another 20 and 2 servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2776 First Name Fr.Diego Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Chiapa Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2777 First Name Francisca Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married .Went with her son and to live with her husband Gaspar Francisco 2 years old rrsident of New Spain Old Christians,clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2778 First Name Francisco Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2779 First Name Francisco Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2780 First Name Francisco Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Diego Suarez de Figueroa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2781 First Name Franncisco Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2782 First Name Garcia Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1588 Origin Paredes de Nava palencia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Wife was Maria Herrera de Guzman Son of Lazaro Gutierrez and Isabel Vazquez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2783 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1566 Origin Bejar Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Tundidor Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2784 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2785 First Name Gaspar Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2786 First Name Hernan Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1550 Origin Xarahizejo Residence Peru Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2787 First Name Jeronimo Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1548 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España with Royal Credentials.He was the servant of Manuel De Herrera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2788 First Name Juan Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2789 First Name Juan Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Catalina Gamez his sister single from Jaen and living in Seilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2790 First Name Juan Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1577 Origin Santo Domingo De Silos Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2791 First Name Juan Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1578 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2792 First Name Leonor Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1572 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2793 First Name Marcos Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1592 Origin Vrozas Caceres Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2794 First Name Martin Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1565 Origin Almodouar Residence Asuncion Occupation Agricultor Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2795 First Name Martin Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1569 Origin Almodovar Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2796 First Name Millan Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1509 Origin Yanguas, Diocese of Calahorra Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Bachelor in Arts; son of Diego Gutierrez Del Tejo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2797 First Name Pedro Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence El Guijo de Coria Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro De Carmona and Teresa Gutierrez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2798 First Name Pedro Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1577 Origin Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2799 First Name Pedro Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1577 Origin Santo Domingo De Silos Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2800 First Name Ruy Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Regidor Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2801 First Name Sibrian Last Name Gutierrez Alias Year 1588 Origin Antequera Malaga Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2802 First Name Fernan Last Name Gutierrez De Euoa Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2803 First Name Diego Last Name Gutierrez de Haro Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Quito Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2804 First Name Fr Esteban Last Name Gutierrez De la Peña Alias Year 1585 Origin Residence Quito Occupation Clergy order of San Francisco Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2805 First Name Juan Last Name Gutierrez De Maya Alias Year 1575 Origin Mercado Oviedo Residence Honduras Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2806 First Name Juan Last Name Gutierrez De Ojeda Alias Year 1563 Origin Cantalapiedra Residence Venezuela Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Gonzalo de Los rios Treasurer of Cantalapiedra Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2807 First Name Francisco Last Name Gutierrez Flores Alias Year 1592 Origin Vrozas Caceres Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Maria De Herrera also from Vrozas they have 2 children. The older one is named Don Pedro is 4 years old and the girl is one and a half Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2808 First Name Diego Last Name Gutierrez Haserador Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2809 First Name Diego Last Name Gutierrez Ortiz Alias Year 1576 Origin Puebla de Sancho-Perez Badajoz Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2810 First Name Pedro Last Name Gutierrez Sevillano Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes.One of the first Discverers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2811 First Name La Last Name Guzmana Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2812 First Name Aria Last Name Harriero Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2813 First Name Canamares Last Name Harriero Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2814 First Name Carrion Last Name Harriero Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2815 First Name Gaspar Last Name Henriquez Alias Year 1549 Origin Benavente Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Juan Henriquez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2816 First Name Juan Last Name Henriquez Alias Year 1549 Origin Benavente en Oviedo Residence R.Granada Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Travelled with two servants Pedro Lopez and Gaspar Henriquez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2817 First Name Rodrigo Alonso Last Name Hermoso Alias Year 1592 Origin Fregenal Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2818 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Almagro Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Rodriguez Bozero and Juana Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2819 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Garcia Corchuelo and Catalina Alonso de Herrera from Belalcazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2820 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2821 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1563 Origin Arroyomolino Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2822 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2823 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2824 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1575 Origin Puebla de Montalban Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Old Christian. Clean.Travlled with Catalina his daughter single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2825 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with his wife Beatriz Gutierrez and their children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2826 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2827 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1592 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2828 First Name Alvaro Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Madrid Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2829 First Name Ana Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1561 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2830 First Name Ana Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with her son Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2831 First Name Andrea Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2832 First Name Andres Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.Was in the home of Ruy Gutierrez Regidor Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2833 First Name Andres Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2834 First Name Andres Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Clean Blood Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2835 First Name Anton Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1553 Origin Vs Puerto De Santa Naria Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Isabel Hernandez his wife and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2836 First Name Balthasar Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1550 Origin Arecibo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2837 First Name Bartolome Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Not residing in Los Angeles Occupation City Council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2838 First Name Bartolome Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2839 First Name Bartolome Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1592 Origin Almenara Castellon De La Plana Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2840 First Name Beatriz Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sanlucar la Mayor Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2841 First Name Blas Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Villalba de Alcor Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2842 First Name Catalina Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Gutierre De Escobar and Isabel Guilen; with license for five months to collect money owed to her Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2843 First Name Catalina Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Luis Martin and Mencia Martin; on the margin of the record it reads "she did not pass the trip on this nao" Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2844 First Name Catalina Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla en San Ildefonso Occupation Cord Maker Sentence Comments Daughter of Luis Martin and Mencia Martin and their children Marcos Ruiz,Isabel and Leonor Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2845 First Name Catalina Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1575 Origin Puebla de Montalban Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Her father is Alonso Hernandez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2846 First Name Cristobal Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1575 Origin Trujillo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with hs wife Teresa Gonzalez and childrem Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2847 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Gumilla en Tierra de Montemayor Occupation Sentence ` Comments Son of Bartolome Hernandez and Elvira Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2848 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Luis Hernandez and Ana Hernandez from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2849 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2850 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2851 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1579 Origin Truxillo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2852 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Alonso Diez De Ledesma Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2853 First Name Domingo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2854 First Name Domingo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1586 Origin Villanueva de la Sierra Caceres Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single was denied a license to travel to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2855 First Name Elvira Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1569 Origin Almagro Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Widow and traveled with her nephew Juan Gomez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2856 First Name Fr Juan Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Chiapa Occupation Sentence Comments Went with Fr Diego Gutierrez from the Order of Santiago Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2857 First Name Francisca Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1563 Origin Toledo Residence Venezuela Occupation Sentence Comments Passed to Venezuela with his brother Mariscale Gutierre de la Peña. She was 50 and daughter of Juan Fernandez de La Peña who had her in Margarita Hernandez Black tanned that seemed to be from Ginea but Catholic Christian Clean.On the paternal side from Guterre de la Peña Son of Juan Fernandez and had license to bring 2 nuns as servants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2858 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Toledo Occupation Pharmacist; servant Sentence Comments Servant for Juan Bernal; son of Micer Carlo and Catalina De Lizana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2859 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo Hernandez and Catalina Hernandez from Sevilla tk his servamt Diego son of Diego and Ines Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2860 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2861 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1564 Origin Villa Almazan Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Diego Ximenez de Peralta Treasurer of his majesty.Old Christian on 4 sides and caste of labrador Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2862 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2863 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1575 Origin Triana Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with his wife Maria De Suazo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2864 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1577 Origin Burgos Residence Puerto Rico Occupation Servant of Bishop de Salamanca Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2865 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1577 Origin Cabdilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Francisco Del Carpio Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2866 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1579 Origin R.Granada Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2867 First Name Gabriel Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1569 Origin Miranda de Oviedo Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2868 First Name Gabriel Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1577 Origin Vilanueva Leon Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Francisco de Valenzuela Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2869 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Badajoz Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Hernandez de la Cruz and Ines Hernandez de Montilla from Montilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2870 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Son of Francisco de Herrera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2871 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1563 Origin Monesterio Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2872 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1563 Origin Burguillos Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2873 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Cordoba Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Servant of D Gillem Cassaos CleanBlood Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2874 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1577 Origin Medellin Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Bartolome Guerra Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2875 First Name Ines Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Cordoba Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Francisco Pernia and Isabel Rodriguez; wife of Sancho Lopez; was together with children Ana, Maria and Alonso Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2876 First Name Juan Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1512 Origin Montiel Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Izquierdo and Catalina Sanchez from Montiel Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2877 First Name Juan Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1534 Origin Granada Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2878 First Name Juana Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1540 Origin Sevilla Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Indias and wife of Anton Gonzalez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2879 First Name Lope Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1575 Origin Ayamonte Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian clean blood and went as a servant of Lic Cristobal De Haro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2880 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2881 First Name Lucas Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2882 First Name Luis Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Son of Diego Gonzalez Monedero and Isabel Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2883 First Name Luis Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Makes shoes out of silk or cloth Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2884 First Name Luis Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2885 First Name Luis Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1566 Origin Merida Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2886 First Name Luis Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2887 First Name Manuel Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2888 First Name Manuel Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2889 First Name Marcos Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1592 Origin Villacastin Segovia Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2890 First Name Mari Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Nombre De Dios Occupation Sentence Comments Single .Travelled with Francisco Nuñez de Vega and Luisa De Garari his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2891 First Name Maria Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cazalla Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Alonso Gonzalez Alegre and Francisca Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2892 First Name Maria Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1555 Origin Benavente Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Cap. Antonio Diaz Carrdoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2893 First Name Maria Last Name Hernandez Alias Fernandez Year 1564 Origin Salamanca Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Single Traveled in the service of Dr. Riva and his wife Old Christian and clean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2894 First Name Martin Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1549 Origin Renteria Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2895 First Name Mechor Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Isla Española Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Reurned to the Island with royal ID Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2896 First Name No first name given Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1576 Origin Ancerma Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Alonso CID and Magdalena India. Returned to Ancerma in Popayan where he was from. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2897 First Name Pablos Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Hortelano Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2898 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Trumpeter Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Gonzalez and Juana De Villoria Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2899 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Belalcazar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Garcia and Catalina Diaz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2900 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Rodriguez and Maria Sanchez from Merida with his son Francisco Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2901 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Ropabejero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2902 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1588 Origin Madrid Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2903 First Name Pero Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Las Garrovillas Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco Lopez and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2904 First Name Pero Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2905 First Name Pero Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2906 First Name Tristan Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1566 Origin Soria Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2907 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Holguera land of Galisteo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Hernandez (weaver) and Maria Polida both from Montehermoso Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2908 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Aguilar Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Terra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Noble. Widowed Came with his children Mencia de aguilar and sister Son of Andres de Aguilae and Maria Hernandez de Aguilar came with his children Dego 3 ,Mencia de Aguilar 23 Ana de Aguilar 18 Old Christians Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2909 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Castellanos Alias Year 1588 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2910 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez De Auila Alias Year 1569 Origin Salamanca Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the list of people that presented themselves to go to Rio De la Plata with Francisco De Pueyo De Alfaro put together this list of soldiers Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2911 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Hernandez de Castro Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Silversmith/Merchant Sentence Comments Single and old Christian. Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2912 First Name No first name given Last Name Hernandez de Espinosa Alias Year 1579 Origin Griñon Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Bishop Juan de Montalvo Sentence Comments Old Cristian Clean blood has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2913 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez De Herrera Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2914 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez De Las Varas Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Hernandez de las Varas and Sancha de Palma from Sevilla Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2915 First Name Leonia Last Name Hernandez De Leon Alias Year 1568 Origin Utrera Residence Guatemala Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2916 First Name Juan Last Name Hernandez De Lora Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Son of Juan Hernandez and Isabel Hernandez De Lora Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2917 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez de los Santos Alias Year 1579 Origin Tunja Residence Tunja Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2918 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez de Paterna Alias Year 1511 Origin Paterna del Campo Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Son of Anton Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2919 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez de Rivera Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Garcia Hernandez de Ribera and Isabel Garcia from Sevilla with his servant Franisco son of Pedro Hernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2920 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez De Salualeon Alias Year 1566 Origin Leon Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2921 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hernandez de Talavera Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Escalona Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Jeronimo Gonzalez de Talavera and Maria Gonzalez from Escalona Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2922 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez de Villarreal Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Murcia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Hernandez de Villarreal and Maria Hernandez de Sotomayor Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2923 First Name Pero Last Name Hernandez Del Busto Alias Year 1552 Origin Ocaña Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2924 First Name Luis Last Name Hernandez del Moral Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2925 First Name Pero Last Name Hernandez El Mozo Alias Year 1553 Origin Sanlucar De Barrameda Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Single.servant of Pedro Romero Accountant of Honduras Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2926 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Herrero Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2927 First Name Pedro Last Name Hernandez Montañes Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Master of Fish hooks Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2928 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Oro Alias Year 1579 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Lorenzo de Marmol Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2929 First Name Diego Last Name Hernandez Orta Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2930 First Name Francisco Last Name Hernandez Pardo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pero Pardo and Leonor Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2931 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Rascon Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Palos Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Rascon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2932 First Name Alonso Last Name Hernandez Torollo Alias Year 1512 Origin Caceres Residence Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Hernandez and Juana Perez from Caceres Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2933 First Name No first name given Last Name Hernando Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Notary Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2934 First Name Almendro Last Name Herrador Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2935 First Name Maria Last Name Herrera Alias Year 1565 Origin Santander Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with Sancho de Herrera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2936 First Name Miguel Last Name Herrera Alias Year 1569 Origin Castilla Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2937 First Name Tomas Last Name Herrera Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Peru Sentence Comments Single Went to live with an uncle Old Christian Clean Blood has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2938 First Name Maria Last Name Herrera de Guzman Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2939 First Name Brauo Last Name Herrero Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2940 First Name Francisco Last Name Herrero Alias Year 1563 Origin Barruelo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2941 First Name No first name given Last Name Herro Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Licenciado Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2942 First Name Pedro Last Name Hidakgo Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2943 First Name Alonso Last Name Hidalgo Alias Year 1511 Origin Don Benito Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Sanchez Hidalgo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2944 First Name Andres Last Name Hidalgo Alias Year 1583 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2945 First Name Francisco Last Name Hidalgo Alias Year 1576 Origin Fregenal Badajoz Residence Popayan Occupation Lic and lawyer Sentence Comments Single and noble wet as Lieutenant of Sancho Garcia del Espnar Governor of Yucatan 28 years olf abd son of Juan Hidalgp and Catalina Rodriguez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2946 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Hidalgo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Escolero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2947 First Name Pedro Last Name Hidalgo Alias Year 1577 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Was from New Spain and returned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2948 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Hinestrosa y Villacis Alias Year 1553 Origin Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and traveled with a servant Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2949 First Name Juan Last Name Hipolito Melgarejo Alias Year 1555 Origin Sevilla Residence Nombre De Dios Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2950 First Name Catalina Last Name Holgada Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2951 First Name Diego Last Name Holguin Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Not residing in Los Angeles Occupation Alderman and city council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2952 First Name Cristobal Last Name Hurtado Alias Year 1561 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife and Juana Blazquez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2953 First Name Francisco Last Name Hurtado Alias Year 1585 Origin Sevilla Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went with his wife Catalina de Sepu;veda Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2954 First Name Juan Last Name Hurtado Alias Year 1579 Origin Cogolludo Guadalajara Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Fr Diego de Castillo and Fr Juan de Oliva Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2955 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Hurtado Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Garrovillas Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his broter Bernal Guilen,herrero from Garrovillas Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2956 First Name Juan Last Name Hurtado De Mendoza Alias Year 1576 Origin Guatemala Residence Guatemala Occupation Sentence Comments Came and returned to Guatemala Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2957 First Name Inigo Last Name Ibanes de Artista Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2958 First Name Pedro Last Name Isidro Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2959 First Name Simon Last Name Jaques Alias Year 1569 Origin Flemish Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2960 First Name Juan Last Name Jaramenes Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugal Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2961 First Name Alonso Last Name Jaramillo Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2962 First Name Capitan Last Name Jaramillo Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2963 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Jaramillo Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2964 First Name Juan Last Name Jerez Gago Alias Year 1554 Origin Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered from the Coast of Brazil of 15years old They came from CiudadReal and from there to Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2965 First Name Ana Last Name Jeronima Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married and wife of Martin de Baldivieso resident of Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2966 First Name Fray Miguel Last Name Jeronimo Alias Year 1576 Origin Isla Española Residence Nueva España Occupation Dominico Sentence Comments Brothers of the Order of NuestroPadre Santo Domingo they took their mother Ana Maria Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2967 First Name Miguel Last Name Jeronimo Alias Year 1575 Origin Brenes Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Married to Maria Sanchez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2968 First Name Francisco Last Name Jiemenez Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2969 First Name Alonso Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1585 Origin Calzadilla de la Sierra Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Juana de los Angeles and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2970 First Name Anton Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1569 Origin Viseu Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2971 First Name Anton Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2972 First Name Bartolome Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Cordonero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2973 First Name Blas Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1592 Origin Calera Toledo Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2974 First Name Cristobal Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1592 Origin Villarrasa Huelva Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2975 First Name Juan Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1566 Origin Bejar Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2976 First Name Pedro Last Name Jimenez Alias Year 1576 Origin Puebla De Calzada Residence Filipinas de Poniente Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Juan Hurtado de Mendoza Old Christian clean blood and showed his genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2977 First Name Francisco Last Name Jiménez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Pillas, Kingdom of Portugal Occupation Sentence Comments Barber son of Alvaro Pérez and Catalina Alvarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2978 First Name Gaspar Last Name Jimenez Carvajal Alias Year 1579 Origin Puertollano Ciudad Real Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2979 First Name Damian Last Name Jimenez de Encisco Alias Year 1583 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married and went with his wife and children has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2980 First Name La Last Name Jordana Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2981 First Name Maria Last Name Jorge Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. And maid of Cristina Agudo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2982 First Name Juan Last Name Juanes Alias Year 1569 Origin Toledo Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2983 First Name Diego Last Name Juarez Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Tierra Firma Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2984 First Name Francisco Last Name Juarez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Garrovillas Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Son of Hernando Alonso almojarife and Maria Juarez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2985 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Jurado Alias Year 1579 Origin Cordoba Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single.Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2986 First Name Sancho Last Name Jurado Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Jurado and Isabel Hernandez from Merida Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2987 First Name Francisco Last Name Juste Alias Year 1510 Origin Valladolid Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juste Del Estrella and Maria Velazquez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
2988 First Name Alonso Last Name La Barba Alias Year 1579 Origin Cogolludo Guadalajara Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Fr Salvador de Rivera de la Orden de Santiago Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2989 First Name Macias Last Name Labrado Alias Year 1554 Origin Villoria Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Christoval Rodriguez clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2990 First Name Juan Bautista Last Name Lainez Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Juan Sanchez Mejia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2991 First Name Alonso Last Name Larios Alias Year 1577 Origin San Clemente Cuenca Residence Nueva Galicia Occupation Doctor/Clergy and Head of School Sentence Comments Went as Head of School of the Cathedral of Nueva Galicia where he returns Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2992 First Name Juan Last Name Larios Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Zazatulla Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2993 First Name Esteban Last Name Laso Alias Year 1592 Origin Gibraltar Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2994 First Name Francisco Last Name Laso Alias Year 1592 Origin Gibraltar Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2995 First Name Antonio Last Name Lasso de la Vega Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2996 First Name Catalina Last Name Leal Alias Year 1576 Origin Lebrija Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Rui Diaz de Mendoza Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
2997 First Name No first name given Last Name Ledesma Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Velez Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
2998 First Name Maese Antonio Last Name Levantisco Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Calafte Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
2999 First Name Francisco Last Name Leyton Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3000 First Name Richarte Last Name Limon Alias Year 1569 Origin Inglaterra Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3001 First Name Ruicharte Last Name Limon Alias Year 1565 Origin British Residence Asuncion Occupation Blacksmith Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3002 First Name Miguel Last Name Llorente de Tejada Alias Year 1555 Origin Corella Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single. As servant of the Presdent of the Real Audinece D Francisco de Arbizo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3003 First Name Miguel Last Name Llorese Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3004 First Name No first name given Last Name Lobato Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3005 First Name Juan Last Name Locano Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3006 First Name Joan Last Name Lombardero Alias Year 1566 Origin Flemish Residence Asuncion Occupation Lombardero Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3007 First Name Juan Last Name Lombardero Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3008 First Name Andres Last Name Lopes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3009 First Name Diego Last Name Lopes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3010 First Name Diego Last Name Lopes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Silversmith Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3011 First Name Francisco Last Name Lopes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3012 First Name Francisco Last Name Lopes Alias Year 1535 Origin Badajoz Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3013 First Name Hernando Last Name Lopes Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3014 First Name Pero Last Name Lopes Alias Year 1588 Origin Tendilla Guadalajara Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3015 First Name Juan Last Name Lopes Carrasco Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas Del Cultepeque,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3016 First Name Juan Last Name Lopes Duarte Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3017 First Name Alonso Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1569 Origin Cabanillas Residence Trinidad Occupation Labrador/Honorable Sentence Comments Single .Traveled with the Company of the Governor of Trinidad and with the discoverer Juan Ponce de Leob Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3018 First Name Alvar Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Not residing in Los Angeles Occupation Alderman and city council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3019 First Name Alvaro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Ciudad de Los Angeles Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3020 First Name Ana Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3021 First Name Andres Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1579 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Servant De Garci Mendez Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3022 First Name Andres Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3023 First Name Antonio Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1562 Origin Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Geronimo de Soto Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3024 First Name Antonio Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1577 Origin Cadiz/North Africa Arcila Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Noble. Married of Portuguese Parents Old Christian Clean Married in Cadiz to Florentina Juarez in 1558 from Cadiz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3025 First Name Antonio Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1584 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Is in a list of the servants of Virrey Conde Del Villar Don Pardo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3026 First Name Bartolome Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Not residing in Los Angeles Occupation Alderman and City Council Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3027 First Name Beatriz Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Martin and Amor Yañes with the daughter of both,Maria wife of Juan Marquez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3028 First Name Bernabe Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1588 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3029 First Name Blas Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1579 Origin Castro De Caldelas,Galicia Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3030 First Name Catalina Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3031 First Name Cristoval Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3032 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Esquire Sentence Comments Son of Diego Sanchez Pompas and Ines Lopez De Silva Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3033 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Rodrigo Alonso and Maria Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3034 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Badajoz Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Rodriguez and Juan Bernal married to Beatriz Garcia daughter of Pedro de Frias and Maria Hernandez from Badajoz and Francisco her son Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3035 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors and was single Dansele 30 Indios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3036 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1550 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Two brothers travelled together. Single. They were thr nephews pf Gonzalo Lopez General Procurer of Nueva España who was accidentaly in Sevilla and sent the nephews and Gregorio Cetina ( single) to look after his hacienda. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3037 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1551 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Has very few Indians A census or situation of Merida in 1551 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3038 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1566 Origin Toledo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3039 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3040 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Nicaragua Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3041 First Name Domingo Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Socuellamos,Ciudad Real Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Soltero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3042 First Name Domingo Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1586 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme y Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3043 First Name Francisco Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was given 25 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3044 First Name Francisco Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1557 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Isabel Perez de Angel Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3045 First Name Francisco Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1575 Origin Montemayor Cordoba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Alvaro de Caceres Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3046 First Name Francisco Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1586 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married went with his wife wife Ines de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3047 First Name Gabriel Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Vinuesa,Soria Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Soltero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3048 First Name Gaspar Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single went to live with a friend of his Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3049 First Name Guillermo Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1578 Origin Almodovar Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3050 First Name Hernan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1577 Origin Espinosa Leon Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3051 First Name Isabel Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3052 First Name Joan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3053 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin Lopez and Catalina Gonzalez; was together with son Francisco Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3054 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1511 Origin Caravaca Residence Isla de San Juan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Esteban and Catalina de Espinosa from Letur going to La Isla de San Juan Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3055 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Oficial de Paños Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3056 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3057 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1562 Origin Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Geronimo de Soto Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3058 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Luisa Deza and his son in law Diego de Deza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3059 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3060 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1579 Origin Calera Toledo Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3061 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1579 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Single Noble as servant of Garcia de Villafranca Suarez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3062 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1588 Origin Talavera Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Luisa De Perales from Talavera LeridaWas on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3063 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1592 Origin Tendilla Guadalajara Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3064 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom and has 500 Indians n a settlement named Sachita Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3065 First Name Julian Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3066 First Name Luis Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Maria Gutierrez his wife daughter of Juan Cuadro and Isabel Gutierrez from Merida Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3067 First Name Luis Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1512 Origin Merida Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Ruy Martinez and Mari Añes from Merida Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3068 First Name Luis Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3069 First Name Luis Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1578 Origin Montilla Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3070 First Name Maria Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Ruy Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3071 First Name Maria Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went to live with her husband a resident Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3072 First Name Maria Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Maid of Maria De Bocos Sentence Comments Single Old Christia has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3073 First Name Martin Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1553 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his wife and child Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3074 First Name Mencia Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1555 Origin Torrijos Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with her husband who had been there for 8 years also travelled Gabriel Lopez her son Lucia De Espinar his wife and Alonso the son of Both and grandson of Men cia.Juan Lopez, Ines Lopez, servant single and Juan Lopez. Royal ID of Aug 1555 Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3075 First Name Miguel Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1575 Origin Torrijos Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3076 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1512 Origin Alcala de Guadaira Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Pedro Ruiz and Catalina Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3077 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico In the home of Lic Tejada Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3078 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1557 Origin Valladolid Residence Guadalaxara Occupation Sentence Comments Single. travelled as the servant of Antonio Rosales,accountant of the Majesties in that province Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3079 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3080 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1578 Origin Safra Residence Peru Occupation Clergy/Bachelors Degree Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3081 First Name Pero Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Talavera Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3082 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1549 Origin Valderas Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Juan Henriquez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3083 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Luis Hernandez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3084 First Name Martín Last Name López Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Arjonilla, land and bishopric of Jaén Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Ramos and María Jiménez Vela Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3085 First Name Alonso Last Name Lopez Avila Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Archobishop of Santo Domingo Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3086 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Balbas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3087 First Name Blas Last Name Lopez Calzadilla Alias Year 1550 Origin Montanchez Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3088 First Name Inigo Last Name Lopez De Aunubay Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3089 First Name Antono Last Name Lopez De Azuedo Alias Year 1592 Origin Vayona Pontevedra Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3090 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez De Brea Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tratante Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3091 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez de Cabala Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3092 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez De Campo Alias Year 1577 Origin Burgos/Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Went with his brother Juan Lopez single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3093 First Name Antonio Last Name Lopez de Carmona Alias Year 1584 Origin Escañuela Jaen Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Has Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3094 First Name Miguel Last Name Lopez De Ezcamendi Alias Year 1555 Origin Tolosa Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3095 First Name Andres Last Name Lopez de Gamboa y de Ubieta Alias Year 1560 Origin Durango,Vizcaya Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Gamboa and Ybieta Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3096 First Name Hernando Last Name Lopez De Guevara Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Martin de Guevara and Leonor Lopez de Belalcazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3097 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez de Haro Alias Year 1579 Origin Tierra Firme Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Returned with his slave Juan Primero Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3098 First Name Bartolome Last Name Lopez De Heredia Alias Year 1579 Origin Lorca V Sevilla Murcia Residence Tierra Firme y Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3099 First Name Francisco Last Name Lopez de la Mota Alias Year 1566 Origin Alcala La Real Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3100 First Name Rodrigo Last Name Lopez de la Serna Alias Year 1577 Origin Segura de Leon Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Brother of Hernan Lopez Guillern Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3101 First Name Anton Last Name Lopez De Las Higueras Alias Year 1572 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3102 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez De Las Parras Alias Year 1577 Origin Almagro Ciudad Real Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of Bishop de Salamanca Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3103 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez De las Roelas Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3104 First Name Suero Last Name Lopez de Losada Alias Year 1584 Origin Granja de Freyra Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3105 First Name Gregorio Last Name Lopez de Mendizabal Alias Year 1577 Origin Oñate Guipuzcoa Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3106 First Name Catalina Last Name Lopez de Molina Alias Year 1579 Origin Orellana La Vieja Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went as Maid of College Graduate Gaspar Gonzalez Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3107 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez De Ortugueren Alias Year 1592 Origin Lorrequi Loequi Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3108 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez De Quiros Alias Year 1592 Origin Oviedo Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Martha Hernandez from Oviedo Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3109 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez De Rebolledo Alias Year 1557 Origin Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Isabel Perez de Angel Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3110 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez De Rivera Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments From the Order of La Merced Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3111 First Name Diego Last Name Lopez De Salazar Alias Year 1550 Origin Montañes Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3112 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez de Sevilla Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3113 First Name Alonso Last Name Lopez Del Espinar Alias Year 1577 Origin Torrijos Toledo Residence N.R. De Galicia Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3114 First Name Juan Last Name Lopez Del Guerto Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Chile Occupation Servant of Pedro Martin De Villarreal Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3115 First Name Hernan Last Name Lopez Del Rio Alias Year 1576 Origin Castro Doro Residence Nueva España Occupation Page of Juan de Ezquerra Sentence Comments Page,single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3116 First Name Luis Last Name Lopez dela Herrera Alias Year 1576 Origin Jerez de la Frontera Residence Honduras Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single. Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3117 First Name Hernán Last Name López Gentil Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sanlúcar de Barrameda Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Marco López Gentil and Gracia Rodríguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3118 First Name Hernan Last Name Lopez Guillen Alias Year 1577 Origin Segura de Leon Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and college graduate and went with his brother Rodrigo Lopez de la Serna Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3119 First Name Hernan Last Name Lopez Guillen Alias Year 1577 Origin Segura de Leon Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3120 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Heredero Alias Year 1575 Origin Ecija Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Left as servant for the 30 religious that passed to Nicaragua with the Bishop Fr Antonio de Sayas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3121 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Marruquin Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Baeza Occupation Sentence Comments Hidalgo; son of Juan Lopez Marruquin and Francisca Diaz; was together with wife Isabel Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3122 First Name Luis Last Name Lopez Ortiz Alias Year 1549 Origin Plasencia Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Had Royal credentials for him and his servant Hernan Gonzalez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3123 First Name Cristoval Last Name Lopez Pequeño Alias Year 1566 Origin Medina Cidonia Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Cestero Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3124 First Name Anselmo Last Name Lopez Ramirez Alias Year 1576 Origin Fuente La Encima,Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3125 First Name Pedro Last Name Lopez Tinto Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3126 First Name No first name given Last Name Lorenciañes Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Portugues and married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3127 First Name Isabel Last Name Lorenzo Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3128 First Name Juan Last Name Lorenzo Alias Year 1512 Origin Segovia Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Andres Fernandez and Maria Fernandez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3129 First Name Mateo Last Name Lorenzo Alias Year 1561 Origin Osuna Residence Nicaragua Occupation Laborer Sentence Comments Married and travelled with his wofe Juana de Amaya Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3130 First Name Gaspar Last Name Loria Alias Year 1579 Origin Leon Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of the Bishop of Cartagena Fr Juan De Montalvo from the Order of Santo Domingo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3131 First Name Lope Last Name Los Rios Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3132 First Name Alonso Last Name Lozano Alias Year 1562 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3133 First Name Francisco Last Name Lozano Alias Year 1584 Origin Ciudad Real Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3134 First Name Pedro Last Name Lozano Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3135 First Name Fr Miguel Last Name Luca Alias Year 1588 Origin Residence Santa Maria Occupation Clergy Order of San Francisco Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3136 First Name Melchor Last Name Lucar Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme and Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Married Old Christian Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3137 First Name Pedro Last Name Lucas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Servant of Bachiller Antonio Perez Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3138 First Name Domingo Last Name Luis Alias Year 1554 Origin Plasencia Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Diocese of Plasencia Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3139 First Name Maese Last Name Luis Alias Year 1566 Origin Venice Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Calaphate Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3140 First Name Mase Last Name Luis Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3141 First Name Simon Last Name Luis Alias Year 1565 Origin Ribera Residence Asuncion Occupation Carpenter Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion.Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3142 First Name Simon Last Name Luis Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugues Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3143 First Name Simon Last Name Luis Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3144 First Name Maese Last Name Luis Herrero Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Blacksmith Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3145 First Name Flores Last Name Luminador Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3146 First Name Francisco Last Name Luna Infanzon Alias Year 1566 Origin Calatayud Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3147 First Name D Carlos Last Name Luna y Arellano Alias Year 1575 Origin Burgos Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3148 First Name Bernabe Last Name Luxn Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3149 First Name Ambrosio Last Name Luys Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3150 First Name Capitan Last Name Maceta Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3151 First Name Hernando Last Name Macias Alias Year 1563 Origin Badajoz Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3152 First Name Luis Last Name Macias Alias Year 1553 Origin Siete Iglesia,v.Salamanca Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3153 First Name No first name given Last Name Macias Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Had 2 daughters for dowry Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3154 First Name Diego Last Name Maestre Alias Year 1577 Origin Aroche Huelva Residence Popayan Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Fray Jeronimo De Escobar and Fray Jeronimo de Avila de San agustin Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3155 First Name Alonso Last Name Magariño Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and tarvelled as servant of Sancho Sanchez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3156 First Name Gomez Last Name Malaver Alias Year 1553 Origin Jerez de Badajoz Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3157 First Name Alonso Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1511 Origin Salamanca Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Garcia De Ledesma and Doña Aldonza Maldonado Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3158 First Name Alonso Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1554 Origin Salamanca Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3159 First Name Alonso Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme/Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Clean Blood Has genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3160 First Name Antonio Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1553 Origin Villariego Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Travelling with his brother Luis Maldonado from The Audience of Mexco Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3161 First Name Bernardo Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1553 Origin Villariego Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Travelling with his brother Antonio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3162 First Name Francisco Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1565 Origin Salamanca Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3163 First Name Francisco Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1569 Origin Salamanca Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3164 First Name Francsco Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1565 Origin Segovia Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3165 First Name Gaspar Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1553 Origin Villariego Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Travellig with his brother Antonio Madonado Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3166 First Name Gutierre Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 40 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and had sent for his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3167 First Name Juan Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1563 Origin Salamanca Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3168 First Name Luis Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3169 First Name Maria Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1584 Origin Salamanca Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went as servant of Juan del castillo Old Chrsitian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3170 First Name Pedro Last Name Maldonado Alias Year 1588 Origin Castro de Urdiales Santander Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3171 First Name No first name given Last Name Maldonado the elder Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3172 First Name No first name given Last Name Mallorquin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3173 First Name Pedro Last Name Malo Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Cuba Occupation Sentence Comments In the service of Captain Francisco Calvillo Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3174 First Name No first name given Last Name Malvas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3175 First Name No first name given Last Name Manchado Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3176 First Name Diego Last Name Manduca Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3177 First Name Juan Last Name Manrique Alias Year 1567 Origin Sevilla Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3178 First Name Hernan Last Name Manrique de Roxas Alias Year 1568 Origin Indias Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Married Returned and rought his wife Catalina Mexia one son and 3 servants Francisca De Cabañas Maria Ximenez and Maria Hernandez all single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3179 First Name Antonio Last Name Manrrique Alias Year 1592 Origin Zamora Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3180 First Name Ines Last Name Manuel Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Bernardo Ramirez Sentence Comments Treasurer of the Ciudad de los Reyes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3181 First Name Juan Last Name Manuel Alias Year 1563 Origin Caceres Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3182 First Name Juan Last Name Manzanillo Alias Year 1576 Origin Santa Maria La Real Residence Isla Margarita Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3183 First Name Alonso Last Name Manzera Zambrano Alias Year 1576 Origin Puebla de Sancho Perez Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took his wife Ines Sanchez andchildren Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3184 First Name Cristobal Last Name Marchan Alias Year 1577 Origin Azuaga Badajoz Residence Chiapa Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Father Domingo Alba Dominican and other religious of the Same order Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3185 First Name Baltasar Last Name Marco Alias Year 1576 Origin Nueva España Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Came from New Spain where he was from and returned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3186 First Name Pedro Last Name Marco Alias Year 1512 Origin Medinaceli Residence Isla Española Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Marco and Francisca Martinez and Gabriel Miron son of Anton Miron and Angela de Miranda fromMedinaceli Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3187 First Name Diego Last Name Marcos Alias Year 1554 Origin Villoria Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments As servant of Christoval Rodriguez clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3188 First Name Pero Last Name Marcos Alias Year 1534 Origin Santos de Maymona ,Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3189 First Name Fr Jeronimo Last Name Marftin Alias Year 1583 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Agustin Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3190 First Name Ana Last Name Maria Alias Year 1576 Origin Isla Española Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3191 First Name Francisco Last Name Mariana Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisca Mariana Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3192 First Name Lorenzo Last Name Mariana Alias Year 1576 Origin Madrid Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisca Mariana Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3193 First Name Maria Last Name Mariana Alias Year 1576 Origin Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Daughter of Francisca Mariana Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3194 First Name Bartolome Last Name Marin Alias Year 1551 Origin Burguillos Residence Honduras Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3195 First Name Diego Last Name Marin Alias Year 1549 Origin Rivera en Leon Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Sngle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3196 First Name Isabel Last Name Marin Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Pedro Cidiel Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3197 First Name Alonso Last Name Marmolejo Alias Year 1551 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3198 First Name Francisco Last Name Marmolejo Alias Year 1575 Origin Peru Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Servant of Miguel Perez De Salinas Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3199 First Name No first name given Last Name Marmolejo Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3200 First Name Jeronima Last Name Marques Alias Year 1576 Origin Cordoba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3201 First Name Luis Last Name Marques Alias Year 1565 Origin Granada Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3202 First Name Pedro Last Name Marques Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3203 First Name Juan Last Name Marquez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sanlucar Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Luis Marquez and Isabel Vazquez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3204 First Name Luis Last Name Marquez Alias Year 1512 Origin Sevilla Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Collacion of Santa Maria del Barrio de Genova with his Mozo Pedro cde Olivares .Son of Juan De Bertabillo tailor from Palencia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3205 First Name Luys Last Name Marquez Alias Year 1569 Origin Granada Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3206 First Name Jusepe Last Name Marrada Alias Year 1588 Origin Valencia Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3207 First Name No first name given Last Name Martianos Alias Year 1566 Origin Flemish Residence Asuncion Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Captain Alonso Cabrera and his ship Marañona was the same ship as Pedro de Mendoza Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3208 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Splitter Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador Given 40 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3209 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico.En casa de Anton Bravo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3210 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Alias Year 1563 Origin Alia Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3211 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Alias Year 1563 Origin Arroyo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3212 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3213 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Alias Year 1588 Origin Tendilla Guadalajara Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3214 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Alias Year 1592 Origin Arazena Huelva Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Violante de Avila from also from Arazena Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3215 First Name Andres Last Name Martin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Buys and sells used clothes Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3216 First Name Anton Last Name Martin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Sebastian Rodriguez y De Lorena Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3217 First Name Anton Last Name Martin Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Carpenter Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3218 First Name Bartolome Last Name Martin Alias Year 1579 Origin Alcaudete Jaen Residence Costa Rica Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3219 First Name Benito Last Name Martin Alias Year 1548 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España He was single and had royal identification Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3220 First Name Bernabe Last Name Martin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3221 First Name Catalina Last Name Martin Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Widow of Pedro Hernandez Old Christian Clean Bood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3222 First Name Cristobal Last Name Martin Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was one of the Conquistadors that was married to a Local woman of the landDabsele 40 Indios Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3223 First Name Cristobal Last Name Martin Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3224 First Name Cristobal Last Name Martin Alias Year 1579 Origin Zafra Badajoz Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went to Constanza Ramos and children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3225 First Name Damian Last Name Martin Alias Year 1588 Origin Getafe Madrid Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife Ana Ginebez from Oñate Guizpuzcoa they have a daughter one year and a half old whose name was Maria Was on the ship Señora Del Rosario traveled with his wife Beatriz Lopez from Sevilla has 2 chldren the olser one is 4 years old and his name is Juan and the other is 2 and is called Diego On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3226 First Name Diego Last Name Martin Alias Year 1563 Origin Plasencia Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3227 First Name Domingo Last Name Martin Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3228 First Name Elvira Last Name Martin Alias Year 1576 Origin Osuna Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3229 First Name Fernando Last Name Martin Alias Year 1576 Origin Ecija Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single He was one of the 20 men that travelled with Antonio de Andrada Old Christian ean blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3230 First Name Francisca Last Name Martin Alias Year 1576 Origin Ronda Malaga Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Luis Maldonado Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3231 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Palma Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Marftin and Catalina Martin Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3232 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla in Santa Maria La Mayor Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Garcia and Sabina Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3233 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Arroyomolinos in Plasencia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Francisco Marftin Barquero and Mari Sanchez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3234 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tanner Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3235 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1550 Origin Rioseco Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3236 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1555 Origin Cabezabelloza Residence Veracruz Occupation Laborer Sentence Comments Was taken along with 15 other laboraers by Gonzalo de Cordiba to take care of his hacienda Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3237 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1563 Origin Bormujo Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3238 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Alias Year 1572 Origin Sevilla Residence Veragua Occupation Honorable Sentence Comments Single Went as servant of Pedro Godines Osorio Governor of Veragua Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3239 First Name Gomez Last Name Martin Alias Year 1554 Origin Rivera Residence Cartagena de Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Nicolas Beltran Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3240 First Name Ines Last Name Martin Alias Year 1579 Origin Villafranca de la Puente del Arzobispo Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3241 First Name Juan Last Name Martin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Benito Sanchez and his mother Isabel Lopez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3242 First Name Juan Last Name Martin Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3243 First Name Juan Last Name Martin Alias Year 1577 Origin Constantina Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3244 First Name Juan Last Name Martin Alias Year 1592 Origin Getafe Madrid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3245 First Name Lucas Last Name Martin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Salamanca Occupation Sentence Comments Sonof Hernan Garcia and Maria from Salamanca Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3246 First Name Lucas Last Name Martin Alias Year 1512 Origin Salamanca Residence Isla De San Juan Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Garcia and Maria Gonzalez from Salamanca Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3247 First Name Luis Last Name Martin Alias Year 1563 Origin Arroyo De Molino Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3248 First Name Luis Last Name Martin Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3249 First Name Miguel Last Name Martin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Estepa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Miguel Martin and Maria Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3250 First Name Pedro Last Name Martin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Harriero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3251 First Name Pero Last Name Martin Alias Year 1553 Origin Kingdom of Toledo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those from the Armada of Sanabria thattook the Treasurer Joan de Salazar De Espinosa in 1553 as he funded Asuncion Paraguay Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3252 First Name Pero Last Name Martin Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3253 First Name Pero Last Name Martin Alias Year 1566 Origin Almodovar Del Campo en Ciudad Real Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3254 First Name Salvador Last Name Martin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of Juan Bello Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3255 First Name Salvador Last Name Martin Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Labrador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3256 First Name Sebastian Last Name Martin Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3257 First Name Sebastian Last Name Martin Alias Year 1592 Origin Zamora Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3258 First Name Pedro Last Name Martin Aguado Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3259 First Name Francisco Last Name Martin Albarran Alias Year 1552 Origin CastilBlanco Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3260 First Name Cristobal Last Name Martin Camacho Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador Was give 30 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3261 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Martin De Aluora Alias Year 1588 Origin Albacete Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3262 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin De Jerez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that came when the Marques was there and governing it Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3263 First Name Pedro Last Name Martin De la Pava Alias Year 1576 Origin Guadalcanal Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3264 First Name Juan Last Name Martin de Lorca Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3265 First Name Juan Last Name Martin de Miranda Alias Year 1579 Origin Villanueva de la Serena Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Andres de Zamora Sentence Comments Noble and single son of Juan Moreno from Madrid and Catalina Rodriguez de Miranda had a brother in Indias named Martin Miranda.Old Christians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3266 First Name Joan Last Name Martin De ouas Alias Year 1566 Origin Hontihueros Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3267 First Name Diego Last Name Martin De Villalba Alias Year 1512 Origin Villalba Residence Isla Española Occupation Carpinter Sentence Comments Son of Juan Martin and Leonor Gonzales from Villalba Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3268 First Name Juan Last Name Martin de Villanueva Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3269 First Name Pedro Last Name Martin de Villareal Alias Year 1576 Origin Peru and Chile Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Was from Peru and Chile .Went to Spain and returned to Chile in 1576 taking a 14 year old boy with him Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3270 First Name Antonio Last Name Martin De Villarues De Cardona Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Mayor of Mexico Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3271 First Name Juan Last Name Martin De Ynojales Alias Year 1588 Origin Huelva Hinojales Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3272 First Name Juan Last Name Martin Dovas Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3273 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Enamorado Alias Year 1550 Origin Moguer Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Those that entered Peru with Nuflo de Chaves in the year of 50.Married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3274 First Name Anton Last Name Martin Escaso Alias Year 1565 Origin Moguer Residence Asuncion Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3275 First Name Anton Last Name Martin Gutierrez Alias Year 1579 Origin Coria Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3276 First Name Diego Last Name Martin Mercado Alias Year 1592 Origin Jerez Cadiz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3277 First Name Juan Last Name Martin Moreno Alias Year 1577 Origin Segura de Leon Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3278 First Name Anton Last Name Martin Pelada Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3279 First Name Anton Last Name Martin Pelado Alias Year 1566 Origin Jerez Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3280 First Name Cristobal Last Name Martin Valles Alias Year 1592 Origin Veas Granada Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3281 First Name Domingo Last Name Martin Varriga Alias Year 1588 Origin Luzena Cordoba Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3282 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Villarin Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sanlúcar de Barrameda Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Martin Villarin and Maria Gonzalez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3283 First Name Alonso Last Name Martin Zamorano Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 20 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was married to a woman from the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3284 First Name Anton Last Name Martines Caso Alias Year 1569 Origin Mogel Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3285 First Name Alvaro Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1512 Origin Toledo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Alonso Martinez and Violante Hernandez from Toledo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3286 First Name Andres Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Villarejos Logroño Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single Old Christian Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3287 First Name Bautista Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1552 Origin Tiemblo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3288 First Name Calcada Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3289 First Name Cristobal Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments The Mother was Maria Alvarez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3290 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Segovia Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Fernandez and Catalina Martinez with his wife also named Juana Garcia De la Rosa ,daughter if Cataina Sanchez De la Rosa and Pedro, Brother of Juana Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3291 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1512 Origin Lepe Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Diego Martinez Calafate and Violante Rodriguez from Lepe Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3292 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1550 Origin Antequerra Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Servant of the Regidor Alonso Villanueva in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3293 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1553 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Factor Sentence Comments Single and the Factor of Hernando de Armenta and Gonzalo Ruiz Mervhants Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3294 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments The Mother was Maria Alvarez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3295 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Plasencia Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3296 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3297 First Name Dominguez Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1566 Origin Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Mariner Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3298 First Name Eugenio Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3299 First Name Francisca Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3300 First Name Francisco Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1563 Origin Monasteriio Rodilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3301 First Name Francisco Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Rodrigo rtiz Clergy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3302 First Name Francisco Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Muro Alicante Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3303 First Name Francsco Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1512 Origin Alanis Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Martinez el Rico y Teresa Hernandez from Alanis Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3304 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1577 Origin Talavera Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Juan Suarez de Rosa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3305 First Name Hernan Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1512 Origin Guaza en Tierra de Campos Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Hernan Marftinez ad Maria de Fuentes with their brothers Gaspar and Marcos Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3306 First Name Isabel Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3307 First Name Jeronimo Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Tierra Firme y Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3308 First Name Juan Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3309 First Name Juan Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3310 First Name Juan Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments The Mother was Maria Alvarez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3311 First Name Juan Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Villasillos Burgos Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3312 First Name Juana Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1552 Origin Argamasilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with Their Children and greatgrandchldren in search of her husband Alonso Ponce who was absent in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3313 First Name La Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3314 First Name Luis Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1566 Origin Xarahizejo Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3315 First Name Luis Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3316 First Name Maria Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments The Mother was Maria Alvarez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3317 First Name Matheo Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1552 Origin Granada Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with Maria Ramos his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3318 First Name Pablo Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments The Mother was Maria Alvarez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3319 First Name Sebastian Last Name Martinez Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments The Mother was Maria Alvarez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3320 First Name Pedro Last Name Martinez Aguado Alias Year 1575 Origin Casar Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Old Christian clean blood Single travelled as servant of Sancho Sanchez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3321 First Name Pedro Last Name Martinez Carron Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3322 First Name Juan Last Name Martinez de Arbolancha Alias Year 1553 Origin Bilbao Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single.Servant of Jeronimo de Zurbano Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3323 First Name Garcia Last Name Martinez De Cos Alias Year 1562 Origin Santillana Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3324 First Name Martin Last Name Martinez de Echazar Alias Year 1577 Origin Guillerna Alava Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single and 22 years old son of Juan Marftinez de Guillerma and Mari Perez de Echazar Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3325 First Name Sebastian Last Name Martinez de Lorenzana Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3326 First Name Juan Last Name Martinez De Santa Cruz Alias Year 1577 Origin Valcenado Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments List of the Eclesiastical people that went to Peru and other parts of Indias with the Armada of Captain General Don Bartolome De Villavicencio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3327 First Name Diego Last Name Martinez de Zaragoza Alias Year 1579 Origin Cordoba Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Single Went as servant of D.Gonzalez De Eraso Old Christian Has Genealogy Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3328 First Name Alonso Last Name Martyn Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3329 First Name Antonio Last Name Maruan Alias Year 1554 Origin Olmedo Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3330 First Name Cristobal Last Name Masa Alias Year 1535 Origin Genoves Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3331 First Name No first name given Last Name Mata Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3332 First Name Juan Alonso Last Name Matanzas Alias Year 1549 Origin Navamorcuende Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his brother Francisco Manzanas .He was single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3333 First Name Juan Last Name Mateo de Artiaga Alias Year 1579 Origin Dapanzuelo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3334 First Name Ana Last Name Mateos Alias Year 1579 Origin Moguer Huelva Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Married Went to live with his Mother Old Christian Clean Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3335 First Name Juan Last Name Mateos Alias Year 1585 Origin Calzadilla de la Sierra Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3336 First Name Pedro Last Name Mateos Alias Year 1576 Origin Villa Retamal Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3337 First Name Luis Last Name Matheos Alias Year 1553 Origin Santo Domingo Residence Santo Domingo Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3338 First Name No first name given Last Name Matia Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3339 First Name Pedro Last Name Matienzo Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Stonemason Sentence Comments With the task of building churches in Isla Española Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3340 First Name Lazaro Last Name Matosa Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3341 First Name Francisco Last Name Mautines Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3342 First Name Juan Last Name Mayo Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3343 First Name Andres Last Name Mayor Alias Year 1592 Origin Tupiana Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his wife named Isabel Carillo from Ecija Sevilla they have 3 children the oldest is named Diego who Was 10 years old then Andfres who was 6 and the youngest was Lazaro who was 2 . Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3344 First Name Fernando Last Name Mayorca Alias Year 1579 Origin Mexico Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3345 First Name Leon Last Name Mayordamo Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3346 First Name Leon Last Name Mayordomo Alias Year 1569 Origin Del Obispo Natural De Palma De Micersilia Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3347 First Name Juan Last Name Mazqueza Alias Year 1511 Origin Ciudad Rodrigo Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of D Bernardino Mazquesa from Ciudad Rodrigo Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3348 First Name Baltasar Last Name Medina Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3349 First Name Catalina Last Name Medina Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Soltero Went with Andrea Hernandez of Sevilla and both servants of Domingo Lopez. Old Chrsitians with genealogies Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3350 First Name Arias Last Name Mejia Alias Year 1509 Origin Residence Fuente del Maestre Occupation Farmer Sentence Comments Hidalgo; son of Rodrigo Mejia and Juana Rodriguez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3351 First Name Baltasar Last Name Mejia Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Servant of Pedro Suarez de Villena Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3352 First Name Francisco Last Name Mejia Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Sevilla Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Anton Mejia and Violante Gomez Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3353 First Name Elvira Last Name Melendez Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Married and went to Cartagena with 5 children where her husband was Anton de Santa Maria.and old christian of clean blood.The five children were Catalina de Santa Maria,Pedro,Diego,Tomas and Beatriz Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3354 First Name Elvira Last Name Melendez Alias Year 1575 Origin Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Traveleld with her son to love with her husband Anton De Santa Maria her husband who resided in that city Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3355 First Name Lope Last Name Melendez Alias Year 1588 Origin Jijon Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3356 First Name Cristobal Last Name Melgar Alias Year 1576 Origin Burguillos,Toledo Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3357 First Name Alonso Last Name Melgarejo Alias Year 1557 Origin Sevilla Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Married. Travelled with Francisca Ortiz and one daughter Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3358 First Name Nicolas Last Name Melgarejo Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3359 First Name Alonso Last Name Mellado Alias Year 1579 Origin Santa Cruz de la Sierra Caceres Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Page of Domingo Dominguez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3360 First Name Ana Last Name Mende Alias Year 1561 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled in the service of Lic.Francisco de Cardenas and his wife Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3361 First Name Gabriel Last Name Mendes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3362 First Name Pedro Last Name Mendes Alias Year 1569 Origin Portugal Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3363 First Name Pedro Last Name Mendes Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3364 First Name Benito Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence La Puebla Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3365 First Name Fr.Juan Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1572 Origin Residence R.Granada Occupation Priest Sentence Comments Traveled with 50 religious ad 5 servants. The document was crossed out as well as the servants and religious and there is no file to indicate that they really travelled Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3366 First Name Gabriel Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1566 Origin Canary Islands Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3367 First Name Hernan Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Zufre Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Mendez and Luisa Garcia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3368 First Name Juana Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1579 Origin Triana Residence Quito Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took her children to live with her husband Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3369 First Name Luis Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Scribe Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3370 First Name Martin Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Tailor Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3371 First Name Melchor Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1577 Origin Puerto de Santa Maria Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3372 First Name No first name given Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3373 First Name Pedro Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1582 Origin Orense Residence R.Granada Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3374 First Name Pero Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1565 Origin Biceo Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion he was married in the land and was Portugues Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3375 First Name Pero Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1565 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments Was with the expedition of Francsco Ortiz de Vergara that Populated Asuncion Portuguese and married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3376 First Name Romualdo Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Servant of Fernando Duran Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3377 First Name Sebastian Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Official of Cloth Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3378 First Name Blas Last Name Mendez Alias Year 1555 Origin Portillo Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled as the servant of Antonio Diaz Cardoso Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3379 First Name Garcia Last Name Mendez De Moscoso Alias Year 1579 Origin Albuera Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Tiene Genealogia Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3380 First Name Luis Last Name Mendez De Sotomayor Alias Year 1579 Origin Fernan Nuñez Cordoba Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Married to Maria De Aranda Valdivia and took a servant Ana de Cabrera Son of Diego Mendez de Sotomayor and Catalina de Cordoba Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3381 First Name Pedro Last Name Mendez De Moscoso Alias Year 1575 Origin Talavera Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3382 First Name Juan Last Name Mendez Roman Alias Year 1563 Origin Zamora Residence Florida Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Travelled with his brother Pedro Roman single and from Pedrosa. Juan was 28 and Pedro was 23. Legitimate children of Anton Roman and Antonia Mendez Quixada Paternal grandchildre pf Anton Roman and Catalina Rpdriguez and maternal of Juan Mendez and Maria Hernandez All old Christians of the good ones also honorable and Hijosdalgos Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3383 First Name Gaspar Last Name Mendoza Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3384 First Name Sebastian Last Name Mendoza Alias Year 1579 Origin Toledo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3385 First Name Diego Last Name Mesa Alias Year 1579 Origin Sevilla Residence Isla de Cuba Occupation Factor Sentence Comments Single Factor of Pedro Mesa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3386 First Name Doctor Last Name Mesa Alias Year 1576 Origin Alcala la Real Jaen Residence R.Granada Occupation Doctor Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3387 First Name Diego Last Name Mestizo Alias Year 1576 Origin R,Granada Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Married and from Ronda originally and came to R Granada for his wife Catalina Guisado and daughter Isabel both from Ronda Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3388 First Name Alejandro Last Name Mesurado Alias Year 1579 Origin Plasencia Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Single as servant of Diego Martinez Nebrija Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3389 First Name Alonso Last Name Mexia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3390 First Name Alonso Last Name Mexia Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Barber Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3391 First Name Alvaro Last Name Mexia Alias Year 1534 Origin Villafranca Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Peru with the Pizarro and Almagro Conquista Brother of Alonso Serrano Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3392 First Name Catalina Last Name Mexia Alias Year 1550 Origin Valladolid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Travelled with his Father Diego de Monsalve Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3393 First Name Diego Last Name Mexia Alias Year 1563 Origin Ubeda Residence Florida Occupation Sentence Comments Single and Traveled with Luis Vazquez Y Ayllon in the Conquest of Florida Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3394 First Name Mateo Last Name Mexia Alias Year 1579 Origin Alcala De Henares Madrid Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single. Noble Son of Cistobal Mexia de Abendano and Luis Vazquez Old Christians Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3395 First Name Diego Last Name Mexia De Lagos Alias Year 1575 Origin Rivera Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Traveled with his wife Francisca Nuñez Malaver from Rivera Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3396 First Name Juan Last Name Mexia de Lara Alias Year 1585 Origin Ocaña Toledo Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3397 First Name Luis Last Name Mexia de Lara Alias Year 1585 Origin Ocaña Toledo Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments Went with his brother Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3398 First Name Alonso Last Name Mexia Hernando Alias Year 1535 Origin Zafra Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Went to Nueva España Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3399 First Name Luis Last Name Micareo Alias Year 1577 Origin Medina Del Campo Valladolid Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Pedro Suarez Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3400 First Name Diego Last Name Michel Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Zalamea Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Michel De Aloz and Mayor De Leon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3401 First Name Juan Last Name Michel Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Zalamea Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Michel De Aloz and Mayor De Leon Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3402 First Name Esteban Last Name Miguel Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with the Marques Del Valle Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3403 First Name Francisco Last Name Miguel Alias Year 1588 Origin Consuegra Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3404 First Name Mastre Last Name Miguel Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Was given 20 Indians Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was not married Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3405 First Name Alonso Last Name Minguez Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente Novilla Madrid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3406 First Name No first name given Last Name Moguera Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3407 First Name Pedro Last Name Molano Alias Year 1576 Origin Garrovillas Badajoz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3408 First Name Anton Last Name Molina Alias Year 1579 Origin Valdagorta Residence Peru Occupation Servant of Lic Pedro Alvarez Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3409 First Name Maria De Indias Last Name Molina Alias Year 1553 Origin Tierra Firme Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Sentence Comments Widow and returns to Tierra Firme Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3410 First Name No first name given Last Name Molina Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3411 First Name Ortis Last Name Molina Deitapua Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3412 First Name Leonor Last Name Monardes Alias Year 1575 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3413 First Name Bartolome Last Name Mondragon Alias Year 1575 Origin Talavera Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single and servant of Diego de Roa Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3414 First Name Leonardo Last Name Mondragon Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3415 First Name No first name given Last Name Monos Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Laundry Man Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3416 First Name No first name given Last Name Monroy Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Los Remedios Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom Has a town named Dioseos ad was given 100 homes of ndians more or less Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3417 First Name Antonio Last Name Montalvo Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Single.came from Peru and returned Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3418 First Name Francisco Last Name Montalvo Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was given 30 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3419 First Name Luis Last Name Montalvo Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3420 First Name Diego Last Name Montañez Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Capitan/Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom He was a wealthy man Had 500 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3421 First Name Vasualdo Last Name Montañez Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence La Plata Occupation Sentence Comments On the List of those that travelled with Don Pedro De Mendoza Governor and Live in La Plata Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3422 First Name Pedro Last Name Monte Alias Year 1557 Origin Riazza Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3423 First Name Gaspar Last Name Monteagudo Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3424 First Name No first name given Last Name Monteagudo Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Tunja Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List made by Don Gonzalo Ximenes De Quesada Discoverer and Conquistador from El Nuevo Reino de Granada that passed with him to the Conquistaof This Kingdom has two settlements with more than 400 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3425 First Name Nicolas Last Name Montenengro Alias Year 1577 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3426 First Name Diego Last Name Montero Alias Year 1500s Origin Residence Guaxaca Occupation Conquistador Sentence Comments List of the Conquistadores,Discovereres and those that populated that passed with Panfilo De Narvaes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3427 First Name Hamisco Last Name Montezuela Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3428 First Name Francisco Last Name Montiba Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3429 First Name No first name given Last Name Montoya Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3430 First Name Bartolome Last Name Morales Alias Year 1579 Origin San Cristobal De Habana Residence Peru Occupation Regidor Sentence Comments Came from Cuba with his Servant Gonzalo who wasblack Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3431 First Name Pedro Last Name Morales Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3432 First Name Pedro Last Name Morales Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3433 First Name Francisco Last Name Moran Alias Year 1579 Origin Nueva España Residence R.Granada Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3434 First Name Garcia Last Name Moran Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was given 25 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3435 First Name No first name given Last Name Moran Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3436 First Name Hernando Last Name Morano Alias Year 1512 Origin Belalcazar Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Martin Alonso Morano and Juana Garcia from Belalcazar Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3437 First Name Fr Jeronimo Last Name Morante Alias Year 1585 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Order of San Agustin Sentence Comments Went with Fr Hernando de Revollo Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3438 First Name Fr Francisco Last Name Morar Alias Year 1586 Origin Residence Tierra Firme Occupation Dominican Clergy Sentence Comments Went with Fr Juan Mansilla Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3439 First Name Eugenio Last Name Moratilla Alias Year 1579 Origin Lupiana Guadalajara Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Licenciado Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3440 First Name Cristobal Last Name Morejon Alias Year 1592 Origin Fuente de Cantos Badajoz Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Went wth his wife Ana de Castro from Fuente de Cantos Travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3441 First Name No first name given Last Name Morel Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3442 First Name Pero Last Name Morel Alias Year 1554 Origin Granada Residence Asuncion,Paraguay Occupation Master of Artillery Sentence Comments Those That entered with the Bishop Don Pedro Dela Torre from Barca Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3443 First Name Crisobal Last Name Morena Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Shoemaker Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3444 First Name Alonso Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Estepa Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Moreno and Marina Ruiz Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3445 First Name Andres Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Merida Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Andres Moreno and Beatriz Martin from Merida Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3446 First Name Antonio Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1576 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3447 First Name Baltasar Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1557 Origin Sevilla Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3448 First Name Benito Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1575 Origin Caceres Residence Filipinas Occupation Sentence Comments Single As servant of Francisco Medrano Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3449 First Name Diego Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1552 Origin Puente De Arzobispo Residence Cartagena Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3450 First Name Pedro Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1512 Origin Santos de Maimona Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Son ofJuan Moreno and Elvira Rodriguez from Santos de Maimona his wife Isabel de Cardenas his wife daughter of Alonso Rodriguez and Leonor de Zebrina,Pedro Ramos from Usagre son of Juan Ramos Yuste Son of Usagre Pedro from Toledo son of Pedro Matute and Teresa Rodriguez,Juan Galego and Teresa de Villafranca Rodrigo de Ovando Negro Horro San Martin Natural de Medellin son of Pedro de San Martin and Juana Gonzalez and Pedr,Imdian their servant Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3451 First Name Pedro Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1552 Origin Niebla Residence Santa Marta Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3452 First Name Pedro Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1588 Origin Llerena Badajoz Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3453 First Name Pero Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1510 Origin Residence Occupation Sentence Comments Was together with servants Alvar Sanchez De Sepulveda, Hernan Garcia, Garcia De la Bastida and Juan De Heredia Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3454 First Name Pero Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Cogolludo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Moreno and Maria Moreno both from Carrascosa , land of the Marquez of Cañete Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3455 First Name Francisco Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1566 Origin Lora Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived. Married in Spain Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3456 First Name Isabel Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1576 Origin Mexico Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3457 First Name Juan Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3458 First Name Juan Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1577 Origin Sevilla Residence Nicaragua Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3459 First Name Lucas Last Name Moreno Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3460 First Name Torivio Last Name Moreno De Bustos Alias Year 1573 Origin Residence Chile Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that had a License to pass with arms under the flag Came with 12 people Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3461 First Name No first name given Last Name Moreno De Lora Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3462 First Name Juan Last Name Moreno Vizcayno Alias Year 1588 Origin Esveda Residence Provincias/Torbay,England Occupation Sentence Comments Single and was on the ship Señora Del Rosario Took a ship named Señora Del Rosario and brought a group with him On 1 August 1588, Nuestra Señora del Rosario was taken in an action by the English second rate, Revenge in the English Channel and sent into Torbay England Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3463 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Moriel Alias Year 1592 Origin Trigueros Valladolid Residence Indias Occupation Sentence Comments Single and travelled on the ship named Señora De La Concepcion to Indias Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3464 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Morillo Alias Year 1576 Origin Belalcazar Cordoba Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Servant of Juan Rubio Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3465 First Name Garcia Last Name Mosquera Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people who came from Rio de la Plata Del Peru to Asuncion Written By Francisco Ortiz De Vergara who said he took them out himself Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3466 First Name No first name given Last Name Mota Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3467 First Name Juan Last Name Motanes Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3468 First Name Moreno Last Name Mozo de Espeulas Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3469 First Name Jose Last Name Muñiz Alias Year 1576 Origin Bañeza Leon Residence Los Reyes Occupation Sentence Comments Single and went as servant of the Treasurer Bernardo Ramirez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3470 First Name Andres Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1535 Origin Olmeda Residence Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3471 First Name Baltasar Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3472 First Name Bartolome Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Agujero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3473 First Name Benito Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador was given 20 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3474 First Name Damian Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1566 Origin Behar Residence Buenos Aires Rio de la Plata Occupation Sentence Comments Those that survived the Armada in front with Cabeza de Vaca .Many died He survived.Married in the land Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3475 First Name Damian Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1569 Origin Residence Asuncion Occupation Sentence Comments List of the people that stayed in Asuncion Given by Ortiz Vergara Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3476 First Name Diego Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1563 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Took his wife Luisa Nuñez and his children Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3477 First Name Francisco Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1535 Origin Guadacanal Residence Minas del Taxco,Mexico Occupation Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3478 First Name Francisco Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1563 Origin Zalameda De La Serena Residence Yucatan Occupation Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3479 First Name Francisco Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Santa Maria Occupation Mason Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3480 First Name Gaspar Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3481 First Name Gonzalo Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Gumiel de Mercado Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Gonzalo de Muñoz and Juana, he went to the island of San Juan. Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3482 First Name Juan Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1535 Origin Residence Mexico Occupation Harriero Sentence Comments Memory given by the Bishop Al Virrey y Oidores de la Audiencia.Those that are married and without their wives in Mexico Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3483 First Name Juan Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1566 Origin Jerez de La Frontera Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Came as servant of Pedro De Alvarado Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3484 First Name Juan Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1570 Origin Xerez De la Frontera,Cadiz Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Single. As servant of D Pedro Alvarado de la Cueva Noble and Clean Generation Old Christian and son of Francisco Mellado and Ana Hernandez paternal grandson of Gonzalo Asencio and Isabel Hernandez and maternal of Juan Muñoz and Maria Hernandez all from Jerez Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3485 First Name Juan Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1576 Origin Villafranca de la Puente del Arzobispo Residence Peru Occupation Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3486 First Name Juan Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1577 Origin Girindote Residence Nueva España Occupation Servant of Francisco Del Carpio Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3487 First Name Juan Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1511 Origin Residence Retortillo Occupation Sentence Comments Son of Juan Muñoz and Catalina his wife Reference Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias Don Cristobal Bermudez Plata Sevilla 1940 Volumen 1 (1509-1534)
3488 First Name Maria Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1576 Origin Osuna Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Noble Sentence Comments Widowed went with Elvira Martin single from Sevilla as servants of Juan Lopez Maria was the wife of Gonzalo Hernandez who had died son of hijosdalgos and sister of Ana Munoz from Osuna Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3489 First Name Martina Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1534 Origin Residence Los Angeles in the New World Occupation Sentence Comments Was in Los Angeles in the New World in 1534 and was married to a Spanish or Castillian woman and was not a onquistador lived with 3 small daughters and was given 20 Indians Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3490 First Name Pedro Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1571 Origin Santa Marta, Colombia Residence Tayrona,Colombia Occupation Soldier Sentence Comments Was one of the Spanish soldiers that left from the city of Santa Marta going to the Population of Tayrona with General Francisco Gonzalez de Castro.He was an archer Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3491 First Name Pedro Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1576 Origin Santa Maria La Real Residence Isla Margarita Occupation Carpenter Sentence Comments Single was servant of Fray Juan Manzanillo from La ordende Santiago Old Christian Clean Blood Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II
3492 First Name Pedro Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1576 Origin Sevilla Residence Nueva España Occupation Sentence Comments Married Took his wife Elvira Barriga and his brother Melchor De Los Reyes Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3493 First Name Pero Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1560 Origin Aracena Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo 1 Luis Rubio Y Moreno
3494 First Name Alonso Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1588 Origin Manzanilla Huelva Residence Peru Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3495 First Name Luis Last Name Muñoz Alias Year 1579 Origin Residence Nueva España Occupation Clergy Sentence Comments Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3496 First Name Pedro Last Name Muñoz Arrisaga Alias Year 1582 Origin San Juan de Ulua Residence España Occupation Sentence Comments Came with a large group of passengers in that year that went with merchandise from San Juan de Ulua to Spain as per an order from His Majesty.San Juan de Ulua on the Coast of Mexico is an Island with Fortresses Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial
3497 First Name Francisco Last Name Muñoz Centeno Alias Year 1579 Origin Villagracia v Sevilla Badajoz Residence Peru Occupation Merchant Sentence Comments Single Reference Coleccion De Documentos Ineditos para La Historia De Hispano-America Tomo VIIII Pasajeros a Indias Tomo XIII Luis Rubio Y Moreno Volumen II Memorial